Gil och Chaske
Gil (Billy Black)

Q: What's this movie like compared to the first movie. What's the production been like overall?
Gil: It's much larger (laughs) I'll tell you that. I don't know. That's a good question. How was it different? Being in Vancouver is slightly different. You know the cast members are still like a family. You take a little break, and you're back together again. So, it picks up where we left off.
You know they found such a great location to-look at that house-(indicates the newly created Bella's house set) it looks like the other one exactly.
You know I'm not here that much. I just got in this weekend. So this is my first day on-I was here a couple of weeks ago when we did the shoot (speaking of scenes shot at the Black House location). Now I'm here for today and I'm gone tomorrow. So, I don't know whether I'm in a position to tell you if there is a whole lot of difference.
Q: The weather better?
Gil: The weather is nice. The restaurants are great
Chaske (Sam)

Q: Why are you working out so much between takes? Is the workout regimen that strenuous?
Chaske: It's cold outside, it's basically just survival in the weather.
Q: What was your casting process like?
Chaske: It was a long casting process with Rene Haynes. It lasted several months, but when they decided on me it was just two weeks before I was on set.
Q: Have you read any of the Twilight books?
Chaske: I have read up to Eclipse and New Moon is my favorite. I read the book first and then the script!
Q: So what was it like working with Chris Weitz?
Chaske: He's a "laid back director" and one "cool dude!" He's a "guy's guy" and is a lot of fun to hang out with.
Q: What's your favorite scene so far?
Chaske: The scene where Bella confronts the wolfpack. "It was pretty epic".
Q: How did the wolf pack bond together?
Chaske: We were all rooming in the same hotel, so we always saw each other. We trained together and hung out together playing basketball. We knew we "needed to be a band of brothers" on screen, so we tried to bond on and off screen. We made sure that we would go to meals together and sit as a family.
Q: What do you do when you're not shooting?
Chaske: I train a lot and explore Vancouver.
Q: How has the role changed you?
Chaske: So far, it hasn't really.
Q: What was it like dealing with the press and the new found fame?
Chaske: I didn't really know what to expect, but "it's been surreal". When there are too many press around, "I just put on my sunglasses and hoodie, and I get my Jason Bourne on. I sneak off into the sunset."
Q: Did you do any research on the Quileute people? Can you tell us about the pack tattoo?
Chaske: I didn't have as much time to research as I would have liked because everything happened so fast. I only had two weeks , I did a little bit of research. The tattoo is a circle with two wolves based on a Quileute legends.
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Boo Boo intervju
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Info: Idag kommer det inte många uppdateringar. Åker till Sthlm nu, och sedan så ska jag till ett party som håller på till sent på kvällen.
Peter donerar blod
Visst är han snäll, vår Peter?Peter Facinelli took time out of preparing for Eclipse to fly from Vancouver out to Virginia to hang out with fans and raise money for the American Red Cross. After donating blood earlier in the morning, Facinelli spent over 4 hours signing autographs and taking photos with fans in Virginia Beach's Pembroke Mall. He later agreed to stay past the originally scheduled time so that he could see the thousands of fans that were still waiting in line.
After the event was all said and done, Peter tweeted the following:"Thanks to all the fans who came to see me in Virginia today. The Red Cross collected over 100 pints of blood. Double what they expected."

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Info från mig:
Idag började skolan, så jag kommer inte att uppdatera lika ofta, men försöker såklart så gott jag kan så det blir ju minst en uppdatering per dag iallafall.
OCH, det här är mitt 200:e inlägg här!
Jodelle Ferland är Team Edward
"I'm allowed to tell people that I play a vampire who has just been turned," the 14-year-old Canadian actress tells me. "In other words, I'm a newborn vampire. I'm not allowed to say the name of the character."
So if she won't say whether her character is Team Edward or Team Jacob, what's her pick in real life?
It's Team Edward all the way for Jodelle.
Keep reading to find out why...
"I just think if maybe Jacob had been introduced first then everybody would like him better," she said. "It just seems that since Edward was the first one to be with Bella, people want him to stay with her. So, you know, that's the character that you start to like first! And then Jacob comes into the picture and everybody's like, ‘Oh, no! Stay with Edward.'"

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Michael Welsh svarar på fanfråga

Ah-nell-ee: If you met Bella in real life, what would you say to her? What would you say to Edward?
Michael Welch: I would tell Bella, "Listen girl. I know you're caught up in this supernatural love triangle, but why don't you give Mike Newton a shot? If the werewolf represents the stable option in your life, and the vampire is constantly fighting the urge to drain you of your precious blood, maybe you need broaden your horizons a bit and consider dating a HUMAN BEING! Just a thought.
"Oh! By the way, did you know that Kristen Stewart is playing you in the 4-part bio-pic of your life? Pretty cool huh?... What do you mean you've never heard of her? You haven't seen that terrible movie Panic Room?... Well, what about Into the Wild, In the Land of Women, or The Messengers?... Wow, you need to get out more, Arizona. I'm gonna make you a list of films. You ever seen The Usual Suspects?... No?? Oh boy! You're in for a treat! Come on, I'll buy you a soda, then we're renting some movies!!"
I would tell Edward, "Thanks a lot buddy! You've raised the bar to such unreasonable heights, the rest of us guys don't stand a chance. We can't sparkle you jerk! Not even Efron can sparkle. How do you think that makes him feel, huh??... Oh great, now you're making Zac Efron cry Edward! You proud of yourself, huh, you feel like a big man?... Shhh, it's ok Zac. I'm here for you pumpkin. Great, now I have to give him his juice box... And for goodness sake, would you take Bella out to see some movies? Rent Casablanca or something, or at least take her out to see The Hangover. Jeeze- louise Ed!"
Han fick många roliga frågor :)
Kolla in resten här.
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Catalina Sandino Moreno som Maria?

"Eclipse" has found its Maria, and she's full of grace.
Producers on Summit's third "Twilight" pic have cast Catalina Sandino Moreno, best-known for playing the title character in the indie drama "Maria Full of Grace," to play the vampire character of Maria.
The CAA-repped actress will take on the role of a woman who tries to create a newborn army of vampires, recruiting the Confederate soldier Jasper to her cause. In Stephenie Meyer's book, the character is described as a petite brunette with a soft voice.
The Colombian-born Sandino Moreno most notably starred in "Grace," in which she played a pregnant teacher who becomes a drug mule, as well as Steven Soderbergh's epic "Che" and the upcoming indie drama "Frail," in which she plays the title character, who's described as a naive Midwestern girl.
The actress joins an "Eclipse" ensemble that -- in addition to stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner -- includes Jack Huston as a human who lived during the Great Depression, Xavier Samuel as a newborn vampire named Riley and Bryce Dallas Howard as the villainous Victoria, The actress replaces Rachel Lefevre last month in what amounted to a controversial casting switch.
"Eclipse," directed by David Slade, begins shooting next week in Vancouver.
Så vad säger ni?
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Anna Kendricks födelsedag

Intervju med Jodelle Ferland

The 14-year-old Vancouverite has just landed a coveted role in Eclipse, the third film in the series. Since seeing the first film with friends and auditioning for the role, she borrowed and read all four books.
"I hadn't heard much about Twilight when it first came out," she said in a phone interview from Playland.
"I'm home-schooled so sometimes I don't hear about things like that," she said. "But my friends were all freaking out about Twilight and I was like 'What's that?'"
"I'm so excited," giggled Ferland. "It's not that I didn't think I would get the role, it's just that things like this never happen. I'm still having a hard time believing it."
Eclipse will be Ferland's second time working with Twilight star Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, the mortal teen who falls for vampire Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson.
Stewart and Ferland appeared in The Messengers, a film about children who can see otherwise invisible supernatural horrors.
Ferland concedes she is often cast in horror films and television shows with a supernatural angle. Indeed, her list of acting credits is long as her arm.
"I've never played a vampire before so I am really excited about that," she said.
Jodelle är verkligen en jättesöt tjej, så jag tror att hon kommer att passa bra!
Läs hela intervjun här.
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Fyra till från Glamour
Ytterligare fyra bilder från Glamour på Rachelle, Noot, Nikki och Ashley.
Rachelle Lefevre
Noot Seear
Nikki Reed
Ashley Greene
Bilden på Ashley har jag ju redan visat, men den här är utan texten.
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Christian Serratos om allt möjligt
Här är en intervju MTV gjorde med Christian Serratos, på TwiCon. Lite blandade frågor.

MTV: What do you have in your "Twilight" clothes collection? '
Serratos: I have a lot of "Twilight" gear. I love the hoodies that say "vampires" and "werewolves," but I refuse to get one because I can't choose; I have to have them both. I have the Team Edward T-shirt, but I also have Team Jacob.
MTV: Why is there no "Team Human" stuff?
Serratos: That's what I'm saying! I think we should take it into our own hands.
MTV: What kind of merchandise would you like to see for Angela, Mike and the other humans?
Serratos: Probably it would be an imitation of my glasses? ... [It would be easy] going to a convention where you have to dress up, and you're like "Oh, I am dressed up!" "No you're not!" "Yes I am. I'm a human!"
MTV: OK, so let's talk "New Moon" a little bit. How was the shoot?
Serratos: Chris [Weitz] was amazing, like, fantastic. I was really happy working with him. We shot in Vancouver [British Columbia], which was a good change from Portland [Oregon]. I love the city Portland, and I've been back there since, but in Vancouver the weather was a lot better, and I didn't wanna die at the end of the day, because it wasn't extremely cold. I'm excited to go film "Eclipse." That's gonna be next month already - they are already cranking it out.
MTV: And they'll be shooting that in Vancouver as well?
Serratos: Yeah. I haven't read the script yet. I didn't bring my laptop with me, so I saw it on my phone - on my e-mail - and I was like, "I wish I could download this as an attachment, but I can't!"
Läs hela intervjun här.
Intervju med Noot Seear
Noot spelar Heidi i New Moon, medlem i The Volturi.

Had you read the Twilight books before you went out for the part?
No, actually. And even though the first movie had come out by the time I heard about the role, I still didn't have a clear idea what a huge production this was and what an insane cult following it has. It didn't quite hit me until Comic-Con. I mean, people slept outside overnight just to get a glimpse of the cast, and then, you know, we go into this auditorium, and screen a clip of the movie, and the fans are just screaming, like, the loudest noise I've ever heard. And the screaming would die down for a minute, and then Rob [Pattinson] would brush his hair out of his eyes or something, and that's all it would take for the screaming to start up again.
Do you look at Robert Pattinson and think, yikes, that's going to be my life in a few months?
I'm not sure it will be the same thing. My part is relatively small, and then I'm not coming back until the fourth film, so I'd like to think I can stay under-the-radar. All that fame, I mean, I know it's something Rob has been struggling with, because it happened so quickly to him and in such a massive way. I like being able to walk down my street without being recognized, and I don't like people knowing my business. So what I'd prefer, rather than go for some big blockbuster after this, is to build my career up slowly, with some indies, things like that. Good scripts, good directors. I've managed to have a lot of longevity as a model because I never got overexposed. I'm hoping I can have the same kind of career as an actress.
Wait-so you've read the Twilight books by now, undoubtedly?
I read them on airplanes. I think there's something about flying that heightens emotion, because I was literally crying the whole way through each of those books. Flying and crying. I'm sure people thought I was crazy.
Läs resten av intervjun här.
Twilight beauty

Från nmm:
Some of the New Moon gals are in the newest issue of Glamour magazine, and they posed for this gorgeous new photo for an article on "Twilight Beauty". Nikki Reed, Rachelle LeFevre, Ashley Greene and Noot Seear make up the beauts.
Ja, de var riktigt fina, tycker inte ni det?
För er om undrar, Noot Seear spelar Heidi i New Moon.
Jackson om födelsedagsscenen
MTV: The birthday scene is certainly a very pivotal moment in the "Twilight" universe. Kellan, Peter and others have told me they had to restrain you during takes. How method did you get?
Rathbone: Yeah, I was going pretty method. We choreographed it - so I wasn't too worried about attacking Kristen - but I told the guys to hold me back, because you want it to look real. You want it to be as real as possible, because you want that to transfer on film, and you want the audience to feel that frightened sense that I gave Kristen. I felt really bad, man. There was a couple of moments where she was like, "I thought you were going to hit me that time!" I come so close; it's pretty intense.
MTV: We also see you flying into the piano.
Rathbone: Yeah, there's a grand piano. I felt bad about that - as a music lover, you can't destroy a piano. It's gorgeous. It's begging to be played. But it looks good on film.
MTV: Did you do your own stunts?
Rathbone: It was a breakaway, actually. They wouldn't let me hit the actual piano. I did everything but the landing in the piano. I hit Edward, he knocks me back. It was funny, when we were filming, they had stunt guys following me with pads because I had to run into Edward, and then as soon as we connected, I had to jump myself back ... then they had a stunt guy crash into the breakaway piano, and then they cut to me coming up out of the piano and charging her.
Läs hela intervjun här.
Jackson och Peter om Bryce / Rachelle
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Kellan Lutz, mer lik en varg?

"I'm definitely more of a ‘Jacob,' " he says of the character, who has an unrequited love for protagonist Bella. "A girl once broke up with me 11 times, and I just kept right at it. I'd sent her candy, flowers, everything. I'm really persistent."
Vad tror ni? Kan Kellan kanske vara en vargman istället för vampyr?
Källa: NMM
Jackson ger en tjej sin sista önskan
The actor, who played Jasper Hale in the vampire love story, spends his spare time performing with two friends in the rock group 100 Monkeys. And when Rathbone heard that a Twilight fan is suffering from terminal cancer, he vowed to make her dreams come true.
He's offered to let 14-year-old Dorothy hang out backstage with the band at Saturday's show in Dallas, Texas - and the star is convinced the selfless act is the least he could do.
The 24 year old says, "We're all very lucky people and helping others makes us who we are."

Så snällt gjort. Så glad tjejen måste ha blivit.
Källa: TN
Jamie Campbell Bower
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Rachelle om rollbytet
Här pratar Rachelle om rollbytet i Eclipse. Hon är lika chockad som alla andra.
"I was stunned by Summit's decision to recast the role of Victoria for ‘Eclipse,'" Rachelle said in a statement to Access Hollywood.
On Tuesday, Summit announced that Bryce Dallas Howard would be taking on the role in "Eclipse," due in May 2010.
"I was fully committed to the ‘Twilight' saga, and to the portrayal of Victoria," Rachelle continued, explaining the turn of events that led to the casting change. "I turned down several other film opportunities and, in accordance with my contractual rights, accepted only roles that would involve very short shooting schedules. My commitment to ‘Barney's Version' is only ten days. Summit picked up my option for ‘Eclipse.' Although the production schedule for ‘Eclipse' is over three months long, Summit said they had a conflict during those ten days and would not accommodate me. Given the length of filming for ‘Eclipse,' never did I fathom I would lose the role over a 10 day overlap. I was happy with my contract with Summit and was fully prepared to continue to honor it. Summit chose simply to recast the part."
The star concluded her statement with a regretful tone.
"I am greatly saddened that I will not get to complete my portrayal of Victoria for the ‘Twilight' audience. This is a story, a theatrical journey and a character that I truly love and about which I am very passionate. I will be forever grateful to the fan support and loyalty I've received since being cast for this role, and I am hurt deeply by Summit's surprising decision to move on without me. I wish the cast and crew of ‘Eclipse' only the very best," she said.
Rachelle will appear in the series' next film, "New Moon," due Nov. 20.
Nikki och Kellan
Nikki says....they never put me in scenes with out this guy and points to Kellan. Kellan takes it upon himself to playfully grab Nikki and give her an Emmett style hug at the Twilight Experience.
Visst är de söta?