Dakota gillar att spela ond
And both Dakota and Rob Pattinson laughed about their pale skin in the movie:
… Robert Pattinson kept his skin fair for the shooting of the movie — and tells “Extra” he thinks it’s funny that his pale disposition, once considered sickly, makes girls swoon. “It’s funny. People were like, ‘He looks like a junkie.’ And now, ‘Oh, he’s so good looking!’”
Källa: TTS
Intervju med Kristen och Taylor
Kristen Stewart
Kristen, how was the filming of New Moon?
Very different from the first time! In Twilight you were supposed to see the emerging love from Bella to Edward. Here’s it’s the complete opposite because Edward is almost not there the entire time. It’s very interesting to me because I can get into another side of the character.
What changes in Bella in this second episode?
It’s the complete drama. Edward leaves her with little explanation. She doesn’t understand why they are separating. She’s in a terrible state and starts questioning her own life. Plus, she starts using Jacob who is trying to console her. The love triangle between Edward, Jacob and Bella is something very interesting to play.
We had lots of fun on the set because we’ve managed to keep the same mood.
In New Moon, Bella gets closer to Jacob. What do you think of Taylor’s evolution?
It’s completely hallucinating. It was hard to recognize him as the same guy who walked in the first day of the filming of Twilight. It was crazy to see all his energy and hunger to win. It wasn’t certain that he would come back for this movie and still he found it necessary to keep in shape.
Even if you’ve played different roles before Twilight, this is when you became a star. How are you living this new status?
I don’t care about becoming a star. This doesn’t mean I hate it if I’m recognized on the streets, of course. But it’s real pleasure for me to act. Is what interests me in life: giving life to fictional characters. And no one can tell me that it’s an easy job. I get up every morning at 6 AM with dozens of hours of filming ahead. It’s really hard. But beyond the celebrity, what touches me deeply is the feeling that we give to the public. I share with all my fans a really intense relationship, is almost stronger than love.
People say you have a relationship woth Robert Pattinson. Is this true?
Oh no not again this question! (laughs) I know everyone wishes we were together right now. But we’re not. We’re just friends, that’s all. Many girls persue Rob and they are very jealous. But no, I’m not going out with him. (<-- ?!)
Taylor Lautner
Can you tell us about Jacob and his personality that is a bit schizophrenic?
In the fist movie we really don’t get why Jacob doesn’t like Edward. Everybody thinks he’s just jealous, when in reality, he’s part of the Quileute tribe who have a very special power: they transform into werewolves. And he transforms into a very aggresive werewolf. He bursts into his wild side in this second installment and shows that he can be very violent. It’s a great role to play because he has so many different expressions.
In this second movie your character takes on a different layer. Yet there were rumors starting. Did you have to fight for this role?
Frankly, I had no idea it would be this hard! I knew I had to gain muscle mass. So when I finished Twilight I srtarted working out. I followed the advice of a specialist coach. I had to gain weight and volume, and lose the puny side from the first movie. I really did sweat. But the result is that I have at least gained more than 15 kg of muscle. My friends can’t recognize me. This is very important for my character.
And eventhough Bella is torn and still in love with Edward, she is very attracted to Jacob. When I read the books, I was sad for Jacob; he can never get what he wants. I really understand what he feels.
You met real Indians Quileute?
Yes, that’s part of my job! I met the members of the Quileute tribe during filming. It was really amazing because they are very close in real life to what they are in the film. I mean, they do not transform themselves into werewolves (laughs)
They just do not need to talk a lot to understand. it’s really intense. If, for example, the bin is full, they empty it. I spent a lot of time with them, discussing their worldview and cosmology. It is really interesting. I really hope the film will help them know I made many friends among them.
I’m seeing them again to continue our discussions. It was very informative.
How has Twilight changed your life?
People recognize me on the street (laughs). No, what really is funny is to see the change between the two films and public’s reaction, first dan, I was ugly, and now I am a little less. In the first I was ugly, in this I’m a little less ugly. And more girls look at me, that’s very cool!
Källa: TCA
Musikvideo med Hilary Duff och Kellan Lutz
Källa: TTS
Kellan i Doggie Aficionado
Kellan finns på omslaget för Doggie Aficionado.
Kellan om första mötet med hunden Kola.
“She looked me in the eyes, bowed and slowly and softly licked my open hand. As I pet this beautiful dog I realized how soft her multi-colored coat was, and felt her desperation for a real home. Our connection was so strong that it was like fate bringing us together. I knew she was the one.”
Källa: NMM
Jodelle i Silent hill
Dakota på femman
Jodelle Ferland's egna teckningar
Visst är hon duktig?
Tack till tts
Christian Serratos
Idag får vi säga Grattis till Christian som fyller 19 år idag!
Grattis önskar imacullen!
Christian om Eclipse
Mike Welch och Christian Serratos på grand opening party för Mi-6 Nightclub i West Hollywood.
Christian gave some Eclipse deets -
On her favorite scene in the film: “When Bella, who’s played by Kristen Stewart, helps Angela address graduation invitations and opens up about Edward wanting her to stay away from dangerous Jacob.”
On the prep time for her character, Angela: “I spend about an hour and a half in hair and makeup. I get really anxious and want to jump right into my scenes.”
On the new actors in the flick: “Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel [right] are really great to have on set. Everyone is so professional and nice. It’s become a really huge, fun family.”
On what she does during her off time on set: “I brought Titanic with me this time. I’ve also been listening to a lot of MIA.”
On who hangs out with who: “I usually go with Mike Welch and Justin Chon. The last time I went out with Kristen, Rob Pattinson and Ashley Greene, it took Rob almost an entire hour longer to get there because it took him so long to get out of the hotel!”
Textkälla: TTS
Jodelle Ferland intervju
I understand that right after the news broke that you had joined the Twilight family, fans went crazy and you got some intense reactions from your friends. Has the hype died down at all for you?
Yeah. I mean at first everybody was going crazy and everyone was congratulating me. They’re still all really excited and it hasn’t…no, they haven’t calmed down that much. *laughs* I have a Twitter account, and that hasn’t calmed down at all, I’m still getting the same amount of followers. Everyday. On the first couple of days I was getting A LOT, and now its not quite as many everyday. But it’s been about the same pace. My friends have calmed down a little bit, but they are still really really really excited.
I’m sure you are too
Yeah I am. I mean, I used to be just jumping up and down everyday. Every time somebody mentioned it, I was like “yay!”. But I’ve calmed down.
It’s been almost a month…do you feel more comfortable going into the role or are you still adjusting to its attached intensity?
I’ve gotten used to the idea. At first I was completely shocked and I couldn’t believe it. But when you think about it, it really is just like any other set. It’s just that it happens to be a very, very famous movie. But it’s not really any different than anything else.
So you’re approaching it the way you would any other role?
Are you making any physical changes for your role in Eclipse?
Well, I was hoping that they were going to cut my hair, actually. *laughs* My hair is so long, and it’s nice. But it’s too long, and it drives me crazy all the time. I don’t think they are going to cut my hair, but oh well. I already do gymnastics class. I don’t have to do it for the movie, but I’m just doing it anyway.
Du kan läsa hela intervjun här. Resten handlar dock inte så mycket om Twilight.
Top 25 hetast, under 25
4 Twilightskådespelare var med i top 25 över de snyggaste skådespelarna under 25 år.
Rob kom på plats 1, Dakota kom 9:a, Kristen tog 11:e plats och Taylor 22.
Källa: TCA
Dakota gör en god gärning
Källa: TF
Exklusiv Muse intervju
Hittat på TTSNi har varit väldigt engagerade fans, hur märker ni av det?
Chris: Våra fans lyssnar intensivt, det verkar som om vi slår an en nerv. De ser något djupt i musiken. Det är många som blir väldigt känslosamma på konserter. Många som gråter. Det känns underligt. Men det är bättre med en extrem reaktion än ingen alls.
Vad är det märkligaste som har hänt?
Chris: Det konstigaste är en snubbe i Frankrike som hade en t-shirt med min dotters namn på. Hon var bara två år. Det var konstigt. Hon har ju inte med det att göra. Det bar faktiskt att gå över gränsen lite. Men det har aldrig hänt något som har skrämt oss.
Stephenie Meyer som skrivit Twilight-böckerna är ett av era största fans, känner ni till henne?
Chris: Vi har faktiskt träffat henne! Hon berättade att hon lyssnade mycket på oss när hon skrev, och att hon har blivit inspirerad av oss.
Hur känns det att några av de mest populära böckerna just nu inte skulle vara likadana utan Muse?
Chris: Det är fantastiskt. Hon verkar vara inom ett annat fält, men det är kul när man kan påverka någon annan, när en artiskt oavsett vad de gör kan få inspiration och tolka det vi gör till något nytt. Det gör ju vi själva med många andra saker.
Har ni sett Twilight?
Chris: Nää… men jag har precis laddat ner den till datorn. Jag skall försöka se den snart!
BooBoo gillar fansen i Sverige
Det är vi! Han gillar oss Svenska fans!
Källa: TTS
Cameron Bright live chat
8 september 4pm-5pm (det blir nog kl 01.00, 9 sept i Sverige) kan man chatta live med Cameron Bright.
Källa: TTS
Radiointervju med Jackson Rathbone
Källa: TCA
BooBoo's frisyr
Jag har börjat gilla honom mer och mer, men han är fortfarande inte min Seth.
Källa: TCA
Har vi fått en Vera?
I Tyskland hade man chansen att vinna en roll i Eclipse.
Nu går det ett rykte om att vinnaren ska spela Vera.
You will see attached a photo of a Twilight fan arriving in Vancouver from Germany. Her name is Sabrina Frank. Sabrina won a contest and the prize was that they created a character for her to play in the movie. Am told exclusively that her character’s name is Vera and Vera is somehow involved with Jack Huston’s “Royce King” and Nikki Reed’s “Rosalie”.
Vera är alltså den där tjejen, eller kvinnan, på Rosalies tid. Hon som Rosalie var så avundsjuk på.
Vad tror ni? Tror ni att Sabrina kommer att få spela Vera?
Källa: TTS
Dustin Milligan om Kristen och hans audition för Edward
Källa: L&LL
Photoshoot med Noot Sear
En photoshoot med Noot Sear för en fransk tidning.
Visst är hon vacker? Fast det är väl alla vampyrer i The Twilight Saga? ;)