.. 2009-08-31 | 21:39:44

Taylor intervju

Här kommer en del utav Taylors intervju i Teen Vogue som kommer ut någon gång i oktober.


It's not exactly a spoiler to say that Taylor's character in November's New Moon is going through some intense changes. As everyone who's seen the movie's trailer or read the books knows, Jacob Black is now a werewolf. And the changes that Taylor himself underwent in order to keep the part—as he says, "hitting the gym, hiring a personal trainer, eating the right foods, and eating a lot of them"—were equally evident. When that first trailer premiered at the MTV Movie Awards, the live (and apparently largely female) audience responded to a two-second shot of Taylor, shirtless, by screaming like they were on a roller coaster. Not that he's about to let all that adulation go to his head. "I think the fans would love anybody who played Jacob," he says mildly, when the reception is mentioned. "I'm just lucky to be the one who got the chance."

Taylor got into acting via a somewhat circuitous path. As a kid growing up in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he started competing in a sport called Xtreme Martial Arts—which he describes as "almost like gymnastics, in that you do a routine, but there's a lot of kicks and punches and flips"—and he found that he was pretty good; by the time he retired, at thirteen, he was a four-time world champ. It was his Hollywood-based karate coach (a onetime blue Power Ranger) who suggested that Taylor give show business a chance. "At first," he recalls, "I wasn't interested, but he said I could stay at his house for a few weeks, meet with some agents, go on auditions. " By the end of that month, Taylor says, "I liked it. Taking on roles that were the opposite of what I could be in real life? That's still my favorite thing."

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-31 | 16:20:43


Tidningscans från den franska tidningen Premiere där Rob och några Twilightbilder är med.

Källa: TS

.. 2009-08-31 | 08:12:57

David Slade Twitter: Taylor stunt



WOW säger jag bara!

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-30 | 21:47:31

Kristens spöke i rummet

Det hon berättar.. det verkar vara rätt läskigt.Jag tror inte på sådant... men tänk att det ändå finns sånna som har varit med om läskiga grejer, som Kristen.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-30 | 13:33:48

Rob är nr 41

Enligt Entertainment Weekly ligger Rob på 41:a plats när det gäller de flest sökta på Wikipedia. Det är ju faktiskt ganska bra! Go Rob!

Källa: RP

.. 2009-08-30 | 10:15:28

Har vi fått en Vera?

I Tyskland hade man chansen att vinna en roll i Eclipse.
Nu går det ett rykte om att vinnaren ska spela Vera.


You will see attached a photo of a Twilight fan arriving in Vancouver from Germany. Her name is Sabrina Frank. Sabrina won a contest and the prize was that they created a character for her to play in the movie. Am told exclusively that her character’s name is Vera and Vera is somehow involved with Jack Huston’s “Royce King” and Nikki Reed’s “Rosalie”.

Vera är alltså den där tjejen, eller kvinnan, på Rosalies tid. Hon som Rosalie var så avundsjuk på.

Vad tror ni? Tror ni att Sabrina kommer att få spela Vera?

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-29 | 20:48:56

Fina Ashley

Otroligt fina Ashley i Tyskland.

Söt och fin klänning, otroligt vacker Ashley.

Bilder från twilighters.

.. 2009-08-29 | 20:34:11

Rob kalender 2010


Den här fina Robert Pattinson kalendern för 2010 kommer att säljas på amazon , jag vet dock inte om de skickar till Sverige.

Källa: TC

.. 2009-08-29 | 18:02:57

Ashley Greene pic

Bjuder på en bild på vackra Ashley.

.. 2009-08-29 | 13:18:16

"PFach" twittrar


.. 2009-08-29 | 11:53:23

Bella och Charlie

Det kommer många bilder från Eclipsefilmningen nu, kul.

Här är en på Kristen i sitt Bella-makeup och en på Billy som Charlie.

Det ser lite annorlunda ut, men bättre än hennes Joan-Jett frisyr iallafall.

Källa: Twilightersanonymous

.. 2009-08-28 | 22:23:32

Ny Taylor bild

Det här kommer att finnas med i Teen Vogue, som kommer att säljas på Pressbyrån i de flesta städer.

ON WHY LADIES LOVE JACOB "If she likes having a really close friendship with a guy, being able to tell him anything, and then having that friendship slowly transform into something more." (Uh, yes please! Unless it transforms into just playing fetch.)

HE'S SO FREAKIN' HUMBLE "I think the fans would love anybody who played Jacob. I'm just lucky to be the one who got the chance." (Whatevs, Tay! Stop being so modest. It just makes you that much more adorable.)


Smokin' hot bild måste jag säga.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-28 | 15:41:04

On set of Eclipse bilder

Källa: L&LL

.. 2009-08-28 | 07:45:24

Eclipse inspelningarna


Bläddra inte ner om du inte vill bli avslöjad om Eclipse. *spoiler*

The main stars have been hard at work this week. David Slade tweeted on Monday that he shot with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and I can tell you exclusively that Kristen has also been working with Taylor Lautner this week. "Bella" goes on a piggyback run with "Jacob" and they run through the forest. She also drops blood everywhere, and at some point she punches him in the face after he kisses her.

And for the Twi-Hards, Slade's Tweet referred to scenes between Stewart and Pattinson that took place in the "meadow". My source tell me that they talk about getting married, they roll around a little, and they agree on a wedding date.


Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-27 | 20:47:11

Volturi promo bilder

Måste nog säga att Caius blev som jag hade tänkt mig! Jane och Aro blev såklart bra de med.

.. 2009-08-27 | 16:46:41

Fler EW-bilder från Comic-Con

Fina va?

Se fler här.

.. 2009-08-27 | 15:54:43

Volturi stills


Det ser så bra ut!

Jag har sagt det ,men jag säger det igen.


.. 2009-08-26 | 19:48:40

Dustin Milligan om Kristen och hans audition för Edward

Dustin Milligan pratar i intervjun om Kristen Stewart, och om hans audition för rollen Edward Cullen i Twilight.

Källa: L&LL

.. 2009-08-26 | 19:43:41

Photoshoot med Noot Sear

En photoshoot med Noot Sear för en fransk tidning.

Klicka för stor bild

Klicka för stor bild

Visst är hon vacker? Fast det är väl alla vampyrer i The Twilight Saga? ;)

.. 2009-08-26 | 07:41:57

MTV intervju med Taylor och Kristen

MTV: Kristen, in your opinion, how is the relationship between Bella and Jacob in "New Moon" different than the one between Edward and Bella in "Twilight"?

Kristen Stewart: It's such a different relationship; it's like entirely original.

MTV: It seems much more playful.

Stewart: Yeah, exactly. They're light; they actually have fun with each other. Edward and Bella are always so strange, you know?

Taylor Lautner: It's always so tense.

Stewart: And only he can bring her out of that rut. Like, she literally is going to die; she's going to stop eating and be done. And the only thing that brings her out of it is this lightness [Jacob] brings.

MTV: What is one of the main things you're eager for us to see when "New Moon" hits theaters in November?

Lautner: I think the biggest thing you learn is that I disappear for a while, and she starts going through a separate depression. You go into a depression - would you call it that? - when I leave.

Stewart: Oh my God, yeah.

Lautner: Then she comes back to discover that I'm a werewolf, so that's the big boom. Yeah, I get to transform into a werewolf a couple times, which is awesome.

MTV: What was the stunt work like in those scenes?

Lautner: Well, Jacob's thing is he actually can transform in midair. So I got to do these really cool stunts where I got to actually run and then they'd hook me up on wires and I'd jump up in the air and then I'd come to a jolting stop and have to hang there for a bit. That's what you saw in the trailer, actually. That was a lot of fun. I get to do a lot of cool stunts in this one.

Stewart: That cute, little, fuzzy wolf.

MTV: He is very huggable. Tell us about one scene that you read either in Stephenie Meyer's book or in Melissa Rosenberg's screenplay that you were like, "Man, that's going to be tough to pull off," and tell us how you were able to figure it out.

Stewart: "New Moon" is riddled with all of that. I think it's the one book in the series that I was intimidated by - in a good way. That's the best feeling to start a movie with. But probably, my favorite line in the book is when I have to say to [Jacob], "It's him; it's always been him!" Like, I have to say that. Yeah, it killed me, it killed me.

MTV: It was a tough day to shoot?

Stewart: Yeah, and just like everything in our movie, it's such a heightened version of reality. It's like, people don't just break up [in the "Twilight" films] - they break up and it literally kills you. It's not like you just say, "Oh, I'm really depressed and crying." Everything is supposed to be a fantasy version of that. So I always had a really hard time figuring out, "Am I doing enough? Do I look like I'm going to die?"

MTV: Yeah, it would be tough to be the most dramatic person in the world, but without being cheesy. And Taylor?

Lautner: ["New Moon"] is very complicated. There's a lot of heartbreak, there's a lot of things going on. Edward leaves at the beginning, she goes into this depression, I come to try and bring her out of it. Then I go through my own issues, and then she leaves me. It's all over the place, and there's a lot going on, and there's many of those scenes that you described.

MTV: Which was your favorite to shoot?

Lautner: My favorite one was - well, we call it the breakup scene - but it's the scene right after she sees me shirtless and I've cut off my hair, all different for the first time. I have to tell her that we can't be friends anymore.

Stewart: He attempts to break up with me - but it doesn't work out. 

Åhh, visst verkar det spännande?

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-25 | 21:54:54

Bellas armband


Fick en kommentar...
Vill du köpa ett Bella armband? Nu finns det en tillsalu på Tradera, med startbudet 99kr.
Gå in här för att lägga ett bud.

.. 2009-08-25 | 15:42:14

Eclipse Rapport 2

Det är lite kul att han uppdaterar om hur det går på inspelningarna.

.. 2009-08-25 | 15:35:33

Ny New Moon kalender

Snart kommer det att komma en tredje New Moon kalender. Till skillnad från de andra kommer den här att innehålla bilder från filmen, och det är även en 16 månaders kalender.


Jag är faktiskt riktigt sugen på den här.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-24 | 21:27:57

Dagens bild

En utav mina favoritbilder från Twilight.

.. 2009-08-24 | 19:09:25

Volturi fan-made

En snygg fanmade bild på The Volturi.


Bilden hittad på TTS

.. 2009-08-24 | 16:57:04

Nya bilder på Rob i miniatyr

Heta Robbilder. Tyvärr endast i miniatyr, men de duger ändå, ellerhur?


Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-23 | 18:32:06

Eclipse rapport

Här kommer en "Eclipse rapport" från Eclipse-regissören David Slade's twitter.


Källa: L&LL

.. 2009-08-23 | 14:45:17

NM Armband

Hittade bilder på tre fina New Moon armband. Vet dock inte om de finns tillsalu någonstans, men visst är de häftiga?


Källa: TCA

.. 2009-08-23 | 12:25:27

Twilight - Bakom Kulisserna


Var precis inne på Twilightgrejer och läste om att Twilight Director's Notebook som är översatt till svenska kommer att kunna bokas inom en snar framtid.

Den kommer bland annat finnas på Bokia, Adlibris och Bokus.

Källa: TG

.. 2009-08-23 | 10:54:30

Gil och Chaske

Intervjuer med Gil Birmingham och Chaske Spencer.

Gil (Billy Black)

Q: What's this movie like compared to the first movie. What's the production been like overall?

Gil: It's much larger (laughs) I'll tell you that. I don't know. That's a good question. How was it different? Being in Vancouver is slightly different. You know the cast members are still like a family. You take a little break, and you're back together again. So, it picks up where we left off.

You know they found such a great location to-look at that house-(indicates the newly created Bella's house set) it looks like the other one exactly.

You know I'm not here that much. I just got in this weekend. So this is my first day on-I was here a couple of weeks ago when we did the shoot (speaking of scenes shot at the Black House location). Now I'm here for today and I'm gone tomorrow. So, I don't know whether I'm in a position to tell you if there is a whole lot of difference.

Q: The weather better?

Gil: The weather is nice. The restaurants are great

Chaske (Sam)

Q: Why are you working out so much between takes? Is the workout regimen that strenuous?

Chaske: It's cold outside, it's basically just survival in the weather.

Q: What was your casting process like?

Chaske: It was a long casting process with Rene Haynes. It lasted several months, but when they decided on me it was just two weeks before I was on set.

Q: Have you read any of the Twilight books?

Chaske: I have read up to Eclipse and New Moon is my favorite. I read the book first and then the script!

Q: So what was it like working with Chris Weitz?

Chaske: He's a "laid back director" and one "cool dude!" He's a "guy's guy" and is a lot of fun to hang out with.

Q: What's your favorite scene so far?

Chaske: The scene where Bella confronts the wolfpack. "It was pretty epic".

Q: How did the wolf pack bond together?

Chaske: We were all rooming in the same hotel, so we always saw each other. We trained together and hung out together playing basketball. We knew we "needed to be a band of brothers" on screen, so we tried to bond on and off screen. We made sure that we would go to meals together and sit as a family.

Q: What do you do when you're not shooting?

Chaske: I train a lot and explore Vancouver.

Q: How has the role changed you?

Chaske: So far, it hasn't really.

Q: What was it like dealing with the press and the new found fame?

Chaske: I didn't really know what to expect, but "it's been surreal". When there are too many press around, "I just put on my sunglasses and hoodie, and I get my Jason Bourne on. I sneak off into the sunset."

Q: Did you do any research on the Quileute people? Can you tell us about the pack tattoo?

Chaske: I didn't have as much time to research as I would have liked because everything happened so fast. I only had two weeks , I did a little bit of research. The tattoo is a circle with two wolves based on a Quileute legends.

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-23 | 08:58:37

Twilightstjärnornas historia

Bilden ovan: Ashley, år 2005.

The Good Girl: Ashley Greene

SCHOOL Wolfson High School, Jacksonville, Florida
ACTIVITIES Acting, dancing, tae kwon do, cheerleading
HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY "I didn't really have a boyfriend until I was probably 16, which my parents were thrilled about. I was like, ‘I have no time for boys,' and my dad was, ‘Yes, I think you're right.'

Bilden ovan: Kellan, 2003

Mr. Popular: Kellan Lutz

SCHOOL Horizon High School, Scottsdale, Arizona
ACTIVITIES Boxing, football, Arizona Youth Billiard champion
HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY "[My older brother] brought me to the parties and I was like the cool young Lutz."

Bilden ovan: Kristen, 2003

The Rebel: Kristen Stewart

SCHOOL A. E. Wright Middle School, Calabasas, California
ACTIVITIES Writing, photography
HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY "I had to stop going to school because I worked [in films] too much and my teachers resented me a lot. But I really love home school-independent study is for me.

Taylor Lautner - Twilight High School Flashback - Twilight News
Bilden ovan: Taylor, 2007

The Jock: Taylor Lautner

SCHOOL Valencia High School, Valencia, California
ACTIVITIES Karate, football, baseball, hip-hop dance

Nikki Reed - Twilight High School Flashback - Twilight News
Bild ovan: Nikki, 2003

The Individual: Nikki Reed

SCHOOL Alexander Hamilton High School, Los Angeles, California
HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY On why she left school after feeling that she didn't fit in: "If you can't find the perfect spot in a group, it's not about how pretty you are. You can't really fly solo."

Bild ovan: Stephenie, 1992

The Brain: Stephenie Meyer

SCHOOL Chaparral High School, Scottsdale, Arizona
AWARDS National Merit Scholar
HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY "Don't ever let anyone tell you that high school is supposed to be fun. High school is to be endured."

Källa: Instyle

.. 2009-08-22 | 22:31:44

New Moon kalendern - Kan bokas!

På cdon.com kan man nu boka dessa fina New Moon kalenders för 2010.


Du ska klicka här för att boka kalendern.


Och klicka här för att boka den "vertikala" eller "slimmade" varianten. 

.. 2009-08-22 | 09:07:30

Boo Boo intervju

Kommer det bli fler än 4 filmer i The Twilight Saga?

Källa: TTS

Info: Idag kommer det inte många uppdateringar. Åker till Sthlm nu, och sedan så ska jag till ett party som håller på till sent på kvällen.

.. 2009-08-21 | 20:53:58

Nya EW outtakes

Nya outtakes från photoshooten med Kristen och Taylor, den de gjorde med EW.





Riktigt snygga va?

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-21 | 16:27:53

Ny photoshoot med Ashley

Två nya bilder från en ny photoshoot med Ashley.
Hon är söt som vanligt.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-21 | 14:44:50

On set of Eclipse

Bilder från Eclipse on set.



Kolla in här för fler bilder.

.. 2009-08-21 | 11:27:22

Ny Alice bild

Åh, visst ser hon söt ut på den här bilden? 

Det är alltså en Alicebild från New Moon.

.. 2009-08-20 | 15:41:39

Stephenie Meyer stämd

*Kan innehålla spoilers från BD*¨

AUTHOR of the Twilight series of books, Stephenie Meyer, is being sued by a woman who says Meyer copied her work, said media reports on Thursday.Jordan Scott is claiming that Meyer's book, Breaking Dawn, is based on her own book, The Nocturne.

Scott wrote the book when she was 15 years old and it was published in 2006 reported entertainment website TMZ.

According to Scott, the books "show striking, articulable and substantial similarities in the... plot lines, themes, dialogue, mood, setting, pace, characters, sequence of events, ideas and other similarities."

TMZ has previously reported on the story, listing the similarities claimed by Scott, who sent Meyer a detailed letter stating the same claims.

Some of the scenes Scott says have been copied include a post-wedding sex scene, and a scene involving the death of a main character's wife, said TMZ.

TMZ was told by Meyer's representative: "The claim that Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer somehow infringes on an alleged book by someone named Jordan Scott is completely without merit.

"Neither Stephenie Meyer nor her representatives had any knowledge of this writer or her supposed book prior to this claim," they told TMZ.

However Scott has now decided to pursue her claims and is taking Meyer to court.

Alltså, den här Jordan menar att Stephenie har härmat hennes bok som blev publicerad 2006.
Hur mycket i artikeln som är sant vet jag tyvärr inte.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-20 | 12:06:17

Kristen Dazed outtakes

...och sedan en liten bit av intervjun

Dazed Digital: You are in the midst of becoming a huge star. There's a truckload of paparazzi outside the door right now.
Kristen Stewart: Yeah, but you can't think about it too much because if you think about it too much it is this weird and dreamy fantasy land - you think - ‘ what the hell absurd thing are we doing at 3 o'clock in the morning, with 300 people- pretending to be other people, what the fuck are we doing?

DD: The paparazzi thing is only since Twilight, right?
Kristen Stewart: Yeah since Twilight. That's the only reason they're out there. They find out where I am from the Internet - from Twitter, man! Anyone who wants to know where I am at any given time just has to go on Twitter, it's so ridiculous!

DD: I assume playing Joan Jett is a lot different experience from Twilight?
Kristen Stewart: It's so much fun. She's the ultimate badass. She was the first woman to start her own record label. Everybody threw her out after the Runaways and was like, ‘Sorry girl, your shticks over', she was like ‘No, the message stays the same people still want to hear it.'

Who the f*** did that before her? The music industry is brutal. Once there's one wave, one explosion of a type of music, everyone jumps on the bandwagon and tries to emulate that, so there's a bunch of shitty versions of other bands. So there's like shitty versions of everybody!

DD: You identify with this role in more ways than one, I'm sure. The film and music industry are not so far apart.
Kristen Stewart: Yeah, it's been awesome working on this. I've gotten to do a lot of great roles recently. I just made a film in New Orleans- and its going to sound funny because I play a 16 year old street kid prostitute stripper - but it's the one film so far I mostly identify with. I play such a child, like she has the emotional stability of a 5 year old; she's in her own little world that she had to close off at a certain point. She's at that point where she's not quite over the edge like a lot of those people, and I met a lot of them in New Orleans, talking to people who had done the job for so long.

They're gone. Like I hate to say that, there is a part of them that is dead inside and it is so sad they can still live a happy life or whatever, but that part is. So she's not dead, she's still whole. She's just really broken and she needs to be put back together, and she needs this guy. James Gandolfini plays this plumber who is grieving the loss of his daughter and is dead inside as well, so she is sort of the catalyst of his awakening and subsequent reuniting with his wife, like she comes out of the house after 8 years. Like this vulgar really fully kid who has her own problems greater than theirs ends up helping to get them to a place where they can continue their lives.

It was the greatest experience on a movie I have ever had. Everyone was tight and it was the greatest crew, Jake Scott, the director, is Ridley Scott's son. For some reason on that one, I didn't stop thinking all day. Now, keep in mind, I had a perfect upbringing, but I know what that feels in some way, to be this character. It was really hard. But they're really funny and they make the most of it. They're really great characters.

DD: Is that the best thing about being an actress, playing roles like that.
Kristen Stewart: That and also I meet so many amazing people and I get to work with my friends.

DD: You have any aspirations to do anything else?
Kristen Stewart: I know that will just naturally become other things, other than just acting in movies. I don't know what the f*** I'm going to do. I write shit or whatever. I am going to make my own movies with my friends, absolutely, and I might not only act in them. But really? I love this, I love what I do, I am definitely going to keep doing it if I feel this way about it. That could stop, but until then, I'm just going to just write, make movies, play music.

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-20 | 12:06:16

Kristen Dazed outtakes

...och sedan en liten bit av intervjun

Dazed Digital: You are in the midst of becoming a huge star. There's a truckload of paparazzi outside the door right now.
Kristen Stewart: Yeah, but you can't think about it too much because if you think about it too much it is this weird and dreamy fantasy land - you think - ‘ what the hell absurd thing are we doing at 3 o'clock in the morning, with 300 people- pretending to be other people, what the fuck are we doing?

DD: The paparazzi thing is only since Twilight, right?
Kristen Stewart: Yeah since Twilight. That's the only reason they're out there. They find out where I am from the Internet - from Twitter, man! Anyone who wants to know where I am at any given time just has to go on Twitter, it's so ridiculous!

DD: I assume playing Joan Jett is a lot different experience from Twilight?
Kristen Stewart: It's so much fun. She's the ultimate badass. She was the first woman to start her own record label. Everybody threw her out after the Runaways and was like, ‘Sorry girl, your shticks over', she was like ‘No, the message stays the same people still want to hear it.'

Who the f*** did that before her? The music industry is brutal. Once there's one wave, one explosion of a type of music, everyone jumps on the bandwagon and tries to emulate that, so there's a bunch of shitty versions of other bands. So there's like shitty versions of everybody!

DD: You identify with this role in more ways than one, I'm sure. The film and music industry are not so far apart.
Kristen Stewart: Yeah, it's been awesome working on this. I've gotten to do a lot of great roles recently. I just made a film in New Orleans- and its going to sound funny because I play a 16 year old street kid prostitute stripper - but it's the one film so far I mostly identify with. I play such a child, like she has the emotional stability of a 5 year old; she's in her own little world that she had to close off at a certain point. She's at that point where she's not quite over the edge like a lot of those people, and I met a lot of them in New Orleans, talking to people who had done the job for so long.

They're gone. Like I hate to say that, there is a part of them that is dead inside and it is so sad they can still live a happy life or whatever, but that part is. So she's not dead, she's still whole. She's just really broken and she needs to be put back together, and she needs this guy. James Gandolfini plays this plumber who is grieving the loss of his daughter and is dead inside as well, so she is sort of the catalyst of his awakening and subsequent reuniting with his wife, like she comes out of the house after 8 years. Like this vulgar really fully kid who has her own problems greater than theirs ends up helping to get them to a place where they can continue their lives.

It was the greatest experience on a movie I have ever had. Everyone was tight and it was the greatest crew, Jake Scott, the director, is Ridley Scott's son. For some reason on that one, I didn't stop thinking all day. Now, keep in mind, I had a perfect upbringing, but I know what that feels in some way, to be this character. It was really hard. But they're really funny and they make the most of it. They're really great characters.

DD: Is that the best thing about being an actress, playing roles like that.
Kristen Stewart: That and also I meet so many amazing people and I get to work with my friends.

DD: You have any aspirations to do anything else?
Kristen Stewart: I know that will just naturally become other things, other than just acting in movies. I don't know what the f*** I'm going to do. I write shit or whatever. I am going to make my own movies with my friends, absolutely, and I might not only act in them. But really? I love this, I love what I do, I am definitely going to keep doing it if I feel this way about it. That could stop, but until then, I'm just going to just write, make movies, play music.

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-20 | 10:29:35

Jaspers ökenscener

Texas Mountains - Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Riktiga Texas)


Inspelningsplats i Vancouver?? Möjligt..

Malicious Mandy skrev att detta kan vara Jaspers före-och-efter-förvandlings-scenen.

They had torn down most everything and we chatted with crew still tearing down. There were dark black screens (typically they are white and used for either blocking views or reflecting light)

I asked why they were black (perhaps it was too sunny yesterday and instead of reflecting light as the white ones do, they were absorb light?) and they told us they were not for lighting purposes at all but to block the paparzzi... wait.... how many movies are being filmed right now that would require paparzzi?


Based on the location, the conversation, and the report from Lainey on what was filmed... I conclude that this location has SERIOUS potential for having hosted Twilight Saga Eclipse filming yesterday

Ohh, så spännande.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-20 | 08:58:01

BD till en film

"The fans should rest assured the we're working with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen," the rep said. "As in all creative processes, things take time. We want to make sure we get it right."

And as Twilight fans know, that probably means softening the more hard-core aspects of Breaking Dawn.
"Our fans are in the PG age range, and I don't feel a big necessity to see violence and to see gore," Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg told us in late April.

Gore or not, Kristen Stewart probably said it best when we chatted with her in March.
"We all really hope there is going to be a number four," she said at the time. "I'm pretty confident that the fans aren't going to...lose interest. The only case that a fourth one wouldn't be made is if all of a sudden people stopped caring, and I really don't think that's going to happen."


Källa: NMM

.. 2009-08-20 | 08:48:46

Fanmade Edward / Jacob

En riktigt riktigt häftigt gjord Edward/Jacob bild. Den är alltså fanmade.


Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-19 | 18:29:25

Vi har en Seth och en Leah

Boo Boo som Seth

Julia Jones som Leah

Själv hade jag inte tänkt mig Seth sådär. Jag hade tänk mig honom som en mini-Jacob. Inte riktigt min bild av Seth alltså.. men det kommer säkert att bli bra i filmen då de har ordnat med smink och sådant. Leah tycker jag var ganska bra faktiskt.

Vad tycker ni?


Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black

Cullen Family
Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen
Peter Facinelli as Dr. Carlisle
Elizabeth Reaser as Esme Cullen
Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen
Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale
Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale

Wolf Pack
Chaske Spencer as Sam Uley
Bronson Pelletier as Jared
Alex Meraz as Paul
Kiowa Gordon as Embry Call
Tyson Houseman as Quil Ateara

Other Quileutes
Gil Birmingham as Billy Black
Tinsel Korey as Emily

Nomad Vampires
Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria

VolturiCameron Bright as Alec
Charlie Bewley as Demetri
Daniel Cudmore as Felix
Dakota Fanning as Jane

Additional Returning Cast Members
Billy Burke as Charlie Swan
Sarah Clarke as Renee Dwyer
Anna Kendrick as Jessica
Michael Welch as Mike
Christian Serratos as Angela
Justin Chon as Eric

New Cast Members
Xavier Samuel as Riley
Catalina Sandino Moreno as Maria
Jack Huston as Royce King
Julia Jones as Leah Clearwater
Booboo Stewart as Seth Clearwater
Jodelle Ferland as Bree

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-19 | 18:23:36

Canmag intervju med Ashley

Nyligen gjorde Canmag.com en intervju med Ashley Greene.

Twilight introduced the Cullen clan to the real world, portrayed by real life hottie actors, not just some writer's imagination. Ashley Greene returns to play Alice Cullen in The Twilight Saga: New Moon and said it was easier the second time around. 

Ashley Greene returns for New Moon "Because since we know each other so well, it is kind of a no-brainer," she said. "We already have this kind of chemistry, so it wasn't hard at all. I was kind of wondering about that, but we are such close friends and we definitely had a platonic relationship, so going and playing romantic, I was wondering if it was going to be harder or easier, but because we are already so comfortable with each other, it was actually less awkward than with someone I didn't know." 

It might get tougher as she moves into Eclipse but Greene isn't there yet. "I just got the script, about three days ago, so I haven't had a lot of time to really dig into it. But I will, I'll go and work with my coach and bounce ideas off of her. But it's kind of nice, because we are playing the same characters and we're just moving on with them and digging through different layers, so I feel like the hard part of it is kind of over and we're just having fun with it. But I'm excited about a lot of it, but I don't want to give anything away. "
Going through the fandom of Twilight is a common experience few people could share outside the Twilight world. "Obviously, I can't speak on anybody else's behalf, because I don't know, but I think that we are all definitely looking at each other going, ‘What is going on? What do you do? Does it happen to you?' so it's very nice to have someone right there going through the same thing as you and to be able to relate to it. And, yeah, I think it's had a tremendous effect on how close we've all become." 

Still, even Greene knows why Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have become sex symbols. "Personally, for me, it how genuine they both are. They are both very authentic people and that comes across on the screen. Their chemistry is really incredible, together, and individually, as well. They are just like that for a reason." 

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-18 | 21:03:23

The Volturi

Här är Volturibilden som tidigare har läckt ut på internet.
Nu verkar man få lägga upp bilden på bloggen.

Jag tycker att den är riktigt snygg.
Marcus var inte riktigt så som jag hade tänkt mig...

.. 2009-08-18 | 14:35:50

Riktiga New Moon trailern

Här är den "riktiga" andra officiella New Moon trailern.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon 'Meet Jacob Black' Preview in HD

.. 2009-08-18 | 08:10:40

Kristen på förstasidan

Kristen kommer att vara på förstasidan i September nummret av Dazed and Confused.


Keep an eye out for the issue, which is set to hit newsstands August 20th, in which Kristen dishes on her feelings about the paparazzi and discusses rock and roll.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-17 | 21:05:08

Stephenie Meyers sommar

http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/ kan ni läsa om Stephenies sommar.

Hey everybody! I hope you all had a great summer. I'm sorry I don't update more, but it's crazy how busy you can be without really having anything to update about. I decided to do an end of the summer recap like I did last year-just the books and music and movies I enjoyed most. I love to share good stuff.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-17 | 17:31:24

Inspelningen av Eclipse

Idag borde ju inspelningen av Eclipse börja, så det ska bli spännande.
 Nu hoppas vi på bilder och en massa nyheter, ellerhur?

.. 2009-08-17 | 16:45:49

Peter donerar blod

Peter Facinelli took time out of preparing for Eclipse to fly from Vancouver out to Virginia to hang out with fans and raise money for the American Red Cross. After donating blood earlier in the morning, Facinelli spent over 4 hours signing autographs and taking photos with fans in Virginia Beach's Pembroke Mall. He later agreed to stay past the originally scheduled time so that he could see the thousands of fans that were still waiting in line.

After the event was all said and done, Peter tweeted the following:

"Thanks to all the fans who came to see me in Virginia today. The Red Cross collected over 100 pints of blood. Double what they expected."

Visst är han snäll, vår Peter?

Källa: TTS

Info från mig:
Idag började skolan, så jag kommer inte att uppdatera lika ofta, men försöker såklart så gott jag kan så det blir ju minst en uppdatering per dag iallafall.

OCH, det här är mitt 200:e inlägg här!

.. 2009-08-17 | 11:12:28

Jodelle Ferland är Team Edward

"I'm allowed to tell people that I play a vampire who has just been turned," the 14-year-old Canadian actress tells me. "In other words, I'm a newborn vampire. I'm not allowed to say the name of the character."

So if she won't say whether her character is Team Edward or Team Jacob, what's her pick in real life?

It's Team Edward all the way for Jodelle.

Keep reading to find out why...

"I just think if maybe Jacob had been introduced first then everybody would like him better," she said. "It just seems that since Edward was the first one to be with Bella, people want him to stay with her. So, you know, that's the character that you start to like first! And then Jacob comes into the picture and everybody's like, ‘Oh, no! Stay with Edward.'"


Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-17 | 09:56:49


Thetwilightsaga tävlar nu ut ett Bellapaket på bloggen. Så gör som jag och var med och tävla!

Läs mer här!

.. 2009-08-16 | 20:05:04

Fin video - Bella & The Cullens

En fin fanmade video på Bella & The Cullens.


.. 2009-08-16 | 18:44:43

Oj oj oj

Ser det ut som en puss?
Jag vet, det är säkert något annat, men visst ser det ut som om att de pussas?

Vad tror ni?

Bilderna var tagna på King of Leon konserten i Vancouver, där Eclipse castet var.

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-16 | 16:16:53

Wyck Godfrey om Twilight

*Kan innehålla spoilers*

The most challenging thing so far, has probably been the meadow scene with Laurent. You know, with the wolves attacking. Part of what made it challenging, was to find...I mean actually what we didn't really find in the first film, which is the meadow that is what everybody thought of when they read the books. I mean honestly, we went like an hour and a half out of town, it's right at the foothills of the mountain, and literally we are walking through the woods, and you come to this perfectly round meadow, and we are like, "Oh my gosh, this is it!"

Ja, det är ju verkligen svårt att hitta den perfekta platsen att filma på.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-16 | 13:34:23


Grattis säger vi till Cam som fyller 27 år idag!

.. 2009-08-16 | 09:51:37

Rob kan bara stanna i 20 minuter

"I can't remember what my normal life is like," he admitted in one of his quieter moments.

"Because of internet stuff and Twitter, there will be a crowd if you are in a place for more than half an hour.

"I've learned never to stay in the same place for more than 20 minutes."

He laughed, seemingly still amazed at the Beatles-like level of fandom he has following him.

While many would love that kind of adulation, anyone watching Robert when doing interviews will see he finds the situation difficult to deal with.

The actor, who become a teen pin-up as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter films The Goblet of Fire and The Order of the Phoenix, hates watching himself on screen and even had a panic attack at the premiere of Twilight.

"The biggest challenge is coping with the crowds," he admitted. "I am a quiet, private person. It's strange.You have to change a little bit.

"Walking down the street comes with screaming. I still can't watch myself either. I have always been like that. Watching myself at the Twilight premiere was a mistake.

"I had never watched anything of myself since Harry Potter.

"But I went to it because my whole family was coming to see it.

"Nothing comes other than this pure discomfort.

"I can't watch myself. I am just feeling everybody else's reaction. I can't handle that at all."

However, Robert claims he's not shy when he's on set - it's only when the film is finished he feels uncomfortable.

But he claims he doesn't care about how he looks, although he seems to be contradicting himself.

Surely if he didn't care, he would be happy to watch himself? He said: "It seems pointless watching it.You get a big ego or you become depressed. So I avoid it altogether."

Away from packed cinemas is also a difficult time for the actor - and not just because of ego. In June, he was hit by a taxi in NewYork while trying to run away from screaming girls.

During filming for Twilight follow-up New Moon, there were claims he was being protected by the NewYork police and Robert admits he prefers it when there are big crowds because there will be security on hand.

"But when you are by yourself, your paranoia runs and runs," he said.

Perhaps not the sentiment of the cool vampire he plays in Twilight and the sequel - which will be released in cinemas in November.

Visst är det synd om Rob?

.. 2009-08-15 | 21:31:48

Bryce på tv


//I'm a Cullen

.. 2009-08-15 | 17:03:18

Bryce på femman ikväll

Ikväll går The Village på tv. Ikväll, kl 21 på kanal 5. Varför tipsar jag om det? Jo, för att Bryce är med i den filmen.

'' I en isolerad by i Pennsylvania 1897 har invånarna kommit överens med varelserna i de omkringliggande skogarna att om invånarna inte går in i skogen kommer heller inte varelserna nära byn. Men när Lucious Hunt (Joaquin Phoenix) behöver söka läkarhjälp i samhällena bortom skogarna bryts avtalet, och hemskheter börjar hända''.

The Village är en skräckfilm, bara så ni vet.

.. 2009-08-15 | 14:24:57

Eclipse cast på Miko Sushi

Eclipse cast umgås tillsammans. Den här gången var de på Miko Sushi i Vancouver.




robert pattinson kristen stewart miko sushi 10 

De som var där var Ashley Greene, Bryce Dallas Howard, Elizabeth Reaser, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner och  Xavier Samuel.

Källa: TF

.. 2009-08-15 | 13:15:38

Dagens bild

Fan-made Edward får bli dagens bild!

Har ni ritat/målat/skissat på någon Twilightbild? Tips på fan-art? Twilighttips? Något annat kul? Mejla [email protected] :)

.. 2009-08-15 | 11:31:29

Michael Welsh svarar på fanfråga

Buzznet fick Michael Welsh svara på några fanfrågor. Här nedan är ett exempel.

Ah-nell-ee: If you met Bella in real life, what would you say to her? What would you say to Edward?

Michael Welch: I would tell Bella, "Listen girl. I know you're caught up in this supernatural love triangle, but why don't you give Mike Newton a shot? If the werewolf represents the stable option in your life, and the vampire is constantly fighting the urge to drain you of your precious blood, maybe you need broaden your horizons a bit and consider dating a HUMAN BEING! Just a thought.

"Oh! By the way, did you know that Kristen Stewart is playing you in the 4-part bio-pic of your life? Pretty cool huh?... What do you mean you've never heard of her? You haven't seen that terrible movie Panic Room?... Well, what about Into the Wild, In the Land of Women, or The Messengers?... Wow, you need to get out more, Arizona. I'm gonna make you a list of films. You ever seen The Usual Suspects?... No?? Oh boy! You're in for a treat! Come on, I'll buy you a soda, then we're renting some movies!!"

I would tell Edward, "Thanks a lot buddy! You've raised the bar to such unreasonable heights, the rest of us guys don't stand a chance. We can't sparkle you jerk! Not even Efron can sparkle. How do you think that makes him feel, huh??... Oh great, now you're making Zac Efron cry Edward! You proud of yourself, huh, you feel like a big man?... Shhh, it's ok Zac. I'm here for you pumpkin. Great, now I have to give him his juice box... And for goodness sake, would you take Bella out to see some movies? Rent Casablanca or something, or at least take her out to see The Hangover. Jeeze- louise Ed!"

Han fick många roliga frågor :)
Kolla in resten här.

Källa: TCA

.. 2009-08-15 | 09:16:33

New Moon Stills


.. 2009-08-14 | 20:12:44

Officiella trailern för New Moon

Det här ska tydligen vara den officiella New Moon trailern.

Summit Entertainment has confirmed that the new trailer for The Twilight Saga: New Moon will debut this Friday, August 14th, only in theaters with the studio’s Bandslam.

A 14-second tease of the new trailer will be airing nationwide, starting Tuesday, August 11th.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-14 | 14:40:18

Fangjorda bilder

Det finns många duktiga fans som ritar egna Twilightbilder.
Några exempel, fina va?


Bilderna nedan är av "~mypaperheart352".


Jag älskar Robs ögon på sista bilden. Och ja.. hela han!

Hittat: CBA

.. 2009-08-14 | 13:14:43

New Moon trailern på engelska

Där har ni New Moon trailern på engelska. Ljudet är inte det bästa, och det här är antagligen ännu en läcka, men det är den iallafall. Kolla medans ni kan!

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-14 | 11:36:08

EW Behind The Scenes videos

Här kommer två behind-the-scenes videos från EW photoshootet med Kristen och Taylor

De är så söta tillsammans.
Kanske ska jag satsa på Team Jacob? Nej.. håller mig till Team Edward / Team Switzerland...

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-08-14 | 08:44:00

Kristen och Taylors outtakes

Outtakes från fotograferingen med EW.
Hur snygga?
Den fjärde bilden ser så härlig ut!


Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-13 | 21:39:44

Kristen grät av en scen i New Moon

Kan innehålla spoilers!

While making the first movie, Summit kept urging Stewart and Pattinson to ease up on the teenage angst. Now Stewart's diving headlong into heartache. She says she reached her breaking point while filming the pivotal scene where Edward abandons her. "Before the scene, I was sitting in my car, like f---ing crying - crying so hard you can't breathe," she says. "Because I was really overwhelmed and intimidated by the scene. Everyone says, ‘She better be able to pull off the emotion in this movie!' And it's such an important moment in the book, when he leaves." The scene exhausted her. "I'm thinking, ‘We have to be done now,'" she remembers. "‘Just tell me we're done!'"

In the end, she's very positive about how the film turned out. "[Making Twilight] was much more of a fight," says Stewart. "Everyone was a little more scared. We needed to make something commercial but stay true to the book. We didn't have enough money. It was all very impulsive, and that's what I love about that f---ing movie...But I think New Moon is gonna be even better.."

Ja, man kan ju säga att hon verkligen gick in i rollen.

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-13 | 18:49:40

Sorglig video om Bella, New Moon


Så himla bra, och verkligen, verkligen sorglig.

Hittad på FRP

.. 2009-08-13 | 16:44:46

Därför älskar vi Carlisle

1) He's the best sergeon ever!
2) He's very loving!
3) He'll help u out in many different kinds of emergencies!
4) He'll let his 'son' date a human!
5) He'll let his 'son' marry this human!
6) He will think it's ok to become a vampire to stay with your vampire sweet heart!
7) He'll fight a war to keep you safe!
8) He'll let u over to his house at any time of the night!
9) He won't care if his 'son' exposed his family's secret to his one and only love!

Carlisle är verkligen en underbar vampyr.

Vem är Team Carlisle? :D

Hittat: TTS

.. 2009-08-13 | 15:11:32

Trading Cards för New Moon

Dessa trading cards för New Moon visades under Comic-con.

Källa TM

.. 2009-08-13 | 14:04:48

Två nya New Moon klipp?

Det kommer att visas två till sneak-peak videos från New Moon på Movie-Con II, den här helgen. Vilka "scener" som kommer att visas upp vet vi inte än, så vi får hoppas på att det är två nya, och inte de två klippen som visades upp på Comic-Con.

Om det här är sant, så kommer de två videoklippen att komma ut den här veckan.

Källa: L&LL

.. 2009-08-13 | 12:16:57

Catalina Sandino Moreno som Maria?

Har vi kanske hittat vår Maria?

"Eclipse" has found its Maria, and she's full of grace.

Producers on Summit's third "Twilight" pic have cast Catalina Sandino Moreno, best-known for playing the title character in the indie drama "Maria Full of Grace," to play the vampire character of Maria.

The CAA-repped actress will take on the role of a woman who tries to create a newborn army of vampires, recruiting the Confederate soldier Jasper to her cause. In Stephenie Meyer's book, the character is described as a petite brunette with a soft voice.

The Colombian-born Sandino Moreno most notably starred in "Grace," in which she played a pregnant teacher who becomes a drug mule, as well as Steven Soderbergh's epic "Che" and the upcoming indie drama "Frail," in which she plays the title character, who's described as a naive Midwestern girl.

The actress joins an "Eclipse" ensemble that -- in addition to stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner -- includes Jack Huston as a human who lived during the Great Depression, Xavier Samuel as a newborn vampire named Riley and Bryce Dallas Howard as the villainous Victoria, The actress replaces Rachel Lefevre last month in what amounted to a controversial casting switch.

"Eclipse," directed by David Slade, begins shooting next week in Vancouver.

Så vad säger ni?

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-13 | 10:56:41

Kristen och Taylors Photoshoot med EW

Liten sneak-peak video på Kristen och Taylors photoshoot med Entertainment Weekly.
Åhh, jag vill verkligen se bilderna som de tog, för visst verkar det bli några riktigt snygga foton'?

Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-12 | 19:11:04

Japanska variationen av New Moon

Japan Japanese New Moon poster

I Japan har de inte den guld-brun aktiga färgen på New Moon postrarna, utan de kör på den Twilightblåa färgen istället.

Vad tycker ni om det'?

Jag måste ju erkänna att det är väldigt fint med blått, men jag föredrar nog den 'originala' New Moon färgen.

Källa: NMM

.. 2009-08-12 | 16:08:55

OMG! Officiella New Moon trailern!


OBS! Kan innehålla spoilers!

Herregud! Den är visserligen på franska, men ändå! Så bäst! ALLTSÅ DETTA ÄR DEN OFFICIELLA NEW MOON TRAILERN, FAST PÅ FRANSKA! Vem längtar till 20 november? *räcker upp handen*

Själva trailern börjar runt 1.40.

Jacob: Has anyone ever shared a secret with you that you had to share with no one.

Taylor: New Moon is much more complexe than Twilight.

Edward: I'm leaving, you'll never see me again.

Taylor: Edward's leaving makes Bella deeply depressive and Jacob becomes the friend on whom she can always rely.

Jacob: I know what he made you suffer, Bella, I'll never make you suffer. I swear.

Bella: You know you're beautiful?

Taylor: Jacob has changed in many ways and is physically much stronger, he put on at least 14 kilos.

Bella: Be careful those things are really heavy.

Taylor: As time passes you can feel the passion growing. New Moon will really bring it up to a whole new level. There's more action in this movie especially with the intervention of the wolf pack. I think fans will be really satisfied.

Taylor: New Moon is great. The suspense grows from the beginning to the end.

Jacob: Avoid contradicting me.

.. 2009-08-12 | 14:45:27

Bella's Sorrow

Kan innehålla spoilers!

En fanmade video om Bellas sörjande i New Moon. Den är sjukt bra gjord, och verkligen sorlig.

.. 2009-08-12 | 13:08:38

Dagens Twitat

"You and Billy gossip like old women."
Bella, Eclipse

.. 2009-08-12 | 10:19:01

Jack Huston till Eclipse

Nu har en till "joinat" the cast och det är ingen mindre än Jack Huston den här gången. Jack Huston kommer att spela Royce King II, en människa som levde på Rosalies tid.'

Jack Huston has fanged his way on to Summit Entertainment's threequel "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse."

The actor joins Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Bryce Dallas Howard in the third installment of the vampire series derived from Stephenie Meyer's novels. Huston will play Royce King II, a human that lived during the Great Depression.

Production begins shortly in Vancouver under the direction of David Slade ("30 Days of Night"). Its scheduled for a June 30 release.

Källa TTS

.. 2009-08-11 | 23:04:29

Bilder från TCA

Lite ögongodis för en sen kväll som denna.

Källa: FRP

.. 2009-08-11 | 15:45:04


Åhh.. kan inte New Moon komma på bio snart?

.. 2009-08-11 | 15:35:36

Twilightgängets kläder på TCA

Här kan du se vad Twilightgänget hade på sig under TCA, och vart de kommer ifrån.

.. 2009-08-11 | 14:42:45

Klädprovning inför Eclipse

Rob har börjat prova kläder till Eclipse.
Det är så nära nu, snart börjar de filma!

Källa: FRP

.. 2009-08-11 | 14:06:57

Titta på TCA 2009

Nu kan du kolla på TCA i lite sämre kvalite, men ändå!


Källa: TN

.. 2009-08-11 | 10:12:52

Blandat från TCA

Backstage bilder

En i "publiken" som skrev detta.

  • Robert Pattinson is hilarious. (technically, I already knew that, but I was proven correct)
  • Nothing impresses Kristen Stewart (except for Robert Pattinson)
  • Taylor Lautner is bigger and has whiter teeth in person.
  • Nikki Reed loves Ellen Degeneres
  • Kellan Lutz is so huge that it's almost scary

  • En video på Rob från TCA. Snygging

    Källa: NMM & TN

    .. 2009-08-11 | 09:34:06

    Info om New Moon trailern

    Summit Entertainment has just announced at the newest trailer for The Twilight Saga: New Moon
    will be partially aired this Wednesday.
    While the full trailer will be shown this Friday,
     August 14th at the premiere of Bandslam with Vanessa Hudgens,
    a 10 second snippet will be seen starting Wednesday "nationwide."

    och sedan till en annan spännande sak om new moon trailern...

    Såhär skriver Hisgoldeneyes:
    Please note there will be 14 seconds of preview footage footage for the teaser trailer and it will be available, due to high demand, tomorrow at 9am EST/6am PDT!

    Alltså, enligt Hisgoldeneyes, så kommer det en "förhandstitt" på New Moon-trailern som är 14 sekunder lång. Spännande va? Den kommer att komma runt kl 16, svensk tid, idag.

    Källa: TS

    .. 2009-08-10 | 21:18:13

    Rob drar handen genom håret

    Ja, visst, han gör det väldigt ofta, men hur snygg är han inte?

    Rob verkar vara riktigt poppis. Stackarn.

    Källa: FRP

    .. 2009-08-10 | 17:30:30

    Rob dissar the Cast

    De pratar, Rob kommer, smilar lite och dissar Twilight Castet. Haha, så kul!


    .. 2009-08-10 | 16:24:32

    Dagens bild

    En bild på Kristen från en gammal fotosession.

    .. 2009-08-10 | 14:19:22

    Jackson och Kellan imiterar Rob

    Här är två videos där Jackson och Kellan imiterar Rob.

    Källa: Robpattz

    .. 2009-08-10 | 11:53:16

    Intervju med Taylor Lautner på T.C.A - Röda mattan

    Källa: TN

    .. 2009-08-10 | 09:37:16

    Twilight på T.C.A

    Taylor och Ashley tar emot priset Fresh Faced Award

    Twilightgänget var där, på T.C.A och vann 11/11 nomineringar!

  • Choice Drama Movie - Twilight
  • Choice Romance Movie - Twilight
  • Choice Rumble - Robert Pattinson vs. Cam Gigandet
  • Choice Liplock - Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
  • Choice Drama Actress - Kristen Stewart
  • Choice Drama Actor - Robert Pattinson
  • Choice Villian - Cam Gigandet
  • Choice Movie Fresh Face Female - Ashley Greene
  • Choice Movie Fresh Face Male - Taylor Lautner
  • Choice Male Hottie - Robert Pattinson
  • Choice Movie Soundtrack - Twilight

  • Nikki var ju även nominerad i Choice Movie Fresh Face Female, men Ashley vann den ju, så det var ju fortfarande en Twilighttjej som vann titeln!

    Några bilder från T.C.A:


    Klicka för stor bild






    Hon ler så sött :D



    Klicka för stor bild



    Puh, det blev många bilder. Hoppas ni gillar de!

    Källa: TTS & HGE

    .. 2009-08-09 | 22:25:44

    Kvällens bild

    En fanmade bild.
    Visst är den fin?

    .. 2009-08-09 | 18:34:18

    Teen Choice Awards Live Streaming?

    Det verkar vara så att man kommer att kunna se T.C.A live på datorn? Den här sidan verkar ha lite information om detta. Om den kommer att sändas, så kommer det att vara kl 5 på morgonen tisdagen 11/8 svensk tid.

    Ni som vaknar tidigt kan ju alltid kolla, och så får vi hoppas på att det fungerar, och självklart att Twilightgänget tar hem några priser.

    Röstningen har föressten stängt, så det går alltså inte att rösta längre.

    Källa: RP

    .. 2009-08-09 | 16:43:58

    Anna Kendricks födelsedag

    Grattis till Anna Kendrick som fyller 24 år idag! Född 9 augusti 1985.


    .. 2009-08-09 | 16:30:58

    Här kommer de att sitta på T.C.A

    Här är en video som visar vart Twilightgänget kommer att sitta på Teen Choice Awards.

    .. 2009-08-09 | 15:20:42

    Funny Twilight

    Här är två roliga Twilightbilder som jag har hittat.

    Det tog åratal att ladda upp de här två bilderna. Min dator är lite konstig just nu. Men iallafall, om ni tar, glöm inte att ange mig som källa tack!

    .. 2009-08-09 | 13:13:26

    Intervju med Jodelle Ferland

    Jodelle Ferland som är ny i the Twilight saga: Eclipse castet har blivit intervjuad.

    The 14-year-old Vancouverite has just landed a coveted role in Eclipse, the third film in the series. Since seeing the first film with friends and auditioning for the role, she borrowed and read all four books.

    "I hadn't heard much about Twilight when it first came out," she said in a phone interview from Playland.

    "I'm home-schooled so sometimes I don't hear about things like that," she said. "But my friends were all freaking out about Twilight and I was like 'What's that?'"

    * * *

    "I'm so excited," giggled Ferland. "It's not that I didn't think I would get the role, it's just that things like this never happen. I'm still having a hard time believing it."

    Eclipse will be Ferland's second time working with Twilight star Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, the mortal teen who falls for vampire Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson.

    Stewart and Ferland appeared in The Messengers, a film about children who can see otherwise invisible supernatural horrors.

    Ferland concedes she is often cast in horror films and television shows with a supernatural angle. Indeed, her list of acting credits is long as her arm.

    "I've never played a vampire before so I am really excited about that," she said.

    Jodelle är verkligen en jättesöt tjej, så jag tror att hon kommer att passa bra!

    Läs hela intervjun här.

    Källa: TTS

    .. 2009-08-09 | 10:07:46

    Radiointervju med Ashley

    Ryan Seacrest gjorde en radiointervju med Ashley där de bland annat pratar om kändislivet, Eclipse och sådant. 

    Källa: NMM

    .. 2009-08-08 | 22:09:11

    Roliga Twibilder

    I Hope Edward Doesn't Mind It

    15 Seconds of Fame

    The Letters Of Rivals

    Haha, så roliga!
    Dessa "bildcitat" får bli dagens Twitat.


    .. 2009-08-08 | 19:54:01

    Twilight i Simpsonsfigurer

    Hittade den här bilden för ett tag sedan. Twilight i Simsponsform. Visst är den bra gjord? Det ser så Simpsonsaktigt ut, men man ser fortfarande att det är Twilight. Personligen tycker jag att Alice, Bella och Jasper blev mest lika.

    Källa: TF

    .. 2009-08-08 | 18:34:11

    Kristens filmer

    Ett bra videoklipp med filmer som Kristen har medverkat i. Inte alla, men de som hon har medverkat i när hon är lite äldre.

    Filmerna: The Cake Eaters, Into the Wild, Cutlass, The Yellow Handkerchief, What Just Happened, Twilight och Adventureland.

    Som ni ser i slutet så är det inte jag som har gjort det här videoklippet.

    .. 2009-08-08 | 17:36:23

    Fyra till från Glamour

    Ytterligare fyra bilder från Glamour på Rachelle, Noot, Nikki och Ashley.

    Rachelle Lefevre


    Noot Seear


    Nikki Reed


    Ashley Greene

    Bilden på Ashley har jag ju redan visat, men den här är utan texten.

    Källa: tts

    .. 2009-08-08 | 15:01:31

    Fakta om New Moon skådespelarna i InTouch

    Fabulous Robert Pattinson köpte hem svensk InTouch som i det här numret innehåller 37 korta "faktan" om skådespelarna i New Moon. Bilderna + texten kommer därifrån.

    Hon slog armarna om hunkiga Taylor - inte Rob - när hon på
    Comic-con blev tillfrågad om vems sida hon står på.

    Glöm bilden av en grubblande Robert!
    "Han är en riktig knasboll", säger Billy Burke som spelar Bellas pappa Charlie. "Han tar inte sig själv på särskilt stort allvar."

    "Jag hårdtränar med stuntlektioner, kampsport & dans", säger hon.  "Jag kommer att göra så många stuntscener som de låter mig göra."

    .. 2009-08-08 | 10:54:44

    Dagens bild

    Dagens bild 8 augusti - Robert, Kristen, Cam och Taylor.

    .. 2009-08-08 | 09:50:00

    Ashley Greene videointervju

    En "Good Day LA" intervju med Ashley Greene.

    Som vanligt verkar hon vara väldigt snäll. Tänk att få träffa henne...

    Källa: nmm

    .. 2009-08-07 | 21:15:45

    Christian Serratos om allt möjligt

    Här är en intervju MTV gjorde med Christian Serratos, på TwiCon. Lite blandade frågor.

    Angela-ChristianSerratos.jpg Angela image by JustJoanna2008

    MTV: What do you have in your "Twilight" clothes collection? '

    Serratos: I have a lot of "Twilight" gear. I love the hoodies that say "vampires" and "werewolves," but I refuse to get one because I can't choose; I have to have them both. I have the Team Edward T-shirt, but I also have Team Jacob.

    MTV: Why is there no "Team Human" stuff?

    Serratos: That's what I'm saying! I think we should take it into our own hands.

    MTV: What kind of merchandise would you like to see for Angela, Mike and the other humans?

    Serratos: Probably it would be an imitation of my glasses? ... [It would be easy] going to a convention where you have to dress up, and you're like "Oh, I am dressed up!" "No you're not!" "Yes I am. I'm a human!"

    MTV: OK, so let's talk "New Moon" a little bit. How was the shoot?

    Serratos: Chris [Weitz] was amazing, like, fantastic. I was really happy working with him. We shot in Vancouver [British Columbia], which was a good change from Portland [Oregon]. I love the city Portland, and I've been back there since, but in Vancouver the weather was a lot better, and I didn't wanna die at the end of the day, because it wasn't extremely cold. I'm excited to go film "Eclipse." That's gonna be next month already - they are already cranking it out.

    MTV: And they'll be shooting that in Vancouver as well?

    Serratos: Yeah. I haven't read the script yet. I didn't bring my laptop with me, so I saw it on my phone - on my e-mail - and I was like, "I wish I could download this as an attachment, but I can't!"

    Läs hela intervjun här.

    .. 2009-08-07 | 19:18:49

    Personlig bild på Kristen

    Det är inte precis samma sak som paparazzibilder, men det är ju fortfarande personligt, så om ni vill att jag tar bort den så gör jag självklart det, men visst är hon söt på bilden?

    Hittat på TF.

    .. 2009-08-07 | 15:57:19

    Dagens fråga

    Om du ser detta så har jag en fråga till dig:

    Team Edward, Team Jacob eller Team Switzerland?

    .. 2009-08-07 | 12:41:28

    New Moon set

    Jag gick in på Twilightersanonymous, och hittade en berättelse hon hade skrivit om när hon var och tittade på när de spelade in en scen till New Moon. Några Twilight-fan sidor i USA fick nämligen åka till inspelningarna av New Moon i april.

    Jag har tagit en bit från berättelsen.

    Upon arriving, we exited the van and walked a short distance to the set where we saw none other than the house of Miss Bella Swan. Although Bella's original house was in Oregon where the bulk of Twilight was filmed, the house in Vancouver was a perfect replica built by the talented crew. The house was surrounded by all of the familiar things we saw in Twilight; complete with added trees, a boat, and the vehicles of Charlie Swan and Billy Black. Of course, the house is not one you'd live in and it wasn't an every day occasion, so aside from the added trees and cars, many different forms of production equipment were present. The house itself is nothing more than a shell intended for use in exterior shots and surrounding it that night were several bright lights and white screens to give the scene the perfect evening-time look.

    Naturally, many crew members and extras were on-hand for the scene that night. One interesting attendee was a man we met and spoke with named Greg. Greg happened to live at the lone house across the street from where Bella's mock-up house was built. Though being forced to live in a unique form of chaos for a few weeks (i.e.: driving through swarms of fans while trying to get home, being photographed by onlookers mistaking him for cast members, and overall having a major film production conducted on the other side of his driveway), Greg had the distinct pleasure of being able to watch the filming as he pleased (Twilight fans - befriend Greg!).

    Aside from the aforementioned, there were many more in attendance that night, including director Chris Weitz, producer Wyck Godfrey, Twilight veterans Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan), Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black), Billy Burke (Charlie Swan), and Gil Birmingham (Billy Black), and New Moon newcomers Chaske Spencer (Sam Uley) and Graham Greene (Harry Clearwater).

    If you diehards haven't guessed by now from all the clues above, the scene we witnessed went something like this: Charlie Swan's beloved daughter Bella has been missing for hours. Being the chief of police, Charlie has rounded up a search party to find his daughter and they are all now huddled around the hood of his police cruiser. Charlie wipes his brow and looks stressed as those in the search party (which includes Billy, Jacob, Harry, and a few other unnamed characters) converse with one another and look at several different sheets of papers laid out on the car's hood. Suddenly, something catches Jacob's eye. "Charlie..." Jacob warns slowly as he taps Chief Swan on the shoulder. "Bella!" Charlie shouts with a mixture of worry and relief as he turns to see his daughter being carried out of the woods, seemingly unconscious, by Sam Uley. Charlie sprints to meet them and grabs Bella out of Sam's arms and places her into the comfort of his own.

    Though the weather was brisk (keep in mind this was a night shoot and past 9pm at this point), Chaske Spencer was ever the trooper; completing each take in nothing but dark shoes and cut off shorts that landed just above the knee. To keep warm in between takes, Chaske had a trainer on set to help him work out and keep the blood flowing. Kristen was dressed a little more comfortably, wearing denim jeans, an oversized camel-colored jacket, and slip-on shoes. Sound familiar? Since the scene we witnessed is set in the story right after the infamous break-up scene, the outfit Kristen wore that night was the same that can be seen in the first official trailer.


    We watched the scene unfold several times right in front of us, but were also given the opportunity to look through a monitor to see exactly what the camera was "seeing" during each take. With each shot, the camera focused in on different angles and different actors involved in the scene. During each take, the heavy weight and stress from the emotional scene was almost tangible. In between each take, the set was a commonplace for joking and laughter. In one instance, director Chris Weitz yelled "cut!" just shy of when he should have wrapped the scene. Realizing his mistake, Chris reprimanded himself by yelling, "Bad, bad director!"

    Another point of laughter on set was with jokester Taylor Lautner. Taylor, decked out in Jacob garb and his pre-transformation wig, had a relatively small part in the scene and was only required to tap Charlie on the shoulder while saying his name warily. Right before another take, Taylor screams, "Wait!" causing everyone to snap their heads around. Taylor's signature half-smile emerges as he jokes, "I forgot my line!" and everyone simultaneously breathes a sigh of relief and laughs.

    Läs resten här.

    Vill du veta vilka andra sidor det var som fick åka dit? Gå in på Twilightnews. De har även publicerat His Golden Eye's (som var en av de lyckliga) berättelse därifrån.

    .. 2009-08-07 | 11:34:40

    Intervju med Noot Seear

    En intervju Style.com gjorde med Noot Seear.
    Noot spelar Heidi i New Moon, medlem i The Volturi.

    Had you read the Twilight books before you went out for the part?

    No, actually. And even though the first movie had come out by the time I heard about the role, I still didn't have a clear idea what a huge production this was and what an insane cult following it has. It didn't quite hit me until Comic-Con. I mean, people slept outside overnight just to get a glimpse of the cast, and then, you know, we go into this auditorium, and screen a clip of the movie, and the fans are just screaming, like, the loudest noise I've ever heard. And the screaming would die down for a minute, and then Rob [Pattinson] would brush his hair out of his eyes or something, and that's all it would take for the screaming to start up again.

    Do you look at Robert Pattinson and think, yikes, that's going to be my life in a few months?

    I'm not sure it will be the same thing. My part is relatively small, and then I'm not coming back until the fourth film, so I'd like to think I can stay under-the-radar. All that fame, I mean, I know it's something Rob has been struggling with, because it happened so quickly to him and in such a massive way. I like being able to walk down my street without being recognized, and I don't like people knowing my business. So what I'd prefer, rather than go for some big blockbuster after this, is to build my career up slowly, with some indies, things like that. Good scripts, good directors. I've managed to have a lot of longevity as a model because I never got overexposed. I'm hoping I can have the same kind of career as an actress.

    Wait-so you've read the Twilight books by now, undoubtedly?

    I read them on airplanes. I think there's something about flying that heightens emotion, because I was literally crying the whole way through each of those books. Flying and crying. I'm sure people thought I was crazy.

    Läs resten av intervjun här.

    .. 2009-08-07 | 09:42:08

    Ashley i Glamour

    Ännu en bild från septembernumret för Glamour, den här gången på Ashley.

    Visst är hon vacker?

    Källa: l&ll

    .. 2009-08-06 | 22:10:56

    Yngre Rob

    Två bilder från en gammal session med Rob.

    Vad säger ni?
    Själv tycker jag att han har förändrats, förändrats till en snygg man, istället för en tonårskille.

    Källa: l&ll

    .. 2009-08-06 | 18:07:54

    Melissa Rosenberg, The Twilight Saga's Screenwriter

    En intervju av ET Online med Melissa Rosenberg "The Twilight Saga's Screenwriter".

    : Are you writing for the chemistry between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart?

    Melissa Rosenberg
    : When I wrote 'Twilight,' I didn't know who was starring in it, so I wrote in a vacuum. There was some rewriting that had to be done when we knew who they were, because I had started with more of a comedic edge and it wasn't appropriate for those actors and the tone. I lean toward the dark comedy, witness "Dexter." So, going into 'New Moon' and 'Eclipse,' I knew who I was writing for. I knew who the characters were and what their voices were. It got even easier with 'Eclipse.' [Author] Stephenie Meyer's created the character's chemistry; and those two actors brought so much chemistry. I don't think the movies would have been so successful without those two actors and their chemistry. 'Twilight' was beautifully cast.

    ET: What was the set of 'New Moon' like?

    Melissa Rosenberg
    : 'New Moon' was one of the happiest sets I have ever been on. The guy who picked me up, said, "This is a great set. [Director] Chris Weitz is a genius. It is so wonderful." I was, "Okay, dude, you are overselling." But I got on the set and it was just delightful. You can tell when it is uncomfortable and they are not connecting. Chris Weitz is just a Zen master. I went to him and I was, "You are so cool and calm. And everyone is so cool and calm." He said, "You have no idea what it is going to cost me." My husband is a director and I know what it costs him. You have to tamp down every ounce of panic and frustration in order to project this calmness. I hope Chris got a good vacation between production and post.

    ET: What do you think of the recasting of Rachelle Lefevre?

    Melissa Rosenberg
    : I love Rachelle, but Bryce Dallas Howard? It was a shame, but I think Rachelle will go on to do brilliant things. I just love her. I am sure Bryce will be great.

    Läs mer..

    .. 2009-08-06 | 17:06:00

    Svindlande höjder får ett Twilightinspirerat bokomslag

    Wuthering Heights (sv: Svindlande höjder) har kommit ut i en lite Twilightinspirerad variant. Det står "Bella&Edward's Favorite Book", fast Bella's favoritbok skulle nog vara passande.. iallafall. Texten "Wuthering Heights" är ju även skrivet i Twilightfonten (Zephyr för er som undrar).

    Så vad tycker ni? Är det bra?


    .. 2009-08-06 | 16:51:19

    Twilight beauty

    Från nmm:

    Some of the New Moon gals are in the newest issue of Glamour magazine, and they posed for this gorgeous new photo for an article on "Twilight Beauty". Nikki Reed, Rachelle LeFevre, Ashley Greene and Noot Seear make up the beauts.

    Ja, de var riktigt fina, tycker inte ni det?

    För er om undrar, Noot Seear spelar Heidi i New Moon.

    .. 2009-08-06 | 15:29:22

    Fanmade New Moon trailer

    En trailer som säkert alla redan har sett?
    Om inte så får ni se den nu.
    Hur bra som helst ju! Och jättespännande! Visst blír man lite: Måste kolla på filmen?

    .. 2009-08-06 | 13:13:24

    Dagens Twitat

    "Oh! I get it! You love me!"
    - Bella, New Moon

    .. 2009-08-06 | 10:13:06

    Jackson om födelsedagsscenen

    Jackson RathboneMTV: The birthday scene is certainly a very pivotal moment in the "Twilight" universe. Kellan, Peter and others have told me they had to restrain you during takes. How method did you get?

    : Yeah, I was going pretty method. We choreographed it - so I wasn't too worried about attacking Kristen - but I told the guys to hold me back, because you want it to look real. You want it to be as real as possible, because you want that to transfer on film, and you want the audience to feel that frightened sense that I gave Kristen. I felt really bad, man. There was a couple of moments where she was like, "I thought you were going to hit me that time!" I come so close; it's pretty intense.

    : We also see you flying into the piano.

    : Yeah, there's a grand piano. I felt bad about that - as a music lover, you can't destroy a piano. It's gorgeous. It's begging to be played. But it looks good on film.

    : Did you do your own stunts?

    : It was a breakaway, actually. They wouldn't let me hit the actual piano. I did everything but the landing in the piano. I hit Edward, he knocks me back. It was funny, when we were filming, they had stunt guys following me with pads because I had to run into Edward, and then as soon as we connected, I had to jump myself back ... then they had a stunt guy crash into the breakaway piano, and then they cut to me coming up out of the piano and charging her.

    Läs hela intervjun här.

    .. 2009-08-05 | 21:39:21

    Videos från MTV Movie Awards 2009

    Några gamla videoklipp från MTV Movie Awards 2009.

    En favorit i repris, Kristen och Roberts non-kiss.

    En liten backstage video med skådespelarna. Haha, i början - Kristen: I was just like: I'm not gonna kiss you...

    .. 2009-08-05 | 20:59:28

    Twilight säljer bätttre än Harry Potter

    Stephenie Meyer's four-book Twilight series has sunk its fangs into USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books list - with no signs of letting go. Meyer's domination of the list for the past 12 months has smashed records that until now had belonged to J.K. Rowling.

    Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in the teen-vampire romance series, entered the list at No. 1 on Aug. 2, 2008. Its sales and those of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse, the first three books, have remained staggering.

    This week, Meyer's novels are Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 on USA TODAY's list.

    Rowling, overall, has sold more books than Meyer - her seven-book series about boy wizard Harry Potter has 143 million copies in print in the USA, while Meyer has sold 40 million copies of her four books. But Rowling can't match Meyer's control of the list.

    Yey, heja Twilight!

    Källa: tts

    .. 2009-08-05 | 18:37:48

    Ett tillskott - Jodelle Ferland


    Thesp Jodelle Ferland ("Silent Hill") is the latest addition to the "Twilight" franchise, joining "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" as a vampire who has just been turned.

    Hon är ju jättesöt, och jag tror att hon kommer att passa perfekt som en av de nyfödda vampyrerna i Eclipse.


    .. 2009-08-05 | 16:09:27

    Ännu fler New Moon bilder

    Här kommer några till New Moon bilder.
    Visst är de fina? Åhh, jag har aldrig varit bra på att vänta, hehe.

    Källa: tn

    .. 2009-08-05 | 13:56:59

    Forks High School - Brand

    A planter box located near the landmark wooden Forks High School Spartans sign was set on fire early Monday morning, Aug. 3.

    Below in a photo from Forks Forum Editor Chris Cook's book "Twilight Territory" files
    a fan takes a snap shot of the wooden sign, with the burnt flower planter to the left.



    By Chris Cook - Forks Forum Editor

    An suspect is being sought in an attempt to burn the landmark wooden Forks Spartan sign that stands in front of the circa 1925 brick Forks High School building. A section of a planter box located about 20 feet from the sign was burned.

    The wooden sign which fronts Spartan Ave. is a popular photo op stop for visiting Twilight fans. Tens of thousands of the fans have had their photo taken in front of the sign.

    On Monday morning, Forks Police Department Deputy Chief of Police Lloyd Lee reported to the Forks Forum that: "Early this morning around 0145 hours the on duty officer, Michael Rowley was flagged down in the area of the school and was told about a bench in front of the high school was on fire. The responding officer put the fire out with the fire extinguisher he carries in his vehicle.

    "After investigating we found not only was the bench on fire, but the arsonist tried to burn down the Forks High School sign. A one foot in diameter charred area was found behind the sign. Also found was a broken window on the north side of the high school."

    Lee said the Forks Police Department has a person of interest who was seen in the area.

    Jag fattar inte varför de gör sådant. Så synd.

    Källa: tts

    .. 2009-08-05 | 11:24:30

    Intervju med Robert Pattinson

    robert_pattinson300aEn väldigt bra intervju med Robert Pattinson.

    Did you have any idea what you were in store for when you signed up for Twilight?

    No way. I read the script and I barely even knew that they were books too. The only reason I went to the audition was to see Kristen, because I'd just seen Into The Wild.

    Are you saying you had a little bit of a crush on her?
    Of course! No, we are just very good friends.

    But there have been a lot of rumours about you two...
    I know - but honestly, we are just friends.

    Do you have a girlfriend?

    No, no. I am young, free and single.

    What do you look for in a lady?
    I like people being forward. Gosh, I don't know. I like strong people, chiselled abs... I don't know, I take what I can get!

    What is the hardest part of being Edward Cullen?
    Probably trying to be scary when you're supposed to be looking pretty at the same time.

    Does it worry you that you may always be cast as a heart-throb?
    I'm so surprised things have worked out the way they have, I just keep thinking the whole time, I don't really have the right personality to fit in to that kind of role.

    If you could live forever, like Edward Cullen, what would you do?
    Probably learn to speak French. Or I might spend three weeks straight with no sleep learning the piano. You'd get really good at stuff because you would have time to do everything.

    You have said that Edward is a little obsessive - are you surprised that girls think of Edward as the most perfect boyfriend ever?
    It's weird, but girls always seem like that. Being a guy, you always just look at girls and think, why are you with that guy? With virtually anyone the nice guys always seem to come last.

    Källa: nmm

    .. 2009-08-05 | 10:28:11

    New Moon kalender - April

    Här är en förstoring på aprilmånadens bild, på min födelsemånads bild.
    Jag måste verkligen köpa New Moon kalendern.

    Ser ni hur het Jacob är? Gillar honom mer och mer.
    Men är självklart fortfarande Team Edward.

    .. 2009-08-04 | 20:43:16


    Vet ni hur överraskad jag blev när jag hittade den här Twilight-sidan med några spel på?
    Ni borde testa själva! Gå in och kolla!

    .. 2009-08-04 | 16:31:27

    Vampyrerna i Vancouver inför Eclipse

    Bryce som är den nya skådespelaren för Victoria.

    Xavier som ska spela Riley

    Ashley, som spelar Alice :D

    källa: tts

    .. 2009-08-04 | 16:17:18

    Utskrivna bilder

    För ett tag sedan bad jag pappa skriva ut bilder, och igår kom han hem med bilderna. Skrev ut ett tiotal bilder, som nu hänger i mitt rum.

    .. 2009-08-04 | 14:57:33

    Jackson och Peter om Bryce / Rachelle

    Källa: TS

    .. 2009-08-04 | 13:47:35


    Snart kommer man kunna köpa Twilightsmink, Luna Twilight och Volturi Twilight, online. Rättare sagt 17 augusti kommer de att finnas tillgängliga på TwilightBeauty.com.

    Kommer någon att köpa?

    Källa: tts

    .. 2009-08-04 | 11:16:42

    Rob eller Taylor makeover

    Nu kan man pröva Roberts och Taylors frisyrer på instyle.com. Det är ju killfrisyrer, of course, så man kanske kan testa på sin pojkvän/pappa/någon annan rolig? Om man själv är kille kan man ju självklart testa på sig själv, eller om man är tjej borde man väl också kunna testa?

    Vill du se hur någon eller du själv ser ut i Rob eller Taylors frisyr? Gå in här och testa!

    Källa: nmm

    .. 2009-08-04 | 09:59:23

    Dags för Vancouver

    Från twitter
    JUST IN: Confirmed...
    Some Eclipse cast arrived in Vancouver tonight.
    Nikki, Ashley, Kellan, Elizabeth, Charlie, Bryce & Xavier.

    .. 2009-08-03 | 20:43:20

    Rykte: Breaking Dawn i tre filmer?

    Det pratas om att den fjärde delen av the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn, kommer att göras i, inte en, utan tre filmer.

    "Sources say that Breaking Dawn will be filmed and released in a new trilogy - "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I", "Part II" and "Part III". This has not been confirmed officially by Summit, however author Stephenie Meyer has stated "it would have to be made into multiple movies because it's hard to imagine it fitting into ninety minutes".

    "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I" skulle då börja filmas under 2010, och vara klar 2011.

    Vad tycker ni om det?

    Källa: nmm

    .. 2009-08-03 | 18:45:45

    Jacksons band, 100 monkeys, på Twi-con

    Jacksons band, 100 monkeys, på Twi-con.
    Visst är de bra?

    Källa: TTS

    .. 2009-08-03 | 15:38:15

    Bilder på New Moon kalendern

    Två bilder på New Moon kalendern.

    WOW! Visst är det fina bilder?
    Jag måste verkligen ha en New Moon kalender.

    Källa: NMM

    .. 2009-08-03 | 13:38:16

    Rob i Ellen Degeneres show

    Idag, hos Ellen Denegeres, i LA. För er som inte vet det så kommer ju Rob från London.

    Ellen frågade om Rob körde bil i LA
    Rob: Teoretiskt sett kör jag, men jag kan inte riktigt köra.
    Ellen: Kör inte då... Du vet, vi kör på andra sidan vägen.
    Rob: Jag räknade ut det efter någon vecka.

    (De använde såkart inte dessa ord och sådant, men jag översatte lite snabbt från det jag hörde)

    Hittade även en video. Visst var han rolig?

    .. 2009-08-03 | 12:39:46

    Joan Jett om Kristen i The Runaways

    Jett says she spends most days on the film's set. "It's been a really, really good experience, an interesting experience, very surreal experience. I think the actors are doing a brilliant job."

    As for Stewart's portrayal of her, Jett says, "I could not be happier. I'm absolutely thrilled with her as a person, as an actor. I've gotten to know her a bit over this time, and I can't speak highly enough of her."

    Läs hela artikeln här.

    Källa: TN

    .. 2009-08-03 | 10:03:06

    Rob på tv

    Idag klockan 12.45 kommer Robert att vara med på Ellen DeGeneres show. OBS! Det är inte live, utan repris.
    Sitt framför tv:n om ni vill se Rob på tv.

    Källa: TTS

    .. 2009-08-02 | 21:25:51

    Dagens bild

    Dagens bild är en "still" från New Moon,

    .. 2009-08-02 | 18:23:04

    Kellan Lutz, mer lik en varg?

    Är Kellan mer lik en varg? I en intervju säger han att han liknar Jacob.

    "I'm definitely more of a ‘Jacob,' " he says of the character, who has an unrequited love for protagonist Bella. "A girl once broke up with me 11 times, and I just kept right at it. I'd sent her candy, flowers, everything. I'm really persistent."

    Vad tror ni? Kan Kellan kanske vara en vargman istället för vampyr?

    Källa: NMM

    .. 2009-08-02 | 14:57:13

    Sveriges releasedatum

    Vi ligger väldigt långt fram med releasedatumen. Visst är det skönt? 20 november är det dags att gå på bio!
    Längtar längtar längtar.


    .. 2009-08-02 | 13:47:58

    Två promobilder för New Moon

    Rubriken säger allt!


    Källa: TTS

    .. 2009-08-02 | 11:46:05

    Taylor in action

    Det finns nu en massa bilder på Taylor när han spelar in Valentine's day.
    En bild på Taylor in action.

    Visst är han duktig?

    .. 2009-08-02 | 09:19:06

    Comic-Con outtakes

    Comic-con porträtt outtakes.

    Visst är bilderna härliga?

    Källa: L&LL

    .. 2009-08-01 | 19:52:15

    Vill du ha med Rachelle i Eclipse?

    Nu finns det ett par namninsamlingar om att ha med Rachelle som Victoria i Eclipse.

    Här är ett exempel.

    Så om du vill att Rachelle ska spela Victoria, var med och gör din "röst" hörd.

    .. 2009-08-01 | 16:35:05

    Roberts favoritscen

    Robert Pattinson's favorite scene from ‘New Moon' is the breakup scene between his character Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart's character Bella. Pattinson spoke a bit about why the scene was so interesting to him at Comic Con this past week.

    "I think my breakup scene was my favorite scene. I mean, hopefully it'll come off as having quite a few more levels than the relationship in ‘Twilight'. It was interesting. It was like a five page long dialogue scene. That didn't happen at all in the first one and it's quite an interesting little moment. It completely bypasses all the supernatural elements of the story, as well, which I found quite interesting." Pattinson explained.

    Taylor Lautner also commented on his favorite scenes - saying he liked the breakup scene between his character Jacob and Stewart's Bella the best.

    "It was also painful to shoot because it was thirty five degrees and we were being poured rain on, rain tower rain which is straight from the spring so it's ice cold. Yeah, it was bad, and I wasn't really wearing much." Lautner commented.

    Källa: TS

    .. 2009-08-01 | 14:52:48

    The Volturi är inte nakna

    Dear all,

    I would like to put everyone's mind at rest and let them know that the
    Volturi are not naked! Jamie (Campbell-Bower) has what you might call a
    dry sense of humor and almost managed to convince me - which is why he's
    such a good actor. Anyway, be assured that, even though we do want the
    look of the Volturi to be a bit of a surprise, they are always - as in
    the book! - fully clothed.

    Chris Weitz

    Alltså, Volturi kommer inte att vara nakna. Det var bara ett skämt. Det är bra tycker jag, hehe, för de ska ju hålla sig till böckerna.

    Vad tycker ni om det?

    Källa: TTS

    .. 2009-08-01 | 13:59:33

    Top ten sexy smiles

    Theinsider.com har gjort en lista med sina top ten sexy smiles. Våra vampyrfavoriter har kammat hem hela fyra platser på topplistan. Alla på top 5.

    5.)Robert Pattinson: Everything about him invites you in, his smile is certainly no exception.

    3.)Taylor Lautne
    r: Does his being half naked bother me? Nope, but his mouth does tend to draw my attention.

    2.)Kellan Lutz:
     His teeth, his lips, his dimples, I don't see how anyone couldn't appreciate that mouth. WOW.

    My number one spot goes to the guy I consider to be the epitome of beautiful, and soulful.

    1.)Jackson Rathbon
    e: For me, there is no sexier mouth on the planet. His smile reaches his eyes, and it's contagious.
    You can't look at him grinning, and not do the same in return.

    Every time I see his mouth turn up at the corners, I can't help but smile extremely wide, and say "Awwwww" (Yes aloud, don't judge me.) *laugh*

    (Passar på att visa er en ny bild från en gammal photoshoot.)

    Källa: TN

    .. 2009-08-01 | 11:13:01

    Ny officiell sida

    Summit har gjort ännu en sida på newmoonthemovie.com - "The World of Twilight". Det finns massor med saker. Kolla in den!

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