.. 2010-03-31 | 18:30:37

Nya Valentine's day stills



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.. 2010-03-30 | 20:58:11

The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner

Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree’s perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn.

This story was something that I worked on off and on for a while, just for fun, in between the times I was writing or editing other Twilight novels. Later, when the concept for The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide came up, I thought that might be a good place for Bree. Her story is a nice complement to Eclipse; it explains a lot of the things that Bella never knew. So I dusted it off and finished it up for placement in the Guide.

At the same time, it came in handy for the Eclipse film. Melissa (Rosenberg, the screenwriter) had a ton of questions about what exactly was going on in Seattle, how Victoria managed things, what Riley was like, etc. I let her read what I had then, and later gave the whole thing to the director, David Slade. David asked if Xavier, Bryce, and Jodelle (Riley, Victoria, and Bree) could read it as well, so all the parties involved would end up having a really strong foundation for their characters before the cameras started rolling. I was pleased that this side of the story would make it into the film and was looking forward to including it in the Guide.

WOW! Denna vill jag verkligen ha. Trodde inte att Stephenie skulle skriva en bok så snart. Dessutom om vampyrer. Fast ja, det är ju en Eclipse-novell.

Vem vill ha den?

Tack till TTS

.. 2010-03-29 | 19:27:29

Taylor intervju

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.. 2010-03-28 | 21:27:49

Charlie Bewley twittrar

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.. 2010-03-27 | 18:15:58

Screen Caps från Eclipse

Det är så roligt när det kommer saker från Eclipse. Snart.

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.. 2010-03-26 | 14:01:03

New Moon "klassfoto"

Visst är de söta? Ser verkligen ut som ett klassfoto.

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.. 2010-03-25 | 22:04:29

Vax dockan Rob

Här är skillnaden mellan vaxdockan Rob, och den riktiga Rob.

.. 2010-03-24 | 17:27:41

Ashley Greenes kommande projekt

Greene who is famous for playing the role of everyone’s favorite little sister Alice Cullen in The Twilight Saga, says: ‘I’ve done things, I didn’t know I could do”.

The apparition in question is an evil force, unleashed by a university experiment, that haunts a young couple. Greene said the film will deliver the scares that have been missing from recent horror movies. “With Apparition, they’re going back to doing elevated thriller,” Greene said in an exclusive interview on March 16 in Austin, Texas, where her film Skateland played at the South by Southwest film festival. “It’s not going to be that slash-gore movie. It’s that thing that just scares you to the core, and it’s terrifying.”

Still not convinced? Well, consider that in most horror movies you can yell at the screen “Don’t go in there” and the characters won’t listen to you. You might not be scared for people making bad decisions. Greene promises that her character in The Apparition makes the right choices but gets screwed anyway.

“The way that I can best explain it is that we do everything that a normal person would do,” Green said. “Everyone is going to watch it and say, ‘Do this!’ And that’s what we’re going to do. Unfortunately, it doesn’t solve things, and we’re still having to deal with them. I think that’s the scariest part, is when you do everything that you should do and you still end up ruined.”

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.. 2010-03-23 | 20:59:57

Ny officiell Eclispe poster

Visst är den snygg? Fast jag stör mig lite på Kristens hår, tyvärr.

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.. 2010-03-22 | 19:55:24

Robert innan Twilight

Robert Pat­tin­son wasn’t always an insanely famous, insanely hand­some movie dream­boat. In fact, in his first screen appear­ances, you’d hardly rec­og­nize the hunk he has trans­formed into today.

Long before the “Twi­light” series of films launched Robert Pat­tin­son into the stratos­phere he often was casted as the nerdy, shy fel­low melt­ing into the back­ground and afraid to approach the girls he found attractive.

Like this scene from “The Bad Mother’s Hand­book” in which he plays a painfully shy buf­foon pin­ing for a class­mate who basi­cally doesn’t know he’s even alive. We’ve all been there, right?

Like most movie hunks, Pat­tin­son suf­fers from crit­i­cal back­lash that trash his act­ing abil­ity. In the movie out now, “Remem­ber Me” what­ever crit­ics say about the weak­ness of the plot, Pattinson’s act­ing skills are get­ting good reviews. Even down to nail­ing a “New Yawk” accent, one of the hard­est to pull off with authenticity.

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.. 2010-03-21 | 21:04:15

Stills från Eclipse sneak peek

Det har kommit stills från Eclipse sneak peek-klippet vi fick se. Klicka på bilden ovan för att se alla stills.

.. 2010-03-21 | 20:58:12

Några tjejer från releaseparty

Här är en intervju med några tjejer från releasepartyt för New Moon.

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.. 2010-03-20 | 09:29:09

Borttagna scener från NM

Här är en scen som blev kapad på bioduken. Klippet nedan är alltså hela.

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.. 2010-03-14 | 15:27:35

Nya GIF-bilder från Eclipse sneak peek

Det har kommit några GIF bilder från sneak peek videon för Eclipse.

Självklart är det spoilervarning!













WOW! Jag längtar verkligen till Eclipse. Verkar ju super!

Tack till EM

.. 2010-03-13 | 21:33:09

Eclipse sneak-a-peak


.. 2010-03-13 | 16:25:43

Kristen om peruker

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.. 2010-03-12 | 18:48:19

Vad Kristen tycker om trailern

Igår lade jag ju ut Eclipse trailern. Nu har det kommit ut en liten kort intervju med Kristen där hon berättar vad hon tyckte om trailern.

As you already know — the first official Eclipse trailer was released yesterday morning (how many times have you watched it?!?!). Cinematical.com interviewed Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning in promotion of their new film The Runaways. When asked about the Eclipse trailer, Dakota hadn’t seen it yet, but Kristen did -

When I asked if either of them got to see the trailer, Stewart and Fanning turned to one another for reactions. “Did you watch it?” Stewart asked Fanning.

“No, I didn’t,” Fanning replied. “I watched it,” Stewart said with enthusiasm. When I prodded her for specific feelings, she said, “Well, it’s really fast, isn’t it? It’s sort of like a couple of pictures strung together. But it looks good – it looks good! I think Taylor [Lautner] looks really great. Like, he looks very strong and I love his voice in it,” she said. “He’s good in it.”

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.. 2010-03-11 | 16:58:41

Första Eclipse trailern

Den första Eclipse trailern har kommit ut! Woho! Är överlycklig! Har väntat och väntat, men visst var det värt det?

.. 2010-03-10 | 21:25:17

Joan om Kristen

Här pratar Joan Jett om Kristen. Om att hon nästan kan göra vad som helst för att likna rollen.

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.. 2010-03-09 | 19:51:27

Ashley outtake av Tyler Shields

Wow! En ny outtake på Ashley av Tyler Shields. How beautiful?


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.. 2010-03-08 | 21:26:10

Rob i filmen Bel Ami

Alla visste kanske redan att Rob håller på med en annan film nu? För er som inte visste håller han på och spelar in en film, Bel Ami. Det har kommit några bilder från "the set".

New pictures of Eclipse Vampire Robert Pattinson (aka Edward Cullen) on the set of Bel Ami this past Saturday.

Lovin’ Bel Ami Rob! How about you?

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.. 2010-03-07 | 18:48:07

Kellan och Nikki på The QVC Red Carpet Style Party

"Kellan Lutz (aka Emmett Cullen) and Nikki Reed (aka Rosalie Hale) attended the QVC Red Carpet Style Party at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, California on Friday March 5th.

Marc Malkin from E! News  just tweeted photos of Kellan and Nikki at the party.  Marc tweeted another photo of Kellan and Annalynne McCord."

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.. 2010-03-06 | 14:52:09

The Runaways captures

Det finns en massa The Runaways captures ute på nätet.

Här är några av de.

Tack till TF

.. 2010-03-05 | 20:46:52

Chaske svarar på tio snabba frågor

Chaske (Sam) har svarat på tio snabbfrågor. Korta frågor, korta svar.

If you were able to travel in time for just one trip, what event would you choose to go and witness?

Chaske Spencer: I would love to see what the Sumerians (earliest known civilization in the world) were like.

In the Twilight saga, if you had the choice, would you have chosen to be one of the Vampires or did you prefer being one of the Wolves?

Chaske Spencer: I prefer to be in wolf-pack!

How exactly does one prepare for the role of playing a man that becomes a werewolf? I see you played Dracula in New York – do you have an interest in these kinds of fantasy roles?

Chaske Spencer: I read the books and dedicated myself to the workout program and Youtubed wolves. Yes, sure, it was fun!

What was it about the role of Sam Uley that attracted you to it?

Chaske Spencer: He is a great character, and it was an opportunity to break some of the native American stereotypes and use the platform to create positive, sustainable change
in the world.

What do you think the average person on the street can do to address poverty and make a difference?

Chaske Spencer: Let their voice be heard to their elected officials!

Do you have any plans to come to England and do some stage work?

Chaske Spencer: Not right now but would love to!

Why do you think the Twilight saga has been such an enormous hit?

Chaske Spencer: People can relate to it because it relates to individuals who are outsiders trying to fit in.

You’re something of a sex symbol in the UK but are there any famous UK ladies that have particularly caught your eye?

Chaske Spencer: Kate Winslet.

A number of US stars have settled in the UK and others call it their second home. Would you ever consider living in the UK and where do you consider to be your second home?

Chaske Spencer: Maybe someday. My first home is where my family is, my second home is the UK.

The Twilight films and books are quite sexually charged in an understated/tasteful kind of way. Does any of that sexual tension translate to relationships between the cast off-screen?

Chaske Spencer: Me and Bronson (Pelletier, laughs) just kidding!

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.. 2010-03-04 | 17:33:05

Balettdansösen Kristen

Finns det något Kristen inte kan göra?

Här är ett klipp från The Yellow Handkerchief, där vi får se Kristen Stewart dansa balett.

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.. 2010-03-03 | 18:10:23

Ingen Muse-låt i Eclipse

Efter att ha varit med i både Twilight och New Moon tar det tyvärr stopp. Dominic Howard, från Muse, har gjort ett uttalande.

"Nah, it’s gone. Oh, it’s nothing to do with Stephenie, she’s totally cool,” says Howard, beginning to explain how Muse have potentially broken their Twilight hat-trick. “It’s the people in the movie business, completely outside of the writers and the creative types, the non-creative types I suppose are the people who are quite hard to deal with in Hollywood, so it didn’t work out."

.. 2010-03-01 | 21:29:39

Remember me behind the scenes videos

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