Laws of attraction(?)
Alex Meraz photoshoot
Vinn Laurent-kort
Edi i Vakna med the Voice
Edi till Sverige
Edi kommer alltså till Sverige. Synd att jag inte kan komma till mässan i Stockholm i helgen, för hade så gärna velat träffa honom.
tack till tts
Peter Facinelli intervju
Inte så ofta vi får en intervju med Peter Facinelli, men här kommer en.
Källa: TTS
Tysk intervju + översättning
Här är en intervju + tidningscans från en tysk tidning. Översättning från tyska till engelska finns. Det kan finnas spoilers för de som inte läst New Moon.
Bravo: Tell me Rob: How do you become a Hero?
Rob(laughing out loud): Am I a Hero?
B: For the fans you are. You play the outsider, who everyone loves…
R: It’s great to be a outsider
B: Are you talking from experience?
R: I was a loner in school. But you know what? It’s a compliment and the best thing that could have happened to me. When you are different from everybody else, it helps to be creative.(thinking) Maybe my point of view is a bit too romantic.
B: It’s ok to be romantic…
R: (grabs his hair and looks to the ground): I love being different. I don’t want to listen to other people or adjust myself, to ful fill expectations. As a outsider I became what I am.
B: Are you the same in relationships?
R: In relationships and friendships you have to adjust, so that it works together. Isn’t it the best proof of love to work on yourself, because you love the other person so much. But u shouldn’t fake it just to be liked.
Taylor: At school I didn’t have many friends either. Most of the time I was alone.
Kristen: We all feel like outsiders from time to time. Like today I felt like an outsider and I’m sure that the most popular girl felt lonely and misunderstood. I know how it feels to be unpopular. It shouldn’t bother me what people say about me but some times it’s hard, even for me.
B: In the movie you are perfect heroes. What about in your private life? Would you change some thing there?
T: I want to be so wild and strong like the werewolf-boys. I’m often shy and silent. Sometimes I want to be more extroverted.
R: I want to be a bit shorter.
K: (rolls her eyes): You are such an idiot, Rob! I don’t understand why you say such stupid things (Rob smiles embarrassed. Kristens shakes her head) What is going on with you? Did u drink to much coke?
R: I have really long arms and legs and I’m total klutz. It isn’t very elegant. If I ever had to dance on a stage I would die of shame. I’m not afraid of normal appearance an more. I hope I can remember this moment 20 years from now.
B: Rob, you’ve accomplished a lot? Is it easy for you?
R: Sometimes I have to be motivated, to move my ass. I have the bad habit of hang ing around. I have two options: either I want to do ever thing at once or I don’t want do anything.
B: And if you’re heart broken, do you lock yourself up?
R: Oh no! You never should drown in sadness
B: …like Bella after the breakup?
K: I think it is important to go through a break up. Look at Bella: In the end she is stronger than before, because she found herself. Girls always want some body who watches over them. But first you have to be strong. Then u can have a happy relationship.
T: I think the love triangle is really hard, in the movie. I feel sorry for Jacob, because Bella dosen’t love him back. When I read the book, I was like I don’t wanna experience that!
R: Being heart broken always feels terrible. You have to go outside, meet some friends. But you shouldn’t ignore the pain, because some day it’s going to come back. But when you are young it doesn’t matter – after 5 days you fall in love again with some one else.
Anna Kendrick - Vouge
Kellan hos Jay Leno
Det verkar som om att många i Twicastet besöker Jay Leno? Eller det var ju Dakota, och nu Kellan.
Källa: NMM
Dakota hos Jay Leno
Som en liten frågetävling var det. Roligt iallafall!
Källa: TC
Dakota hos Ellen Degeneres
Har ni tänkt på att det bara är 4 dagar kvar tills premiären?
Dakota i Teen Vogue
At fifteen, Dakota Fanning is finally outgrowing the adjective that’s been applied to her so frequently during her decade-long career: precocious. It’s not a bad word, of course, and doubtless there are actresses three times her age who would kill to have worked with Sean Penn, Robert De Niro, Tom Cruise, and Denzel Washington—to say nothing of the prodigious natural talent that got Dakota there. But if her brief turn in this month’s The Twilight Saga: New Moon signals anything, it’s a willingness to shed the self-serious image that—deserved or not—is so widely known it’s been sent up in a Saturday Night Live sketch.
Certainly, Dakota’s role in the Twilight sequel didn’t seem to present too much of an acting challenge. As Jane, a pint-size Volturi vampire who possesses the power to cause pain without even touching her victims, she “kind of just looked at people.” Asked how she prepared, Dakota laughs. “I wasn’t in my mirror like Zoolander, doing the Blue Steel!” she says. “The red contacts were enough.” The actress was drawn to the project for pretty much the same reason any teen would be: It sounded like fun. “I read all four Twilight books in one week. It’s such a phenomenon, and I wanted to be able to say that I was a part of it.”
Making New Moon also gave Dakota a chance to get to know Kristen Stewart before they started shooting the upcoming Runaways biopic. “We became really close,” Dakota says, “like we’d known each other for our whole lives. We talk all the time.” Their off-set friendship added a layer of peculiarity to the proceedings on the New Moon set—”I’ve never been such an evil character, and because I do know Kristen so well, being mean to her was really weird. It’s like, Sorry, dude!” But the chemistry came in handy when Dakota and Kristen played punk rockers Cherie Currie (the Runaways’ lead singer) and Joan Jett. “The relationship that Joan and Cherie have in the script is kind of the one that Kristen and I have in real life,” Dakota says—although, she clarifies, “minus the destructive part.” (In an e-mail from the Eclipse set, Kristen effusively praises her costar, writing, “Dakota is one of the most consistently moving actors I have ever worked with. I’m always better with her.”)
En video på när Dakota fotograferas.
Källa: NMM
Edi till Sverige
WOW! Måste. Gå. !!!
sedan kommer Taylor
och Kristen
och tillsist Rob
Det var många intervjuer, fast det är väl alltid kul?
Alex och ett Kellanfan
Haha, undrar om "fanet" läser det där på Alex blogg.
Källa: TTS
En härlig intervju
Riktigt lång och bra intervju med Jackson, Kellan, Ashley och Nikki. Läs läs läs! Sjukt härliga bilder är det också!
Which member of the cast would you like to be stuck on desert island with?
Nikki: Kristen Stewart
Kellan: Ashley
Ashley: Jackson
Jackson: AshleyWhich member of the cast would you like to get drunk with?
Nikki: I don’t drink
Kellan: Jackson
Ashley: Jackson
Jackson: Rob Pattinson – we used to go to a bar and do open mikes together
Who would you go for a shoulder to cry on?
Nikki: Elizabeth Reaser
Kellan: Ashley
Ashley: My Eclipse co-star Bryce Dallas Howard
Jackson: Nikki
Who would you have a one night stand with?
Nikki: Elizabeth!
Kellan: Bella’s Mum (actress Sarah Clark)
Ashley: Can I say Jackson again? Although I don’t have one night stands!
Jackson: ElizabethWhich is the gender cliché that you’re embarrassed to say you succumb to?
Nikki: I actually really enjoy putting on make-up, not because I think I look better, but I really like art and painting.
Kellan: Football, sport in general. Although I have a lot of female friends who are into football just as much as me, that’s why I love hanging out with the girls, they get so into it and that’s sexy to me.
Jackson: I can’t clean. I really can’t, I’m not very good at it, I’m actually a poor cleaner. My level of cleanliness is far below most, I wear the same pants every day, I get at least 2-3 wearings out of my socks. Not in a row – they sit in my dirty pile.
Ashley: My dog is spoilt, I buy him clothes. I love girl movies and girl wine. I definitely get very excited over clothes, like really excited.
What’s the gender cliché you go against?
Nikki: I like clothes if I’m handed them, I don’t like shopping. I get bored really easily, like having to go through things and looking through racks. I’d much rather eat than shop.
Kellan: I am the worst at packing. If I’m going to the beach, it’ll take me like an hour to pack my stuff like my towels, bathing suits and games.
Jackson: I’m not into sports. I used to play a lot of baseball as a kid but I’ve never followed it I was always much more into art.
Ashley: I’m a real college football girl and I like hockey games. They’re really brutal but I enjoy them. I was a tomboy when I was growing up, I climbed trees and stuff.
Which member of the cast would you get to cook dinner?
Nikki: Peter Facinelli
Kellan: Ashley
Ashley: Peter Facinelli – he always says he’s cooked too much and invites us round to eat it!
Jackson: Peter Facinelli
Who in the cast would you go to for relationship advice?
Kellan: Ashley Greene. We’re very close and it’s great to have someone especially as you work with them, just to talk to for advice.
Nikki: Elizabeth Reaser. She has a good head on her shoulders
Ashley: I ask Kellan a lot about guys because he’s honest with me and she’s new but Bryce Dallas Howard is really nurturing and kind of motherly.
Jackson: Peter Facinelli. He’s got a wife, kids, beautiful home. That’s gorgeous. Someday hopefully, I’m taking tips from him.
Which member of the cast would you get to style you?
Nikki: Kellan
Kellan: Alex Meraz, who plays one of the werewolves, has good style.
Ashley: Rachelle Lefevre, although Kristen and I have the same taste in jeans
Jackson: Ashley
Which of the New Moon cast would you choose to help in fight?
Nikki: Jackson
Kellan: None. I wouldn’t need the help in a fight!
Ashley: Kellan
Jackson: Nikki
Källa: TTS/TF
Intervju med Kristen och Robert
Who spends more time on their hair?
Kristen: “Rob.”
Rob: “I have weird personal-space issues, and so I can’t stand people — um, I’ll do anything to not have any touch-ups.”
Kristen: “Rob. In a very childish way, in every aspect of his life. He’ll literally start talking in a different voice if he’s won something. He sounds like a five-year-old.”
Rob: “I’d say it was even. She said me? Really? When I really win things, it’s just like…” [Kristen is correct: He makes a noise like a five-year-old.]
Kristen: “I’m definitely claiming that one. Rob can barely jump rope. I call him Flippy because when he does his stunt rehearsals, he flips around [makes a gesture like a penguin]. And, God, when he tries to run …”
Rob: “Kristen. You notice it in the film; she looks so much more athletic than I do. And I’m supposed to be the superhero.”
Kristen: “I’d have to say him. I hope he says him too actually. Like every time he looks in the mirror and he twists his hair. Actually, he could give a fuck about his hair. I hope that sarcasm translates.”
Rob: “It’s kind of a tie. We’re both pretty proud people. Her ego is more solid than mine, but mine has soared to such peaks, it’s ridiculous. Mine’s more erratic, but it can get to a point when it’s, like, godlike. Only in my eyes, of course. Sometimes just when I say hello the right way, I’m like, Whoa, I’m so cool.”
Who Googles themselves more?
Kristen: “Rob.”
Rob: “She would say me, but I reckon it’s her. If either one of us catches the other one doing it, we’re like, Jesus Christ, is that what you’re looking at? And the other one’s on their phone pretending to text. I look up my competition more than she does. I’m incredibly shallow. I think she just looks at herself.”
Who’s the better musician?
Kristen: “Rob. He’s a great singer. Heartbreaking.”
The most outgoing?
Rob: “I was once, but not so much anymore. Kristen’s a little more open now.”
Better sport?
Kristen: “Who can hang? Definitely me. He’s very sensitive. He’s got a fragile ego.”
Kristen: “Rob. He’s a little bit more paranoid, so that feeds into superstition more.”
Rob: “I am. I believe a lot in karma and stuff. Like when I end up with egg on my face, I’m like, Fate! I was born doomed. But I think it’s more being an idiot than superstitious.”
But perhaps it pays to be a little paranoid. Whatever it takes for Rob and Kristen to live their hothouse lives as normally as they can — until the November 20 opening of New Moon, anyway. In the interim, CNN will report whenever Rob gets a haircut (it already has), and girls will get mad at Kristen for not wearing pink tube tops and taking their dream man away. They both fantasize about what they would do if nobody could see them. “I’d like to say something noble,” Rob says, fiddling with his hair, “but I’d probably spy on people to hear what they think of me — and then hate them for it afterward.” Kristen is, as ever, a little blunter: “I’d go for a walk.”
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Bra reklam med Rachelle Lefevre
Bra reklam, ellerhur?
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Halloween special
Så himla rolig. Spola fram till 1,40 ungefär.
Källa: Twilightfans
Kristen bjuder Rob på godis
Vad snäll Kristen är som ger lite godis till Robert.
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