Rachelle Lefevre

Q: Are you doing underwater stuff?
I did. I spent six hours in a pool doing all the underwater stuff.
Q: They have the scene with your hair in the water. That's like a classic moment from the book.
Yeah. Yeah, the sort of swimming with the hair underwater and then they did a really interesting thing where they did this amazing stunt where Bella gets caught in the tidal wave. So, we were all in the pool doing the same stuff on the same day. I got to film all my underwater stuff and then I got to watch them film that. It was incredible because there was no CGI involved that at all. There was a green screen so they could put it wherever they wanted, but there was nothing involved whatsoever in terms of adding it after the fact. They literally took, I think must have been 2,000 gallons of water in [what] looked like those huge cargo rectangular cargo containers you put on the back of trains. They had two of those pumped up with 2,000 gallons of water and first they did it with the stunt double and they did it with Kristen's photo double and then they literally on 'action' pulled the hatch and she got pummeled with an amazing tidal wave. And you could watch underwater, which I got to because I was in the pool, or you can watch on the monitor and you could literally see her spinning. It created a tidal wave and they just filmed until she got spit out. When it spit her out, the cut was over.
Q: It is scary. Is that like a toll for you guys that much more physical work because it's been more difficult to shoot?
This shoot has been more difficult for me in terms of physically demanding, but I don't know that. I feel the word difficult implies unpleasant in some way, which it has not been at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I sort of feel -- I don't want to put it out there, but I feel like I don't have any real substantial injuries yet. I feel like my injuries happily don't correspond with the stuff that I've been doing, which is good, but like anytime I get even a little bruise I'm like 'Look, I have wire burn.' I want something to show for it, you know, because otherwise nobody will believe me that it was me.
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Jamie Campbell Bower intervju

Your character, Caius, wants Bella dead the most. How much of that will we see in the film?
Jamie Campbell Bower: As in the book, the Volturri play a small but necessary part in this film. They come much more into play in the fourth film. I'm playing Caius very angry and agitated with the world, I suppose. Just glaring looks. You'll see as much as you read in the books.
Do you think Caius is agitated because he's the only vampire of the three who doesn't have a power?
JCB: He doesn't have a power! He's just pissed off about that! He's so angry! He doesn't like Bella because he can't eat her. He's not happy about that. Why is she there if he can't eat her? What's the point?
What power would you give him, if you could?
JCB: I'd give him the power of love.
Doesn't Caius have a wife?
JCB: He does have a wife, yeah, but she doesn't seem to be around. I don't know where she is.
What went into your research? Did you read the books? Did you get to talk Stephenie?
JCB: I haven't had a long discussion with Stephenie. My plan is to have a long discussion with her at some point today. Maybe it won't be a long discussion, maybe it will be like five minutes.
Yeah, I read the books and I did a lot of online research, because it's good to know what people who've read the books think about the characters as well. Because the books alone have such a huge fan base. You've got to stay true to what people want to see, I think. So I did that and talked to lots of people. And my friends gave me their ideas as well.
Did they make you audition for the role?
JCB: They did! They did make me audition. Disgraceful, isn't it. Shocking!
Did you read the books before you auditioned?
JCB: No, I didn't read the books before I auditioned, no. I went off the sides. Once I got the role, I obviously read the books. My 15-year-old brother kind of sat me down and insisted. I went back to my mum, and she was like, "You're going to read this, and you're going to read it now!' I was like, "OK, that's cool."
What went into your audition? Was there more than one?
JCB: It was one day. I originally auditioned for the role of Demetri. I went in, did a taping. Chris wasn't there. Then they called me back at like 2:00. Chris turned up; I met Chris. A week later I get a call like, "So, you're not going to get Demetri, but we're going to offer you Caius." I was like, "That's cool!" I'm just psyched to be a part of it. It's awesome.
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