Christian Serratos om allt möjligt
Här är en intervju MTV gjorde med Christian Serratos, på TwiCon. Lite blandade frågor.

MTV: What do you have in your "Twilight" clothes collection? '
Serratos: I have a lot of "Twilight" gear. I love the hoodies that say "vampires" and "werewolves," but I refuse to get one because I can't choose; I have to have them both. I have the Team Edward T-shirt, but I also have Team Jacob.
MTV: Why is there no "Team Human" stuff?
Serratos: That's what I'm saying! I think we should take it into our own hands.
MTV: What kind of merchandise would you like to see for Angela, Mike and the other humans?
Serratos: Probably it would be an imitation of my glasses? ... [It would be easy] going to a convention where you have to dress up, and you're like "Oh, I am dressed up!" "No you're not!" "Yes I am. I'm a human!"
MTV: OK, so let's talk "New Moon" a little bit. How was the shoot?
Serratos: Chris [Weitz] was amazing, like, fantastic. I was really happy working with him. We shot in Vancouver [British Columbia], which was a good change from Portland [Oregon]. I love the city Portland, and I've been back there since, but in Vancouver the weather was a lot better, and I didn't wanna die at the end of the day, because it wasn't extremely cold. I'm excited to go film "Eclipse." That's gonna be next month already - they are already cranking it out.
MTV: And they'll be shooting that in Vancouver as well?
Serratos: Yeah. I haven't read the script yet. I didn't bring my laptop with me, so I saw it on my phone - on my e-mail - and I was like, "I wish I could download this as an attachment, but I can't!"
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