Intervju med Noot Seear
Noot spelar Heidi i New Moon, medlem i The Volturi.

Had you read the Twilight books before you went out for the part?
No, actually. And even though the first movie had come out by the time I heard about the role, I still didn't have a clear idea what a huge production this was and what an insane cult following it has. It didn't quite hit me until Comic-Con. I mean, people slept outside overnight just to get a glimpse of the cast, and then, you know, we go into this auditorium, and screen a clip of the movie, and the fans are just screaming, like, the loudest noise I've ever heard. And the screaming would die down for a minute, and then Rob [Pattinson] would brush his hair out of his eyes or something, and that's all it would take for the screaming to start up again.
Do you look at Robert Pattinson and think, yikes, that's going to be my life in a few months?
I'm not sure it will be the same thing. My part is relatively small, and then I'm not coming back until the fourth film, so I'd like to think I can stay under-the-radar. All that fame, I mean, I know it's something Rob has been struggling with, because it happened so quickly to him and in such a massive way. I like being able to walk down my street without being recognized, and I don't like people knowing my business. So what I'd prefer, rather than go for some big blockbuster after this, is to build my career up slowly, with some indies, things like that. Good scripts, good directors. I've managed to have a lot of longevity as a model because I never got overexposed. I'm hoping I can have the same kind of career as an actress.
Wait-so you've read the Twilight books by now, undoubtedly?
I read them on airplanes. I think there's something about flying that heightens emotion, because I was literally crying the whole way through each of those books. Flying and crying. I'm sure people thought I was crazy.
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