Ännu mer New moon saker
Det kommer ännu fler New Moon saker. En grön partyklänning och en jacka Bella har i New Moon finns bland sakerna. Även ett vinglas med the Cullens Crest på.
Nu finns det riktigt många Twilightsaker överallt.
Bra eller dåligt?
En av Rachelles sista scener
New series director Chris Weitz, however, gave Rosenberg permission to get away from Bella's point of view a few times - most notably in a scene where we'll get a glimpse of the evil vampire's road trip. "I was able to explore what Victoria was up to," Rosenberg revealed. "And at one point, we cut away to Victoria driving really fast in a car."
When any of us are driving a long way, we might swing into a 7-Eleven and grab a Gatorade, some Flamin' Hot Cheetos or a Slim Jim. Victoria, however, prefers human flesh.
"She took a snack with her," laughed Rosenberg, making reference to Victoria's latest victim. "And she's reminiscing about her days with James. I loved writing that scene."
Källa: NMM
Dagens bild

Kellan Lutz får så för dagens bild.
Ge mig en bamsekram!
Ashley behind the scenes
Här kommer några Behind-the-scenes bilder.

Källa: L&LL
Taylor i Valentine's day

Källa: L&LL
Dagens Twitat
Har gjort en ny kategori - Twitat. Det är meningen att "Twitat" ska vara en blandning mellan Twilight och citat. Jag vet att jag har dålig fantasi, hehe.
"I think she's having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her."
- Alice Cullen, New Moon, Kap 22, sid 486.
Jackson ger en tjej sin sista önskan
The actor, who played Jasper Hale in the vampire love story, spends his spare time performing with two friends in the rock group 100 Monkeys. And when Rathbone heard that a Twilight fan is suffering from terminal cancer, he vowed to make her dreams come true.
He's offered to let 14-year-old Dorothy hang out backstage with the band at Saturday's show in Dallas, Texas - and the star is convinced the selfless act is the least he could do.
The 24 year old says, "We're all very lucky people and helping others makes us who we are."

Så snällt gjort. Så glad tjejen måste ha blivit.
Källa: TN
Summit om Rachelle
Summnit Entertainment om Rachelles uttalande:
We at Summit Entertainment are disappointed by Rachelle Lefevre's recent comments which attempt to make her career choices the fault of the Studio. Her decision to discuss her version of the scheduling challenges publicly has forced the Studio to set the record straight and correct the facts.
Ms. Lefevre's representatives were advised as early as April that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE was expected to start shooting in early August.
If Ms. Lefevre was, as she describes "passionate," about being part of THE TWILIGHT SAGA, we feel that she and her representatives would have included us in her decision to work on another film that would conflict with the shooting schedule of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.
It was not until July 20th that Summit was first informed of Ms. Lefevre's commitment to BARNEY'S VERSION, a commitment we have since been advised she accepted in early June. Summit had acted in good faith that she would be available to fulfill her obligations both in terms of rehearsals and shooting availability for THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. We feel that her choice to withhold her scheduling conflict information from us can be viewed as a lack of cooperative spirit which affected the entire production.
Furthermore Ms. Lefevre took a role in the other film that places her in Europe during the required rehearsal time, and at least ten days of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE's principal photography. This period is essential for both rehearsal time with the cast, and for filming at key locations that are only available during the initial part of production.
Contrary to Ms. Lefevre's statement, it is simply untrue that the Studio dismissed her over a ten day overlap. It is not about a ten day overlap, but instead about the fact that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE is an ensemble production that has to accommodate the schedules of numerous actors while respecting the established creative vision of the filmmaker and most importantly the story.
The fact remains that Ms. Lefevre's commitment to the other project - which she chose to withhold from Summit until the last possible moment - makes her unfortunately unavailable to perform the role of Victoria in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.
Källa: TN
Jamie Campbell Bower
Källa: TS
Rachelle om rollbytet
Här pratar Rachelle om rollbytet i Eclipse. Hon är lika chockad som alla andra.
"I was stunned by Summit's decision to recast the role of Victoria for ‘Eclipse,'" Rachelle said in a statement to Access Hollywood.
On Tuesday, Summit announced that Bryce Dallas Howard would be taking on the role in "Eclipse," due in May 2010.
"I was fully committed to the ‘Twilight' saga, and to the portrayal of Victoria," Rachelle continued, explaining the turn of events that led to the casting change. "I turned down several other film opportunities and, in accordance with my contractual rights, accepted only roles that would involve very short shooting schedules. My commitment to ‘Barney's Version' is only ten days. Summit picked up my option for ‘Eclipse.' Although the production schedule for ‘Eclipse' is over three months long, Summit said they had a conflict during those ten days and would not accommodate me. Given the length of filming for ‘Eclipse,' never did I fathom I would lose the role over a 10 day overlap. I was happy with my contract with Summit and was fully prepared to continue to honor it. Summit chose simply to recast the part."
The star concluded her statement with a regretful tone.
"I am greatly saddened that I will not get to complete my portrayal of Victoria for the ‘Twilight' audience. This is a story, a theatrical journey and a character that I truly love and about which I am very passionate. I will be forever grateful to the fan support and loyalty I've received since being cast for this role, and I am hurt deeply by Summit's surprising decision to move on without me. I wish the cast and crew of ‘Eclipse' only the very best," she said.
Rachelle will appear in the series' next film, "New Moon," due Nov. 20.
Kristens nattinspelning
Några bilder från en nattinspelning som hon hade.

Källa: TN
Ashley om att kyssa Kellan
Ashley was interviewed by Celebuzz at this years Comic-con. When asked if it was awkward to kiss Kellan because they play siblings in the Twilight Saga Movies, Ashley responded:
Källa: NMM"No, it wasn't, because Kellan and I know each other so well, it was kind of a no-brainer. And again, we've already got this kind of chemistry, so no it wasn't hard at all," Greene told us. "I was kind of wondering about that because he is one of my very close friends, and we definitely have a platonic relationship, so playing romantic, I was wondering if it was going to be hard or easier, but because we are already so comfortable with each other it was actually less awkward than kissing someone I didn't know."
The Used
The Used kommer att vara med på New Moon soundtracket. På deras Twitter skrev de att de spelade in en låt till New Moon. Jag har aldrig hört The Used förut. Hoppas att det blir bra!
Vad tycker ni om The Used?
Källa: TM
Ny header
Tryck F5 om du inte ser den!
Promotional images

En annan Victoria
Actress Rachelle Lefevre Will Be Replaced By Howard In The Role Of Victoria
Los Angeles - July 28, 2009 - Summit Entertainment announced today that Bryce Dallas Howard will take over the role of "Victoria" in the studio's upcoming production of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. Actress, Rachelle Lefevre, who portrayed the character in TWILIGHT as well as the upcoming release of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON, will not continue in the role due to scheduling conflicts with another commitment the actor has made. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE will start filming in Vancouver this coming August.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, the third film in the studio's TWILIGHT film franchise based on Stephenie Meyer's blockbuster book series, will be directed by David Slade from a screenplay written by Melissa Rosenberg. The film will be released theatrically in North America on Wednesday, June 30, 2010.
"We are incredibly happy that Bryce has agreed to come into the franchise," said Erik Feig, Summit's President of Worldwide Production and Acquisitions. "Rachelle brought "Victoria" to great screen life and Bryce will bring a new dimension to the character. The franchise is lucky to have such a talented actress as Bryce coming in to fill the role."
Howard most recently starred in TERMINATOR SALVATION as Kate Connor and has been seen in SPIDER-MAN 3, LADY IN THE WATER, and THE VILLAGE. She was nominated for a Golden Globe for her leading performance as an actress in the HBO film AS YOU LIKE IT.
In THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob - knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life.
Det här tycker jag inte om. För det första - jag gillar verkligen Rachelle. För det andra - hur kan de byta mitt i det hela? Det är ju tredje filmen, så byter de bort Rachelle.
Vad tycker ni om det här?
Källa: L&LL
Ashley Greene på Special Screening...

Källa+fler bilder: L&LL
The messengers
Rob och Kristens återförening?
Robert Pattinson, 23, och Kristen Stewart, 19, har båda varit väldigt upptagna den senaste tiden. Rob med filmen "Remeber me" och Kristen med inspelningarna av "Runaway". Nu återförenades de båda stjärnorna när de gjorde reklam för filmen "New Moon" på Comic con-mässan i San Diego.
På mässan höll kollegorna ett säkert avstånd genom att bland annat sätta skådespelarkollegan Taylor Lautner mellan de båda under presskonferensen. Men när strålkastarna slogs av var de betydligt mer intima avslöjar nu källor till E!.
Efter presskonferensen begav sig de båda stjärnorna till Hard Rock hotel där de sedan ska ha stannat uppe och pratat en lång stund.
- De höll sig för sig själva, de satt väldigt undangömda från press och fans. Deras agenter såg till att ingen kom i närheten. De hade en hemlig ingång som de använde, avslöjar en insider.
Enligt National enquirer ska dessutom Kristen ha fått åka med i Roberts limo när de båda begav sig hemåt till LA igen.
När frågan om deras relation dök upp på mässan gick presstalesmän från "New Moon" in och avbröt frågan men Kristen han ge ett kort ironiskt svar:
- Skojar du med mig?
Hittad: Thetwilightsagaa
Asså, Kristen har redan en pojkvän. Kan de inte bara sluta skvallra om Rob och Kristen? Och om sådant som inte ens är sant!?
Ny design!
Förra (glömde göra en prt sc, så visar headern):


(En animering i toppen av headern)
Vad tycker ni? Den nya är lite mer New Moon-aktig.
Ser ni inte designen? Tryck på F5 ett par gånger så borde den komma fram.
Har även ändrat lite bland kommentarsidorna, så där kan ni ju kolla medans ni skriver om vad ni tycker? Snälla, skriv vad ni tycker!
Citat från New Moon:
"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty."
Edward, New Moon, chapter 23, page 514.
Kändisar om Twilight
Källa: TS
Robert Pattinson, inte så snäll?
Robert Pattinson might not be as nice as he seems.
According to sources on the New York set of the British actor's new movie Remember Me, Pattinson is aloof, stuck-up and demanding!
"I don't know what the guy's problem is," one source told Star magazine. "He goes from his trailer to the shoot and completely ignores all the fans who have been waiting around to see him. It's so obnoxious.
"We had a couple days where it was really hot on set, and he wanted a specific kind of water, an iced lemonade, all this stuff that we didn't have. So this poor assistant had to run around getting all these things. He wasn't even thankful."
Pattisnon also has a bad reputation with Big Apple bartenders.
"He walks in here like he owns the place," said a Bowery Hotel employee. "This one waitress treated him like a normal customer, and he flipped.
"He was really upset that she didn't recognize him and remember what he ordered the last time."
Själv vet jag inte riktigt. Det låter ju inte så trovärdigt.. Vad tror ni?
Lite information om dagen
Det här videoinlägget med photoshoppade bilder får ni njuta på för dagen, för jag ska nämligen åka och se Harry Potter och halvblodsprinsen. Egentligen gillar jag inte Harry Potter, hehe, men vi får se vad jag tycker om den här filmen.
C U L8er!
Breaking Dawn fan-trailer
Hittad: TTS.
Riktiga Twitter konton
Här är listan på alla de riktiga Twitter konton:
Anna Kendrick (AnnaKendric47)
Billy Burke (billy_burke)
Charlie Bewley (alchemission)
Christian Serratos (cserratos)
David Slade (David_a_slade)
Gil Birmingham (Gilbirmingham)
Jamie Campbell Bower (Jamiebower)
Justin Chon (justinchon)
Michael Sheen (michaelsheen)
Peter Facinelli (peterfacinelli)
Rachelle Lefevre (rachellelefevre)
100 Monkeys (100MonkeysMusic) [Jackson Rathbones band]
Bobby Long (BobbyLongNews) [Let Me Sign låtskrivare]
Marcus Foster (Marcusfoster1) [Let Me Sign låtskrivare]
Sam Bradley (samueltwitt1) [Never Think låtskrivare]
Det var alltså alla riktiga konton på twitter. I videoklippet säger Kristen att hon inte har någon Twitter, så alltså är alla Kristen-konton falska. Taylor säger att han har skaffat en, men har inte gjort något med den än.
Snygg Jacob poster

Jag är kanske lite sen ute med den här postern på Jacob Black som spelas av Taylor Lautner, men ni måste väl erkänna att den är riktigt snygg? Jacob är het han med!
New Moon sneak peak med text
Litet fan

Nikki och Kellan
Nikki says....they never put me in scenes with out this guy and points to Kellan. Kellan takes it upon himself to playfully grab Nikki and give her an Emmett style hug at the Twilight Experience.
Visst är de söta?
Taylor Lautner + Fan
Vi alla har nog tröttnat lite på hela Comic-Con grejen, men jag var bara tvungen att visa det här. Det är en exklusiv bild på Taylor Launer och ett fan.
Från NMM:
So I stand up thinking Taylor never arrived basically thinking he never came to comic-con, then when i was about to walk away when he arrives from far away then he stares for a moment probably counting the fans, and walks over i was freaking out, he singned autographs he was not even 12 inches far away , but i didnt wanted to act crazy, So I asked him for a hand shake , and his security guard said "you cant touch him" out loud I was embarressed, Taylor just stared at me and smiled and hand shaked me then i asked him for a picture, he said yes, I took two pictures in my camera then i showed him the picture and said "we Look hot" we laughed then somebody told him it was time to leave i gave him a hug then said thanks and he smiled I was shaking!
Dagens bild

Dagens bild blir en bild som jag sjäv har trixat ihop med hjälp av en bild från NewMoonTheMovie. Jag kan ju inte påpeka att bilden är av bästa kvalité, men jag gillar bilden på Alice/Ashley.
Roligt videoklipp

Kristens svar *SPOILER*
Q: My question, well first of all, one of my legs is shorter than the other too, but my question for all of you is what are you most looking forward to in the upcoming films?
Ashley: Umm, I mean I'm one, very excited to be able to work with David Slade, I think he's going to be really fun to work with, but umm, I'm really excited about this whole intense fight scene we're supposed to have.
Taylor: I'm excited for the height of the love triangle, and me and this guy (nodding toward Rob) have to try and become friends to protect Bella. The sleeping bag scene! The sleeping bag scene!
Kristen: I can't wait to actually get pregnant.
Rob: I actually think being involved in the cesarean would be...(laughs) I just can't wait! (Laughs)
Ser ni Kristens svar? Hon vill bli gravid. Det tycker jag var det bästa svaret!
Läs hela "intervjun" här.
Bildkälla: L&LL
Twilight Google

Det här är säkert inte en ny nyhet, men jag har precis hittat Twilight Google. "Fast, beautiful search. Just like Edward". Så om du vill veta något om Twilight, sök på Twilight Google.
Videoklipp från Comic-Con
Ett videoklipp från Comic-Con. Ser ni Kristen i slutet? Hon får stanna många gånger..
Se fler videoklipp på Twilightsweden.
EW bilder från Comic-Con
Dagens bild

En bild på Kristen (där jag inte tycker att hon liknar sig själv, hehe) får stå för dagens bild.
MSN Intervju med Kristen och Taylor
MSN gjorde en intervju med Kristen Och Taylor, på Comic-Con igår. Varsegod!
Kristen och Nikki

Vist såg Kristen glad ut när hon märkte att Nikki Reed var där? De är ju väldigt bra vänner ,så det är väl inte så konstigt.
New Moon födelsedagssaker

Birthday Direct säljer födelsedagssaker med New Moon som tema. Det finns servetter, tallrikar, muggar mm. Alltså kan man ha ett New Moon tema på sitt kalas med New Moon saker!
Källa: NMM
Bilder från Comic Con

Och även en bild på söta Ashley Greene.

Bilder: L&LL

OMG! KOLLA HIT! NEW MOON SNEAK PEAK! Varför kan det inte bli november? Varför kan man inte få se hela filmen? OMG, alltså ni måste kolla!
OMG, SÅ BÄST! Går ej att beskriva! Ni måste kolla! Jag ryser seriöst!
Ashley Greene intervju
Dagens bild

Dagens bild får bli en vacker bild på Rachelle Lefevre, i hopp om att jag inte har lagt ut den som dagens bild innan, hehe. Visst är den fin? För er som inte visste, Rachelle spelar Victoria i Twilight.
Comic Con Pics

Bildkälla: TTS
Live bloggning
Det funkade inte som det skulle på ET Online, Grr, så här kommer det en livebloggning från Comic Con istället.
9:46 a.m. The press conference has yet to start, but the throng of journalists milling around the microphones hoping to get the exact same pictures of Kristen, Robert and Taylor, is massive and growing antsy.
9:47 a.m. Just a warning that WiFi in this room is not what I'd like it to be. I'm going to try to update regularly, but if I can't, I'll just update the story post-panel...
9:51 a.m. Still no talent on the podium, but my tape recorder is there, meaning I'll probably have three or four minutes of white noise (if I'm lucky) before anything happens.
9:54 a.m. There are ground-rule. "We're here to talk about the ‘Twilight Saga: New Moon.'" That means no personal questions.
9:56 a.m. Taylor, Kristen and Robert arrive on stage. Kristen is in full-on Joan Jett mode, rave hair tussled. I'm not sure I've ever seen Rob's hair look this conditioned.
9:57 a.m. "I think last year Comic-Con was the big eye-opener for us," Lautner says, expressing excitement at being back this year.
9:58 a.m. "It would look probably pretty cheesy if it were just my voice, so they've done these hallucinations, semi-visible apparitions," Pattinson says, explaining how he's able to be in the movie when Edward is largely absent from the book.
9:59 a.m. Proteins, good carbs and cut the sugars. That was Taylor Lautner's secret to become the buff Taylor we see before us. That and months and months and months with a personal trainer.
10:00 a.m. "There's more to think about. It's a more mature part. She's older. She has more to deal with. Yeah. That's it." That's how Stewart attempts to express how Bella is different this season.
10:01 a.m. "I'd like to think that I haven't changed that much. Within myself, I don't think I've changed. When I'm walking down the street, I look down a lot more often," Pattinson says, explaining how his life has changed. He adds, "It seems to keep building, the magnitutde of this franchise."
10:02 a.m. Lautner says he's been so busy working and publicizing. "It's crazy. None of us saw it coming. I don't think any of us saw it coming."
10:03 a.m. How has Stewart changed? "I cut my hair off."
10:04 p.m. Lautner's grateful to the fans, "It's awesome that we get to see them all waiting for us again a year later."
10:05 a.m. "I pretty much live an almost identical life apart from being recognized and that's not necessarily the worst thing in the world." He adds, "I never did anything normal anyway. I just get other people to do it now."
10:06 a.m. "Sometimes it gets me nervous because I'm trying to live up to the fans expectations and represent Team Jacob in the right way." - Lautner on Team Jacob.
10:07 a.m. Don't worry. The stars all reassure us that Edward is in the movie plenty. You won't miss him.
10:09 a.m. "I thought they did a pretty good job with the wolf transformation... The werewolves definitely step up the action in this movie. There's double the action in this movie," Lautner promises. He adds, "There's also the beginning of a love triangle."
10:10 a.m. Taylor and Kristen both have fond memories of their "breakup" scene, which was shot in 35 degrees with artificial rain. "That was bad and I wasn't really wearing much," Taylor says.
10:12 a.m. "I think my breakup scene was my favorite scene," Pattinson says of the five-page dialogue sequence that's distanced from the other supernatural aspects in the story. "Hopefully it will come off as having quite a few more levels than the relationship in ‘Twilight.'"
10:13 a.m. Why do people love "Twilight" so much? "I think a lot of the characters are very relatable," Taylor says. Stewart praises the first-person narrative. This isn't what the reporter wants. He wants to know why kids love vampires. "The problem is that when I look at it, I never look at it as a vampire story," Pattinson responds, saying he tries to ignore the vampire element as much as he can.
10:15 a.m. Which of the novels resonates best for the cast as readers? Taylor's favorite book is "Eclipse" - "The action levels continue to build in this series," Lautner notes, also raving at the advancing love triangle. Stewart stands up for "New Moon," explaining "I feel like after ‘New Moon' it's pretty smooth sailing for her." And Pattinson also salutes "New Moon." Kristen and Robert both remember the movie they're here to promote!
10:18 a.m. "Everyone looks at Edward as the hero and he's being continually saved by the damsel-in-distress," Pattinson says.
10:19 a.m. A reporter asks what question they never want to answer again. "What's it like kissing Taylor Lautner," Pattinson jokes.
10:19 a.m. "To growl... Actually, I'm asked that more by fans. They ask me to grown for them and I actually don't enjoy doing that," Taylor warns.
10:20 a.m. "You can ask me anything you want," Stewart says. It's true! She just won't answer.
10:22 a.m. Bob Stencil shows up. He asks if there are sparks between Kirsten and Robert off-camera. He's cut-off and told they were told not to ask those questions.
10:21 a.m. Pattinson says he has no musical contribution to "New Moon."
10:22 a.m. And that's it, sports fans.
Från ET Online:
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are in San Diego today to help kick off this year's star-studded Comic-Con and ET is there for all of the fun! And starting at 9:30 am PDT, ETonline will be live streaming from the 'New Moon' trio's press conference! Check back here then to see if they spill any 'New Moon' secrets! .
18.30 (svensk tid) sänder de alltså live!
Källa: ET Online via The Twilight Saga
Alice, Jasper och Emmet

Här är en bild från New Moon, på Alice, Jasper och Emmet. Det är då Jasper försöker anfalla Bella. Jag har även sett den här bilden i en annan variant, då det är Carlisle istället för Alice.
Comic Con 2009
Comic-con 2009 i San Diego idag. De lyckliga besökarna har fått New Moon samlarkort och Burger King "kronhattar" med både Team Edward och Team Jacob. Åh, önskar att jag var där.
1:45-2:45 Summit Entertainment- Summit Entertainment presents a sneak peek of exclusive footage of some of its upcoming major film releases!
The Twilight Saga: New Moon-Summit Entertainment is proud to present the panel for The Twilight Saga: New Moon, the highly anticipated sequel to last year's box office smash Twilight. Surprise members of the cast will answer your questions about the second film in the series and debut never-before-seen footage from the new film.
New Moon dockor

Det kommer att komma nya dockor som föreställer Edward, Bella, Alice och Jacob för New Moon. Visst är de fina? Enligt NMM kommer de ut någon gång i oktober.
New Moon Cast

Bilder på vampyrerna + Jacob. Visst ser de annorlunda ut än vad de såg ut i Twilight? Är det bra eller dåligt?
Ashley Greene

Ashley Michele Greene, som är hennes fullständiga namn, föddes 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Hon har en storebror som heter Joe, som fortfarande bor tillsammans med föräldrarna i Jacksonville. Ashley tog examen när hon var 16 år och flyttade till Hollywood när hon var 17 för att börja sitt liv som en skådespelerska.
Ashley Greene ville egentligen bli modell, men hon var inte tillräckligt lång för att bli en "runway" modell, så hon blev tillsagd att satsa på bli "reklammodell" istället. Hon fick ta reklam- och skådespelerilektioner, och då märkte hon att hon gillade skådespeleri mer än att vara modell.
På fritiden gillar Ashley att rita och att surfa.
Smeknamn: Asher
Längd: 165cm
Hårfärg: Brun
Ögonfärg: Gröna
Yrke: Skådespelerska och modell

Kristens tvilling?
Videon hittad här. Jag tycker att hon liknar lite grann. Inte sådär jättelikt, men ändå ganska likt. Vad tycker ni?
Alice Cullen t-shirt

Bild: Jag
Idag (eller igår) fick jag min Alice Cullen t-shirt. Jag beställde den en dag innan, och nästa dag fick jag den. Snabb leverans, det gillar jag! Den är helt underbar tycker jag som är Alice-fan. Jag har vanligtvis storlek 36, men tog storleken L, och den är lagomstor. Inte sådär jättetajt.
Taylor Lautner inför Eclipse

Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black i The Twilight Saga, måste träna på sig ytterligare 10kg muskler innan de börjar filma in Eclipse. Han har sagt att han längtar tills The Twilight Saga är slut så han får gå ner till sin vanliga storlek. Det verkar vara riktigt jobbigt för Taylor som måste kämpa så för att få till rätt storlek, för han växer ju väldigt snabbt i boken.
Robert Pattinson x 10

Eclipse regissör David Slade

Som alla kanske redan har hört så kommer David Slade att regissera Eclipse. 30 Days of night är bland annat en film som han tidigare har regisserat. David vill även göra Eclipse till en lite läskigare film. Sommaren 2010 kommer vi att få se resultatet av den lite "läskigare" Eclipse.
Är det bra eller dåligt?
On set - The Runaways

Igår (20 juli) fick Kristen Stewart, som spelar Joan Jett i The Runaways springa ifrån en polis. Visst verkar det vara en spännande film om bandet "The Runaways"? Många filmer man längtar till nu då...
Nylon for guys

Bad min syster att köpa tidningen igår. Nylon for Guys. En tvåsidig intervju med Ashley Greene finns med. Självklart finns det andra saker (för killar då) men det var på grund av intervjun som jag bad henne att köpa den. 69kr på Pressbyrån. Det kanske var lite mycket bara för en intervju, men jag tycker att den är värd det!
Which Cullen member are you?

Ja, jag blev Alice Cullen. Fast tror inte att det stämmer så jättebra, hehe. Men det var vad jag fick på testet iallafall. Vill ni göra testet? Klicka på bilden, klicka dig vidare på den engelska sidan och välj "Test & Fun" till höger.
The runaways

En bild från igår (19 juli) på Kristen (Joan Jett) och Dakota Fanning (Cherrie) då de spelar in The Runaways.
Rachelle Lefevre

Q: Are you doing underwater stuff?
I did. I spent six hours in a pool doing all the underwater stuff.
Q: They have the scene with your hair in the water. That's like a classic moment from the book.
Yeah. Yeah, the sort of swimming with the hair underwater and then they did a really interesting thing where they did this amazing stunt where Bella gets caught in the tidal wave. So, we were all in the pool doing the same stuff on the same day. I got to film all my underwater stuff and then I got to watch them film that. It was incredible because there was no CGI involved that at all. There was a green screen so they could put it wherever they wanted, but there was nothing involved whatsoever in terms of adding it after the fact. They literally took, I think must have been 2,000 gallons of water in [what] looked like those huge cargo rectangular cargo containers you put on the back of trains. They had two of those pumped up with 2,000 gallons of water and first they did it with the stunt double and they did it with Kristen's photo double and then they literally on 'action' pulled the hatch and she got pummeled with an amazing tidal wave. And you could watch underwater, which I got to because I was in the pool, or you can watch on the monitor and you could literally see her spinning. It created a tidal wave and they just filmed until she got spit out. When it spit her out, the cut was over.
Q: It is scary. Is that like a toll for you guys that much more physical work because it's been more difficult to shoot?
This shoot has been more difficult for me in terms of physically demanding, but I don't know that. I feel the word difficult implies unpleasant in some way, which it has not been at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I sort of feel -- I don't want to put it out there, but I feel like I don't have any real substantial injuries yet. I feel like my injuries happily don't correspond with the stuff that I've been doing, which is good, but like anytime I get even a little bruise I'm like 'Look, I have wire burn.' I want something to show for it, you know, because otherwise nobody will believe me that it was me.
Läs hela intervjun här.

En otroligt fin bild på Rachelle.
3 posters

Här är tre fina posters på Robert Pattinson som finns att köpa på discshop.se. Discshop har en massa Twilightsaker, så ni som letar efter Twilightsaker, gå in på discshop. Själv har jag beställt en Alice t-shirt därifrån.
The cullens as animals

Titta vilken rolig och söt bild jag hittade på the Cullens.
Övre raden från höger: Bella, Edward, Jacob, Alice, Jasper, Emmet, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie.
New Moon Pic

En ny bild på Bella, Alice och Jacob, tagen inifrån Bellas hus. Kan det vara då Alice får sin "syn" må tro?
Dagens bild

En het Robert Pattinson får stå för dagens bild. Den här tycker jag är lite mer ovanlig. En bild som inte direkt kommer upp när man söker på "Robert Pattinson" på google.
Rob är klar

Rob är klar med Remember me¨och slipper alla jobbiga och högljudda fans i NYC. Hoppas de inte är lika galna någon annanstans, för det verkar vara riktigt jobbigt för stackars Rob.
New Moon Heart’s Desire Chocolate Candy

Text från NewMoonMovie
The newest piece of New Moon merchandise is-get this-a creme filled milk chocolate heart. Jessica found this candy at Blockbuster.
The chocolate hearts feature three different packages with the faces of Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and Jacob Black. The candy is named "Heart's Desire" and is made by Skybar.
Inside the package, you'll find the same chocolate design in all three wrappers. The shape of the chocolate is two hearts on top of a base, the top heart has "Bella" written on it and the heart below it has the Cullen family crest.
Jessica says they cost $0.79 each and are "quite tasty as well."
Jag tycker att de verkar vara riktigt goda. Är någon sugen på dessa små chokladgodisar?

Ett nytt nummer av M Magazine har kommit, och det innehåller en hel del posters. En del verkar vara Twilightposters. Finns att köpas på bland annat Press-Stop.

Det här är en tidning/ett nummer för er alla Ashley Greene fans, som jag. Och ja, det står att det inte är för tjejer, men jag tror att tjejer kan köpa den ändå, hehe. Jag måste ha den iallafall! Finns också på Press-Stop.

En fanmade poster. Jag tycker att den är riktigt bra gjord.
Hittade även en riktigt bra fanmade Eclipsetrailer.
Visst ser det spännande ut?
Two questions, two answers

Hittade dessa frågor (+ några till). Det är från en intervju med ingen mindre än Taylor Lautner, som alla säkert redan vet spelar Jacob Black.
Q: If you could give Jacob, as a werewolf, one more power, what would it be?
Oh boy, that's a tough question. Um...I want to steal one of Edward's powers, because I like them. But then I'd feel like I'm betraying Jacob if I said that. (Laughs.)
Q: Which one of Edward's powers would you take?
Well, I don't want to sparkle. Definitely, I don't want to sparkle. We [wolves] can read minds, though, right? Each others', but not anybody's. Ok, well, I'd like to read Bella's.
Hela intervjun.
Jamie Campbell Bower intervju

Your character, Caius, wants Bella dead the most. How much of that will we see in the film?
Jamie Campbell Bower: As in the book, the Volturri play a small but necessary part in this film. They come much more into play in the fourth film. I'm playing Caius very angry and agitated with the world, I suppose. Just glaring looks. You'll see as much as you read in the books.
Do you think Caius is agitated because he's the only vampire of the three who doesn't have a power?
JCB: He doesn't have a power! He's just pissed off about that! He's so angry! He doesn't like Bella because he can't eat her. He's not happy about that. Why is she there if he can't eat her? What's the point?
What power would you give him, if you could?
JCB: I'd give him the power of love.
Doesn't Caius have a wife?
JCB: He does have a wife, yeah, but she doesn't seem to be around. I don't know where she is.
What went into your research? Did you read the books? Did you get to talk Stephenie?
JCB: I haven't had a long discussion with Stephenie. My plan is to have a long discussion with her at some point today. Maybe it won't be a long discussion, maybe it will be like five minutes.
Yeah, I read the books and I did a lot of online research, because it's good to know what people who've read the books think about the characters as well. Because the books alone have such a huge fan base. You've got to stay true to what people want to see, I think. So I did that and talked to lots of people. And my friends gave me their ideas as well.
Did they make you audition for the role?
JCB: They did! They did make me audition. Disgraceful, isn't it. Shocking!
Did you read the books before you auditioned?
JCB: No, I didn't read the books before I auditioned, no. I went off the sides. Once I got the role, I obviously read the books. My 15-year-old brother kind of sat me down and insisted. I went back to my mum, and she was like, "You're going to read this, and you're going to read it now!' I was like, "OK, that's cool."
What went into your audition? Was there more than one?
JCB: It was one day. I originally auditioned for the role of Demetri. I went in, did a taping. Chris wasn't there. Then they called me back at like 2:00. Chris turned up; I met Chris. A week later I get a call like, "So, you're not going to get Demetri, but we're going to offer you Caius." I was like, "That's cool!" I'm just psyched to be a part of it. It's awesome.
Läs hela här.
Dagens bild

En otroligt fin bild på en otroligt vacker Ashley Greene. Den är tagen för Hollywood Life Magazine, vinter 2008.
MAC Cosmetics Party
15 juli 2009 gick Ashley Greene på MAC Cosmetics Party för deras kosmetiska kollektion. Här kommer några fina bilder från festen.
Funny moments behind the scenes
Kristen and Rob on set
Ashley hos Alexa Chung
Twilight Cast
Riley i Eclipse

Xavier Samuel har nu tilldelats rollen "Riley" i Eclipse.
"Summit Entertainment has tapped Australian newcomer Xavier Samuel to play Riley in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse..."
Vad tycker ni om det? Han är inte riktigt så som jag hade tänkt mig, men det här ska nog funka ändå.
New Moon Still

En ny New Moon Still, då Bella och Jacob sitter i bilen. Den 20 november är det alltså dags för premiär. Spännande.
What if Bella died?

Jag vet, "ringen" runt blev inte bra alls, men ni fattar säkert vad jag menar.
Har ni märkt att jag har skaffat en bloggomröstning? Om ni har det, rösta! Om ni inte har det, rösta! Det är bättre ju fler röster vi får. Så rösta!
Rob - Remember me

Bilder: LLL
Bilder från igår - Remember me. Robs karaktär verkar, efter vad vi har sett i bilder, hamna i trubbel väldigt ofta. Men visst har han ett fint leende? Så, kommer ni att se Remember me?
Intervju med Taylor Lautner

Yeah, sshhaka loss!

MICHAEL MARTIN: How is the Twilight phenomenon sitting with you?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: It's the weirdest thing. Nobody really saw it coming. I mean, we knew we were making a movie of a very popular book, but we didn't know how well it was going to do. When it opened, it exploded, and that was not something any of us saw coming. Filming New Moon is a lot different than the first one because this time we know what we are getting into.
MARTIN: Do all the expectations psych you out?
LAUTNER: I don't think so. It puts a little more pressure on us than it did before. But for the most part, it's been a blast.
MARTIN: So what's in store for Jacob?
LAUTNER: He's a lot different than he was before. He transforms mid-story-in the first half, he's Twilight Jacob. I'm wearing a wig. My character's very clumsy, outgoing, and friendly. When he transforms into a werewolf, he becomes something very different. It's like I'm playing a split personality. Which is tricky, because sometimes I've had to play pre- and post-transformation Jacob on the same day of filming.
MARTIN: Is the premise similar to the book's?
LAUTNER: The coolest thing about the series is that we stay very true to the books; it would be silly for us not to, because the books are exactly what the fans want to see. There's an action side to it, which I love, and there are werewolves now. There aren't just vampires. There's a wolf pack.
Läs mer..
Åhh, vad man längtar till New Moon.
Comic Con

Robert Pattinson Och Kristen Stewart kommer alltså att vara med på Comic Con i år i San Diego den 23 juli.
Dagens bild

Dagens bild får bli en härlig bild på Robert Pattinson. Hur go ser han inte ut på bilden?
Ashley på party

Igår dök Twilightstjärnan Ashley Greene upp på Cosmopolitan Magazine Party i Los Angeles, söt som alltid.
Fanfic - Edward's view

En otrolig Fanfic. Det är New Moon från Edwards perspektiv. Jag tycker att ni borde kolla in den, för den är faktiskt riktigt bra.
"Shoot," she mumbled under her breath.
But I wasn't paying attention to her, for the first time since I had met her. I was listening to the suddenly very loud thoughts of my family.
Crap! Why now? Emmett lamented while holding his breath.
Typical Bella! She always ruins everything! Not that there was anything to ruin... Rosalie silently fumed in her head.
Poor Bella. I hope it doesn't hurt too much... Esme was wondering.
Oh, my. This is going to be very, very bad. Luckily, Carlisle was as calm as usual.
Only Alice wasn't thinking of Bella. I saw a horrible image flicker in her mind. EDWARD, stop him! Now! Now! GO!
I almost froze when I heard what Jasper was thinking. His mind was completely blank. His entire being was focused on the tiny drop of blood trickling down Bella's finger.
"NO!" I yelled throwing myself at Bella in one long bound. She didn't even scream. She landed on the shattered crystal plates, the blood pouring out of the hideous gash in her arm. I couldn't think of it. Not now. Bella needed me. I immediately crashed into Jasper and quickly locked his arms behind his back. He was acting like an animal, acting exactly as I had tried not to for almost 90 years. And as I threw Jasper to Emmett, I saw a vision in Alice's mind. It involved indescribable pain for everyone involved. I was leaving, I was sure of it this time. I would never hurt Bella again.
Twilight namn
3 personer som heter Carlisle
51 personer som heter Jasper
58 personer som heter Esme
8 personer som heter Emmet, varav en är kvinna
12 personer med efternamnet Hale
23 personer med efternamnet Whitlock (Jaspers ursprungliga efternamn)
11 personer med efternamnet Cullen
11 personer som heter Dwyer i efternamn (Renées efternamn), varav en Philip
Textkälla: The Twilight Sagas (och Twicandy)

Dagens Bild
Fina Ashley Greene får stå för Dagens Bild. Hon är nämligen min favoritskådespelare, men det tror jag kanske att ni kommer att märka.
I'm a Cullen

Bild från LLL
Hej och välkomna ska ni vara till min blogg. Det är en twilight galen tjej som sitter bakom dataskärmen. Bloggen kommer att innehålla endel bilder från Twilight, ev. lite fakta och en massa babbel från mig. En personlig blogg blandat med Twilight. Ha det bäst!