.. 2009-07-26 | 10:19:51

Taylor Lautner + Fan

Vi alla har nog tröttnat lite på hela Comic-Con grejen, men jag var bara tvungen att visa det här. Det är en exklusiv bild på Taylor Launer och ett fan.

Från NMM:
So I stand up thinking Taylor never arrived basically thinking he never came to comic-con, then when i was about to walk away when he arrives from far away then he stares for a moment probably counting the fans, and walks over i was freaking out, he singned autographs he was not even 12 inches far away , but i didnt wanted to act crazy, So I asked him for a hand shake , and his security guard said "you cant touch him" out loud I was embarressed, Taylor just stared at me and smiled and hand shaked me then i asked him for a picture, he said yes, I took two pictures in my camera then i showed him the picture and said "we Look hot" we laughed then somebody told him it was time to leave i gave him a hug then said thanks and he smiled I was shaking!


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