.. 2009-07-16 | 15:35:34
Intervju med Taylor Lautner

Yeah, sshhaka loss!

MICHAEL MARTIN: How is the Twilight phenomenon sitting with you?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: It's the weirdest thing. Nobody really saw it coming. I mean, we knew we were making a movie of a very popular book, but we didn't know how well it was going to do. When it opened, it exploded, and that was not something any of us saw coming. Filming New Moon is a lot different than the first one because this time we know what we are getting into.
MARTIN: Do all the expectations psych you out?
LAUTNER: I don't think so. It puts a little more pressure on us than it did before. But for the most part, it's been a blast.
MARTIN: So what's in store for Jacob?
LAUTNER: He's a lot different than he was before. He transforms mid-story-in the first half, he's Twilight Jacob. I'm wearing a wig. My character's very clumsy, outgoing, and friendly. When he transforms into a werewolf, he becomes something very different. It's like I'm playing a split personality. Which is tricky, because sometimes I've had to play pre- and post-transformation Jacob on the same day of filming.
MARTIN: Is the premise similar to the book's?
LAUTNER: The coolest thing about the series is that we stay very true to the books; it would be silly for us not to, because the books are exactly what the fans want to see. There's an action side to it, which I love, and there are werewolves now. There aren't just vampires. There's a wolf pack.
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Åhh, vad man längtar till New Moon.
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ha tack, detsamma