.. 2009-07-19 | 11:45:01
New Moon Heart’s Desire Chocolate Candy
Text från NewMoonMovie
The newest piece of New Moon merchandise is-get this-a creme filled milk chocolate heart. Jessica found this candy at Blockbuster.
The chocolate hearts feature three different packages with the faces of Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and Jacob Black. The candy is named "Heart's Desire" and is made by Skybar.
Inside the package, you'll find the same chocolate design in all three wrappers. The shape of the chocolate is two hearts on top of a base, the top heart has "Bella" written on it and the heart below it has the Cullen family crest.
Jessica says they cost $0.79 each and are "quite tasty as well."
Jag tycker att de verkar vara riktigt goda. Är någon sugen på dessa små chokladgodisar?