.. 2010-07-23 | 10:31:24

Kellan for Calvin Klein

Ahh. Såg en reklam för Calvin Kleins underkläder här i Kina, och gissa vem som var på bilden? Jo, Kellan Lutz! Tyvärr hade jag inte med mig kameran, men det finns ju tusentals bilder på honom på nätet.

.. 2010-07-21 | 15:27:40


Det har kommit bilder pa Jamie Campbell Bower, hemma hos honom.




Trevligt va?

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.. 2010-07-16 | 10:59:32

Chaske Spencer i People Magazine

Nedan finns en intervju med Chaske Spencer (Sam) från People Magazine. Enjoy.

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.. 2010-07-12 | 08:55:03

Dakota i Marie Claire

Kommer ni ihåg när jag visade Dakota på omslaget av bland annat Marie Claire?
Nu har det kommit fler outtakes. Check it out!

Dakota Fanning







.. 2010-07-08 | 12:40:54

Dakota i Marie Claire och Flare


Vår unga om begåvade skådespelare Dakota Fanning (Jane) pryder augustinumrets omslag av både Marie Claire och Flare.

Hittade även ännu en bild på Dakota från Marie Claire, och en liten kortare text från tidningen.


She talks about her kiss with Kristen Stewart in The Runaways: ” It’s out of the way, and it was with my friend and a girl – no pressure,” Fanning tells me, smiling and pinkening slightly. “It was not something Cherie [Currie] and Joan [Jett] ever really spoke about, and that’s how it was filmed – as not that big of a deal.”

“When you start out young, people get really attached to who you are at 6 years old,” Fanning says. ” I hope that The Runaways was kind of a moment to be like, ‘You know, I’m not that young little girl anymore, but I’m still not all grown up, either.”

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.. 2010-07-07 | 16:12:02

MTV intervjuar Ashley, Kellan och Jackson

MTV har fått chansen att intervjua Twilightgänget ett par gånger innan, den här gången var det Ashley, Kellan och Jacksons tur. De blev frågade om vad som var deras favorit Twilight-grej.

The easiest questions oftentimes get the best responses, and that’s what happened when MTV News’ Josh Horowitz asked Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone what their favorite “Twilight” paraphernalia is.

“I have Jackson’s pillow,” Ashley said, before quickly adding, “Just kidding!” but things quickly spiraled downward after Kellan sadly admitted that Emmett doesn’t have an action figure.

“He should, he’s the biggest coolest character!” Ashley said to Kellan to cheer him up, but then she quickly said, “Aww, damn” as Jackson’s face fell. “Yeah, gave him coolest, that’s fine,” Jackson said with faux sadness. “Umm, what do you want me to call… You’re the sexiest,” Ashley remedied.

Instead of responding to the developing light-hearted feud developing, Kellan chose to actually answer the question Josh posed for them… sort of.

“Fans create quite unique merchandise,” Kellan said. “We do these fun conventions, and we get to meet these fans, and they always have like cool new stuff to sign or to show you, but then they also make stuff. I’ve been very blessed to have very sweet fans make dolls or draw and paint, and I draw a lot, so I know how much time goes into those, and they do an amazing job. It’s really cool, and it’s really humbling that someone would take that much time out to do that.”

He then did answer the original question, adding, “As far as merchandise, I guess… onesies. I saw a onesie thing, and then there are some female products with Rob’s face on it.”

“Hah!” Jackson exclaimed loudly. “Wow.”

“Awkward,” was Ashley’s only response.

“I was like, yes! That’s a winner,” Kellan finished.

Our only question is: how do you think the stars of “Twilight” went so long before hearing about the infamous Edward Cullen underwear? What do you think is the weirdest fan-created “Twilight” merch out there?

.. 2010-06-05 | 21:46:35

Michael Sheen i The Queen

Sitter framför tv:n och kollar på The Queen. Då såg jag att Michael Sheen är med i den, så vill ni se honom får ni sätta på tv 4.

Alltså, Michael Sheen är med i The Queen på tv 4. (Fast det är nyheter mellan 22-22.15)

.. 2010-06-05 | 17:36:02

Vanity Fair omslaget

Hittade en bild på Vanity Fair omslaget.

Ashley, Bryce och Dakota pryder framsidan.

.. 2010-06-03 | 20:49:55

Mer bilder och text från Vanity Fair

For the July issue of Vanity Fair, Norman Jean Roy photographed the spooky beauties of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse—five vampires (Dakota Fanning, Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, Elizabeth Reaser, Bryce Dallas Howard) and one lone lady werewolf (Julia Jones). Nancy Jo Sales was on set, where, between takes, the girls mused on the gothic romance that has everyone palpitating.

Nikki Reed plays the disapproving Rosalie Cullen. Here’s her take on the story’s appeal: “Bella and Edward’s love is very taboo and forbidden,” says Reed, “and I think that kind of represents all youthful relationships, because that’s what all first loves feel like. … It’s sort of borderline, like, insane.”

Elizabeth Reaser, who plays vampire mom Esme, exclaims on the attractive young men of Twilight: “Oh, it gets so old, you have no idea,” says Reaser. “It has no effect on me. They’re all gorgeous and lovely boys. … You just want someone interesting and weird at a certain point. I have a massive crush on Larry David.”

Bryce Dallas Howard, a replacement actress playing vampire-with-a-vengeance Victoria, is a Twihard: “I had seen Twilight innumerable times. After I saw it for the fourth time, one of my best guy friends, for my birthday, made me Post-it notes with Robert Pattinson’s face that said, ‘Live Dangerously,’ because I was so obsessed. My husband actually said to me, ‘Do I need to be worried about this?’”

Ashley Greene, who plays psychic vampire Alice, anticipates success: “You don’t have to be psychic to know how this movie’s going to do,” she says. “Obviously, it’s going to be a hit.”

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.. 2010-06-01 | 15:52:51

Kristen och Taylor intervju för Eclipse

Kristen och Taylor blev intervjuade i Australien, för Sunrise då de var där och promotade Eclipse.

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.. 2010-05-27 | 18:50:15

Jackson om när han blev slagen av Kellan

Jackson har i en intervju med MTV berättat om Kellans slag mot Jacksons huvud.

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

“Kellan and I were going over our moves — we hadn’t had any time to rehearse — and we were out in mud, so it was really slick and everything,” Jackson recalled to MTV News. “He punched too low, and I didn’t duck low enough. He caught me right in the temple, kind of knocked me for a loop. I didn’t fall, but I was kind of out of it for the next couple takes.”

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.. 2010-05-22 | 21:01:48

Ashley om sina kollegor

On Robert Pattinson:
”Rob is so shy! He’s really awkward and uncoordinated. Sometimes he’ll just ramble and keep talking, and say things he doesn’t understand. It’s humorous. But he’s a genuinely nice guy.”

On what she thinks makes Rob attractive:
”People are drawn to him because there’s something really endearing and adorable about him. He would come to set and talk in code about some girl, and we would fight tooth and nail to get him to tell us who he was talking about. He would be like ”There’s this girl. She texted me. What should I say?” And the girls and I would give him advice on how to respond so he would look cool.”

On Kristen Stewart:
”She gets giddy and excited, and likes to have fun. She’s as much of a giggly little girl as the rest of us. A lot of people don’t see her like that because I don’t think she lets her guard down in front of people.”


On filming the Porsche scene with Kristen:
”Italy was really fun. The Porsche in particular — Kristen and I were just talking about how we were laughing and singing in the car. I’m sure everyone who was making the film was like, ‘What’s the deal?’ We were quoting Anchorman and singing ‘Afternoon Delight.’ Yeah, very weird!”

On tabloids going crazy over Rob and Kristen and their relationship:
”It’s ironic that they are thrown into the midst of this crazy whirlwind. There are a lot of outgoing people on the cast –and out of everyone, Rob and Kristen are the most introverted and private. They can be trapped in their rooms for a month and there will still be stories of them being together in London or something. I think that it’s really funny that out of everyone in the cast, they are definitely the ones who want the attention the least.”


On Taylor Lautner:
”If Taylor and I had to fight a real street fight, I’d probably win –because he’s such a gentleman!”

On Jackson Rathbone:
”He’s a great guy. He’s so extremely talented, both musically and on-screen. I had to learn how to throw a baseball for the first movie, and he was there trying to teach me. I had such a big crush on him, but I clearly sucked. So it was totally embarrassing.”


On hooking up with Kellan Lutz:

“I’ve definitely thought about it,” “He and I met through our agent five years ago, and we’ve been best friends ever since and filming together has made us even closer.”

“He’s one of my best friends,” “But if we were going to be romantic, we would have done it years ago! I like having him to talk to about other guys to get that male perspective. I really cherish our
relationship, so I wouldn’t want to mess that up by dating.”

”Kellan was like, ‘I guess I don’t have to wear my shirt when I’m walking my dog.’ And I’m like, ‘Kellan, most people wear shirts when they walk their dog.’ What’s really sad is that his shirt is off so much that I know what his abs look like. And I saw this Photoshopped picture of him, and I was like, ‘That’s not you! You’re wider than that! It’s not like I stalk you, you just never have your shirt on!’”

They are all big flirts!
”There are so many couples in the film, so we all embraced that. There was a lot of roughhousing. Kellan would flirt with Nikki, and Jackson and I would be dancing around. It was very innocent, but we were all flirting with each other.”

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.. 2010-05-17 | 18:21:47

Grattis Nikki

Nicole Houston-Reed, som vi brukar kalla Nikki Reed, fyller hela 22 år idag! Grattis till henne!

Visst känns det som om att alla Twilightskådisar fyller runt den här tiden på året? Haha.

.. 2010-05-08 | 18:50:06

Söt liten Dakota

Hittade en liten fin bild på Dakota när hon var liten. Visst var hon söt?

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.. 2010-04-23 | 21:51:29

Sex saker om Kellan

Favorit syssla

Detta är så fånigt, men jag gillar att organisera. Jag har till och med en egen låda för de sladdar och tillbehör som kommer till mina elektroniska prylar.


Jag vill följa Mat Damons fotspår. Han är helt enkelt bad ass i Bourne koncessionen. Han blir kvinhögd och skjuten på men han använder sig inte av något direkt elektroniskt som kommer ut ur bilar eller något för att försvara sig, han använder helt enkelt hjärnan!

Känner sig känd när

När folk uttalar mitt namn korrekt och inte säger Kai-lan eller Ki-lon. Eller när paparazzis inte har något bättre för sig och sätter sig utanför mitt hus i 18 timmar, det är då som jag känner att jag har lyckats.

Skulle vilja träffa

Jag är besatt av Mike Rowe från Dirty Jobs. Jag älskar de där sakerna. När jag ser en brandman så lyfter jag upp mina tankar ”Hur många människor har du räddat? Vilken är din närmaste nära-döden upplevelse?”

Den senaste filmen jag såg

Jag var helt fast för filmen P.S I Love You. Det är tragiskt att det gick som det gick för Gerard Butler, men att planera något sådant? Jag älskar då jag har en flickvän då jag får sätta upp en hel vecka med massa olika skattjakter. Vilket koncept.

Föredrar hälsningen

Kom och ge mig en kram. Jag älskar att kramas. Du får mer bakterier av att stå och få folks andedräkter på dig än genom en kram. En kram och fina ord kan enligt mig ändra världen.

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.. 2010-04-14 | 18:42:30

Nikki Reed är inte med i K-11

Nu har det kommit ett videoklipp där Nikki Reed säger att hon inte medverkar i filmen K-11, som är regisserad av Kristen Stewarts mamma.

Jag är faktiskt inte medverkande i det. Ja, jag var men det är jag inte längre!

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.. 2010-04-03 | 16:06:02

BDH om Eclipse

What has it been like joining the cast of Twilight?

BDH: It’s a really extraordinary series and obviously the franchise really reflects what Stephenie Meyer has created with a lot of integrity. She’s so involved with the movies and it is really wonderful. It’s really an incredible storytelling moment. And people are really connecting with and responding to that. So I read the books and I just did my best for the character Victoria. I just wanted to do my best not to interfere with the books.

SNMag: Did you feel pressure coming into this, with the character already being established?

BDH: Yes, of course I did. Rachelle [Lefevre] did an extraordinary job at creating Victoria and part of the joy of a franchise like this is getting to see not only the characters grow but the actors continuing to grow with the characters. That’s a lot of the joy in the Harry Potter series. Every time I see one of those movies it’s so exciting to see them because they’re all getting a little bit older and different things are happening to them. It’s like watching a TV show. You start to connect with the actors really deeply. It was really unfortunate for everybody that Rachelle left. I did feel, I don’t know if I should say a pressure, but an enormous responsibility because the fans felt really strongly about the role of Victoria and they felt a deep connection to Rachelle, which they should because she is also beautiful and talented. I really did do my best and I hope that whatever work I did can somehow honor what had been created before and what was created by Stephenie. I felt really grateful to this because Rachelle and I have connected. She’s an amazing woman and has been enormously and overwhelmingly helpful.

SNMag: What was the shooting like for you? Did you have an opportunity to hang out with the cast and bond with them?

BDH: Oh, yes, I mean they’re a very tight-knit group of people who are just wonderful. They’re incredibly authentic and none of them are getting swept up by the mania of this. They just care about each other and are protective of each other. They are just a great group of friends. I feel like all of these people would have been friends regardless. They all bonded through this amazing moment that’s happening in their lives.

Läs hela intervjun här, dock inte om The Twilight Saga.

Källa: EM

.. 2010-04-02 | 13:15:11

Alex Meraz på Clash of the Titans premiär

Alex Meraz och hans fru sågs på premiären av Clash of the Titans.

.. 2010-03-28 | 21:27:49

Charlie Bewley twittrar

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.. 2010-03-07 | 18:48:07

Kellan och Nikki på The QVC Red Carpet Style Party

"Kellan Lutz (aka Emmett Cullen) and Nikki Reed (aka Rosalie Hale) attended the QVC Red Carpet Style Party at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, California on Friday March 5th.

Marc Malkin from E! News  just tweeted photos of Kellan and Nikki at the party.  Marc tweeted another photo of Kellan and Annalynne McCord."

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