David's twitter: Eclipse
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Eclipse uppdateringar från David Slade's twitter
Eclipse rapport 3
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Eclipse uppdatering
My sources tell me exclusively that scenes include: “Bella” reading “Jacob’s” letter, Bella and Jacob and their angsty discussions, “Edward” telling Bella he’ll always love her and that she will always be “his” (ew), and Bella hanging out with “Angela” (played by Christian Serratos) and they talk about boys and Bella’s Edward/Jacob love triangle.
UPDATE: As I reported yesterday filming has been mostly on a soundstage for scenes at “Bella’s” house. For you Twilight fans interested in what they’ve been up to:
Wednesday’s shoot involved a creepy Riley getting all stalkerish in Bella’s room and “Edward” the hero realising someone was there.
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Bella i Florida
*Kan innehålla spoilers*
Nu är det dags för Florida-scenen. Då Edward och Bella är och hälsar på hennes mamma.
Lainey Gossip skriver såhär:
Shooting today – Kristen Stewart’s “Bella” with her mom played by Sarah Clarke who arrived yesterday in Vancouver shooting a scene that’s supposed to be “Florida” at a beach house while “Edward” hides inside from sun.
"PFach" twittrar

Bella och Charlie
Här är en på Kristen i sitt Bella-makeup och en på Billy som Charlie.

Det ser lite annorlunda ut, men bättre än hennes Joan-Jett frisyr iallafall.

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On set of Eclipse bilder

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Eclipse inspelningarna

Bläddra inte ner om du inte vill bli avslöjad om Eclipse. *spoiler*
The main stars have been hard at work this week. David Slade tweeted on Monday that he shot with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and I can tell you exclusively that Kristen has also been working with Taylor Lautner this week. "Bella" goes on a piggyback run with "Jacob" and they run through the forest. She also drops blood everywhere, and at some point she punches him in the face after he kisses her.
And for the Twi-Hards, Slade's Tweet referred to scenes between Stewart and Pattinson that took place in the "meadow". My source tell me that they talk about getting married, they roll around a little, and they agree on a wedding date.
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Eclipse Rapport 2
Det är lite kul att han uppdaterar om hur det går på inspelningarna.
Eclipse rapport

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On set of Eclipse
Bilder från Eclipse on set.
Kolla in här för fler bilder.
Jaspers ökenscener

Malicious Mandy skrev att detta kan vara Jaspers före-och-efter-förvandlings-scenen.
They had torn down most everything and we chatted with crew still tearing down. There were dark black screens (typically they are white and used for either blocking views or reflecting light)
I asked why they were black (perhaps it was too sunny yesterday and instead of reflecting light as the white ones do, they were absorb light?) and they told us they were not for lighting purposes at all but to block the paparzzi... wait.... how many movies are being filmed right now that would require paparzzi?
Based on the location, the conversation, and the report from Lainey on what was filmed... I conclude that this location has SERIOUS potential for having hosted Twilight Saga Eclipse filming yesterday
Ohh, så spännande.
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Vi har en Seth och en Leah

Boo Boo som Seth

Julia Jones som Leah
Själv hade jag inte tänkt mig Seth sådär. Jag hade tänk mig honom som en mini-Jacob. Inte riktigt min bild av Seth alltså.. men det kommer säkert att bli bra i filmen då de har ordnat med smink och sådant. Leah tycker jag var ganska bra faktiskt.
Vad tycker ni?
Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black
Cullen Family
Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen
Peter Facinelli as Dr. Carlisle
Elizabeth Reaser as Esme Cullen
Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen
Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale
Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale
Wolf Pack
Chaske Spencer as Sam Uley
Bronson Pelletier as Jared
Alex Meraz as Paul
Kiowa Gordon as Embry Call
Tyson Houseman as Quil Ateara
Other Quileutes
Gil Birmingham as Billy Black
Tinsel Korey as Emily
Nomad Vampires
Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria
VolturiCameron Bright as Alec
Charlie Bewley as Demetri
Daniel Cudmore as Felix
Dakota Fanning as Jane
Additional Returning Cast Members
Billy Burke as Charlie Swan
Sarah Clarke as Renee Dwyer
Anna Kendrick as Jessica
Michael Welch as Mike
Christian Serratos as Angela
Justin Chon as Eric
New Cast Members
Xavier Samuel as Riley
Catalina Sandino Moreno as Maria
Jack Huston as Royce King
Julia Jones as Leah Clearwater
Booboo Stewart as Seth Clearwater
Jodelle Ferland as Bree
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Inspelningen av Eclipse
Nu hoppas vi på bilder och en massa nyheter, ellerhur?
Jack Huston till Eclipse
Nu har en till "joinat" the cast och det är ingen mindre än Jack Huston den här gången. Jack Huston kommer att spela Royce King II, en människa som levde på Rosalies tid.'
Jack Huston has fanged his way on to Summit Entertainment's threequel "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse."
The actor joins Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Bryce Dallas Howard in the third installment of the vampire series derived from Stephenie Meyer's novels. Huston will play Royce King II, a human that lived during the Great Depression.
Production begins shortly in Vancouver under the direction of David Slade ("30 Days of Night"). Its scheduled for a June 30 release.
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Vampyrerna i Vancouver inför Eclipse
Bryce som är den nya skådespelaren för Victoria.
Xavier som ska spela Riley
Ashley, som spelar Alice :D
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Eclipse regissör David Slade

Som alla kanske redan har hört så kommer David Slade att regissera Eclipse. 30 Days of night är bland annat en film som han tidigare har regisserat. David vill även göra Eclipse till en lite läskigare film. Sommaren 2010 kommer vi att få se resultatet av den lite "läskigare" Eclipse.
Är det bra eller dåligt?

En fanmade poster. Jag tycker att den är riktigt bra gjord.
Hittade även en riktigt bra fanmade Eclipsetrailer.
Visst ser det spännande ut?