.. 2009-08-20 | 10:29:35
Jaspers ökenscener

Texas Mountains - Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Riktiga Texas)
Inspelningsplats i Vancouver?? Möjligt..
Malicious Mandy skrev att detta kan vara Jaspers före-och-efter-förvandlings-scenen.
They had torn down most everything and we chatted with crew still tearing down. There were dark black screens (typically they are white and used for either blocking views or reflecting light)
I asked why they were black (perhaps it was too sunny yesterday and instead of reflecting light as the white ones do, they were absorb light?) and they told us they were not for lighting purposes at all but to block the paparzzi... wait.... how many movies are being filmed right now that would require paparzzi?
Based on the location, the conversation, and the report from Lainey on what was filmed... I conclude that this location has SERIOUS potential for having hosted Twilight Saga Eclipse filming yesterday
Ohh, så spännande.
Källa: TTS