Kristen och Taylor i Australien
Officiell tagline för Eclipse

Det har kommit ut en ny officiell tagline för Eclipse.
Battle begins
For your heart
For your mind
For your soul
It all begins… With a choice
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Nytt Ecilipse bokmärke
Mer info - Kristen och Taylor till Sverige
Stort Twilight Fan Event 21 juni i Stockholm med skådespelarna Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner.
Måndagen den 21 juni bjuds Twilight-fans in till ett stort event på Hovet i Stockholm i närvaro av skådespelarna Kristen Stewart (Bella) och Taylor Lautner (Jacob). De båda filmstjärnorna besöker Stockholm inför biopremiären av THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, den tredje delen i The Twilight Saga. De tidigare filmerna Twilight och New Moon var båda stora publiksuccéer på bio i Sverige.
I samband med Stockholmsbesöket närvarar de på Twilight Fan Event på Hovet i Stockholm, där de kommer att medverka i en frågestund inför alla fans. På programmet står dessutom livemusik från filmerna och en första exklusiv visning av klipp från THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.
Biljetterna till Twilight Fan Event är gratis och släpps torsdag den 3 juni klockan 08.00 på Filmstaden Sergel i Stockholm, Filmstaden Bergakungen i Göteborg och Filmstaden Storgatan i Malmö. Antalet platser är begränsat, max två biljetter per person. Åldersgräns 13 år.
De 150 första på Filmstaden Sergel och de 50 första på Filmstaden Bergakungen respektive Filmstaden Storgatan får 2 VIP-biljetter till parkett, närmast scenen.
I övriga landet genomförs utlottningar och tävlingar om Twilight Fan Event biljetter på Bioklubben samt tillsammans med samarbetspartners, mer information dyker upp på under respektive stad.
Twilight Fan Event är ett samarrangemang mellan Zap Events, Nordisk Film och SF Bio.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE kommer att få världspremiär den 30 juni!
Biljetterna till TWILIGHT MOVIE NIGHT 29 juni släpps onsdag den 2 juni.

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13 års gräns! Inte så vanligt när man pratar om Twilight.
Åh, är så sur för att jag är i Kina då, men men, inget man kan göra åt.
Jackson om när han blev slagen av Kellan
Jackson har i en intervju med MTV berättat om Kellans slag mot Jacksons huvud.
“Kellan and I were going over our moves — we hadn’t had any time to rehearse — and we were out in mud, so it was really slick and everything,” Jackson recalled to MTV News. “He punched too low, and I didn’t duck low enough. He caught me right in the temple, kind of knocked me for a loop. I didn’t fall, but I was kind of out of it for the next couple takes.”
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Eclipse får pris för "most anticipated movie" på National Movie Awards
Ny Eclipse TV-spot
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Taylor och Kristen till Sverige
Från Nordisk Film:
Skådespelarna Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner besöker Stockholm den 21 juni inför Sverigepremiären av THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE!
Måndagen den 21 juni besöker skådespelarna Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner Stockholm inför Sverigepremiären av THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. Kristen Stewart, som spelar Bella Swan och Taylor Lautner, som spelar varulven Jacob, har båda blivit några av världens största filmstjärnor efter succéerna med de två tidigare filmerna i The Twilight Saga: ”Twilight” och ”New Moon”.
-Att skådespelarna väljer Stockholm som en av tre exklusiva anhalter på sin promotionturné är resultatet av ett bra samarbete med amerikanska producenten Summit Entertainment. En ännu större anledning är The Twilight Sagas framgångar i denna del av världen och det outsinliga engagemanget från den skandinaviska fanbasen. Vi är oerhört stolta och glada å fansens vägnar att dessa två världsstjärnor har valt att komma till Stockholm, utöver Rom och Berlin. Pia Grünler, Distributionschef Nordisk Film
PRESSKONFERENSEN äger rum i Stockholm måndag den 21 juni.
THE TWILIGTH SAGA: ECLIPSE är den uppmärksammade fortsättningen och tredje delen i Stephanie Meyers berättelse om Bellas och Edwards omöjliga kärlek.
En våldsam seriemördare härjar i Seattle och en ondskefull vampyr fortsätter sin jakt för att ta ut sin hämnd på Bella som åter igen befinner sig omgiven av fara. Samtidigt tvingas hon att välja mellan sin älskade Edward och sin vänskap med Jacob. Och hennes val riskerar att blåsa liv i den urgamla kampen mellan vampyrer och varulvar. Men Bella har också ett annat val att göra – valet mellan liv eller död. Men vad är vad? Regi: David Slade. I rollerna: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson och Taylor Lautner.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE får Sverigepremiär över hela landet den 30 juni 2010!
Kristen Stewart Flaunt Magazine behind-the-scenes video
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Ny Eclipse poster - Edward
Eclipse posters
Eclipse TV-spot
Snart är det dags! Vilka ska gå på Eclipse på premiären?
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Otaggade Cullens-bilder
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Ashley om sina kollegor
On Robert Pattinson:
”Rob is so shy! He’s really awkward and uncoordinated. Sometimes he’ll just ramble and keep talking, and say things he doesn’t understand. It’s humorous. But he’s a genuinely nice guy.”
On what she thinks makes Rob attractive:
”People are drawn to him because there’s something really endearing and adorable about him. He would come to set and talk in code about some girl, and we would fight tooth and nail to get him to tell us who he was talking about. He would be like ”There’s this girl. She texted me. What should I say?” And the girls and I would give him advice on how to respond so he would look cool.”
On Kristen Stewart:
”She gets giddy and excited, and likes to have fun. She’s as much of a giggly little girl as the rest of us. A lot of people don’t see her like that because I don’t think she lets her guard down in front of people.”
On filming the Porsche scene with Kristen:
”Italy was really fun. The Porsche in particular — Kristen and I were just talking about how we were laughing and singing in the car. I’m sure everyone who was making the film was like, ‘What’s the deal?’ We were quoting Anchorman and singing ‘Afternoon Delight.’ Yeah, very weird!”
On tabloids going crazy over Rob and Kristen and their relationship:
”It’s ironic that they are thrown into the midst of this crazy whirlwind. There are a lot of outgoing people on the cast –and out of everyone, Rob and Kristen are the most introverted and private. They can be trapped in their rooms for a month and there will still be stories of them being together in London or something. I think that it’s really funny that out of everyone in the cast, they are definitely the ones who want the attention the least.”
On Taylor Lautner:
”If Taylor and I had to fight a real street fight, I’d probably win –because he’s such a gentleman!”
On Jackson Rathbone:
”He’s a great guy. He’s so extremely talented, both musically and on-screen. I had to learn how to throw a baseball for the first movie, and he was there trying to teach me. I had such a big crush on him, but I clearly sucked. So it was totally embarrassing.”
On hooking up with Kellan Lutz:
“I’ve definitely thought about it,” “He and I met through our agent five years ago, and we’ve been best friends ever since and filming together has made us even closer.”
“He’s one of my best friends,” “But if we were going to be romantic, we would have done it years ago! I like having him to talk to about other guys to get that male perspective. I really cherish our
relationship, so I wouldn’t want to mess that up by dating.”
”Kellan was like, ‘I guess I don’t have to wear my shirt when I’m walking my dog.’ And I’m like, ‘Kellan, most people wear shirts when they walk their dog.’ What’s really sad is that his shirt is off so much that I know what his abs look like. And I saw this Photoshopped picture of him, and I was like, ‘That’s not you! You’re wider than that! It’s not like I stalk you, you just never have your shirt on!’”
They are all big flirts!
”There are so many couples in the film, so we all embraced that. There was a lot of roughhousing. Kellan would flirt with Nikki, and Jackson and I would be dancing around. It was very innocent, but we were all flirting with each other.”
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Ashley Greene i Seventeen Magazine
Ashley's Animalistic Side
"In Twilight and New Moon, Alice acts so human it's easy to forget she's a vampire. By Eclipse, she
begins to show a darker side because — regardless of her demeanor —
she's still an animal and she'll do absolutely anything to protect her
Her High School Regret
"I wish that in high school I would have realized sooner that it's not worth all the time
and effort to hate someone or think about how you're going to hurt
someone's feelings."
Ashley Exposed
"My privacy was invaded and it was a hard thing for me to go through. There are all
these girls that look up to me, so hopefully they will take that and
look at it and learn from me that things can get into the wrong
people's hands and they can use them to hurt you."
The Edward Allure
"Girls always want what they can't have and what's dark and mysterious."
Her Dating Rules
"If something is bothering you with a guy, it's better to say something and
hurt at the moment then to stay in something and let someone treat you
less than you should be treated."
Movie Momentos
"I like to keep the first original script, the one I've destroyed, written
all over and put notes on. It reminds me of where I was at the
beginning of the film and where I was at the end."
Ny Riley promobild
Ny Eclispe tv-spot
Rob hos Ellen - del 1
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Nikki hos Ellen Degeneres
Nikki firade sin födelsedag hos Ellen Degeneres.
Hittade även en text om ett nytt klipp som visades på Ellen Degeners.
Ett utdrag från TF..
Nikki Reed visited Ellen yesterday and brought a new 'Eclipse' clip - while there is no footage yet here's an excerpt of what it entails:
Though we learned that Rosalie's backstory will only take about two minutes of screen time to tell, we were excited nonetheless to see that the scene shown on "Ellen" took place right before Rosalie shares her sad tale with Bella. In it, she explains why she has always been so cold to the human who captured her brother Edward's heart.
"I don't hate you…. Bella, I envy you," Rosalie explains to a shocked Bella. She adds, "You have a choice, I didn't. None of us did, but you do, and you're choosing wrong."
Grattis Nikki

Nicole Houston-Reed, som vi brukar kalla Nikki Reed, fyller hela 22 år idag! Grattis till henne!
Visst känns det som om att alla Twilightskådisar fyller runt den här tiden på året? Haha.
Ashley och Nikki - Young Hollywood Awards
Hittade ett videoklipp där man får se de ta emot sina priser.
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Dagens bild

En annorlunda, men vacker bild på Rob och Kristen.
Nikki och Ashley får priser
TTS cast hos Operah
Och även en ny scen. WOW! Självklart är det SPOILERVARNING!
Tack till TTS
Grattis Rob!

Idag fyller alltså Robert Pattinson 24 år! (och han ska spela en 17-åring). Visst har han gjort ett bra jobb med Twilight-filmerna än så länge? Och även de andra filmerna.
Grattis igen!
Kram från I'm a Cullen och alla andra fans.
Eclipse soundtrack
1. Metric – Eclipse (All Yours)
3. The Bravery – Ours
4. Florence + The Machine´s – Heavy In Your Arms
5. Sia – My Love
6. Fanfarlo – Atlas
7. The Black Keys – Chop and Change
9. Beck and Bat For Lashes – Let’s Get Lost
10. Vampire Weekend – Jonathan Low
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Operah smygtitten
Det har kommit screencaps från Operah smygtitten.
OBS! Sista bilden är en still från Eclipse.
Eclispe soundtrack omslaget

Ser ut som den officiella postern, ellerhur?
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Bellas förlovningsring
Vacker, ellerhur?
Kristen för ELLE, otaggad
Söt liten Dakota

Hittade en liten fin bild på Dakota när hon var liten. Visst var hon söt?
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Eclispe bokmärken
Det har kommit några Eclispe bokmärken. Bilder på de finns nedan.
Pax för Alice!
Kristen på omslaget av ELLE
Kristen kommer att vara på omslaget av juninumret av ELLE. Här får ni en liten sneak-peek. Gorgeous eller vad? Kommer att finnas tillgänglig i Sverige.
On the madness that has become her life: “It’s insane! Once somebody finds out, you have to get the hell out of wherever you are. People freak out. And the photographers, they’re vicious. They’re mean. They’re like thugs. I don’t event want to drive around by myself anymore. It’s fucking dangerous.”
On her loss of privacy: “Somebody knocked on my hotel room door and asked for a light, then said that they were a big fan. I was like, ‘Do you really need me to light your cigarette? How do you know what room I’m in?’ I can’t be by myself and I like being by myself.”
On criticism of her public manner: “I think it’s funny that when I go onstage to accept an award, they think I’m nervous, uncomfortable, and awkward—and I am—but those are bad words for them.”On her red-carpet demeanor: “People say that I’m miserable all the time. It’s not that I’m miserable, it’s just that somebody’s yelling at me…I literally, sometimes, have to keep myself from crying…It’s a physical reaction to the energy that’s thrown at you.”
On caring: “I hate it when they say I don’t give a shit, because nobody cares more than I do. I’m telling you I don’t know anybody who does this that gives a shit more than I do.”
On Team Edward vs. Team Jacob: “I would never cheapen my relationships by talking about them. People say, ‘Just say who you’re dating. Then people will stop being so ravenous about it.’ It’s like, No they won’t! They’ll ask for specifics.”
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Alice och Victoria dockor
Ny Eclipse still
Vill se mer av detta, vill inte ni det?
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Taylor outtakes från SNL
Eclipse karaktär info
Americas Next top Model goes vampire?
Tyra har låtit de tävlande på Top Model fotas som vampyrer. De fotades i ett blodbadkar med vita linser.
Har den här vampyrtrenden blivit för mycket, eller är det bara roligt?
Eclipse re-shoot

De var tvugna att spela in några scener på nytt, och här är en bild när de håller på och filmar.
Bill Condons meddelande till allihop
Greetings Twihards, Twifans, Twilight Moms, Team Edward, Team Jacob and Team Switzerland,
I just want to say hello to all of you and let you know that I’m stoked to be getting underway on the adventure of making BREAKING DAWN. As you’ve probably heard, I’ve been given a very warm welcome by Stephenie and Team Summit – who are super-focused, as you know, on getting these movies right.
I’m pretty busy bringing myself up to speed on what you already know by heart: I’ve read BREAKING DAWN twice, rewatched Catherine’s and Chris’s movies 2-3 times each, have all four CDs playing in my car, and have Catherine’s notebook, Mark Cotta Vaz’s companion books, and even Volume 1 of the graphic novel here on my desk – a corner of my office is starting to look like Hot Topic. I realize that this barely qualifies me for ”newborn” status in the universe you’ve been living inside for a few years now, but a guy’s gotta start somewhere.
Like many of you, I’ve always been slightly obsessed with vampires, dating back to the prime-time series DARK SHADOWS, which I followed avidly as a kid. But that alone hadn’t been enough to get me interested in making a vampire movie, even though my early screenwriting and directing efforts grew out of a great love for horror movies and thrillers. Since making GODS AND MONSTERS thirteen years ago, however, I’ve been yearning for a return to a story with Gothic overtones.
The wonderful world that Stephenie has created has obviously struck a chord with you, and I don’t think it’s difficult to see why. For me, her characters are simultaneously timeless, yet very modern. Rooted in a beautiful, real landscape with a great sense of place, Bella, Edward, Jacob, and the rest of the Forks/La Push menagerie, experience emotions that are primal, and universal: desire, despair, jealousy – and it all comes to fruition in BREAKING DAWN. This is a final chapter in the best sense; not just wide in scope and scale, but emotionally charged and intense throughout.
I’m a huge admirer of the already-iconic Kristen, Robert, and Taylor, and wanted to be the one to work with them as they face the challenges of bringing your beloved characters to the end of their journeys. Really, what could be more fun than that?
Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them. I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I’ll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. I am excited and grateful to have all of you alongside me for my TWILIGHT journey.
All best,
Bill Condon
P.S. Answer #1: No, there won’t be any musical numbers
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