.. 2010-02-14 | 16:40:32

Nya Eclipse stills (igen)

Det har kommit fyra nya Eclipse stills. Herregud alltså. WOW säger jag bara.

Dock innehåller de för mycket spoilers för att visas upp här.

Klicka dig istället vidare här, på egen risk, för att se bilderna!

.. 2010-02-09 | 20:10:14

Nya Eclipse stills

Det har kommit nya stills från Eclipse, i HQ! Men det är en riktig bildspoiler. Alltså,












OMG! Det är allt jag får fram nu. Herregud alltså. Vem blir INTE sugen på att kolla på Eclipse efter det här? Hoppas att trailern kommer snart.

Herregud. Komihåg att andas!

tack så mycket till tts

.. 2010-02-09 | 20:09:20

Nya Eclipse stills

Det har kommit nya stills från Eclipse, i HQ! Men det är en riktig bildspoiler. Alltså,












OMG! Det är allt jag får fram nu. Herregud alltså. Vem blir INTE sugen på att kolla på Eclipse efter det här? Hoppas att trailern kommer snart.

Herregud. Komihåg att andas!

.. 2010-01-06 | 11:14:23

Tre nya namn på Eclipselistan

Tre nya namn har upptäckts på Eclipselistan.

Monique Ganderton – “Beautiful Vampiress”

Ben Geldreich – “John”
Ben Geldreich

Justin Rain – “Quileute Warrior”

.. 2009-12-11 | 20:33:04

Uppdatering från David Slade


Källa: TF

.. 2009-12-04 | 18:51:59

Fanmade Eclipse poster

Visst är den fin? Jag är inte sådär duktig på att photoshoppa, haha.

Källa: TF

.. 2009-11-28 | 15:12:31

5 saker om Eclipse

Det har inte varit lätt att hitta information om Eclipse då de har försökt att hemlighetshålla projektet så mycket som möjligt, men här kommer 5 saker om Eclipse.

2mqsw3pFact #1: It’s Darker

The brand new poster for Eclipse (åt vänster) hints at a darker tone with its brooding storm clouds. With 30 Days of Night director David Slade at the helm, it’s unsurprising. “Every movie is different because we work with a different director on each one, which I love,” Taylor Lautner tells RT. “David Slade is perfect for the third film because it’s darker. Eclipse was my favourite book.”

Ashley Greene, who plays vampire Alice, tells RT that Slade isn’t just a prince of darkness. “David is actually hysterical,” she laughs, “He has such a dry sense of humour that sometimes you don’t know if he’s kidding or not. Eclipse will be amazing because he has made it far edgier and more dramatic. It’s going to look very cool.”

Fact #2: There Will Be Less “Love Story” and More “War”

“Eclipse isn’t as intimate as Twilight or New Moon,” Robert Pattinson explains to us. “We’re at war, so I get to interact with more characters, not just Kristen. You’ll also find out more about the other members of the Cullen family. It just feels bigger.” But — fear not, Twihards — that isn’t to say the love story is cast aside altogether. “New Moon set up a love triangle with Bella, Edward and Jacob,” says Lautner. “So we explore that further in Eclipse. It’s a tough situation for all of them because Bella is torn between two guys, Jacob can’t get the girl that he loves and then there’s Edward, with all of his issues.”

Fact #3: The Werewolves Will Crank Up the Sex Appeal

“We all know the appeal of the vampire family,” says Nikki Reed, who plays vampire Rosalie. “But the werewolf boys are on a whole different level. They interact with a youthful, playful, comfortable warmth. It’s very sexy.”

As for Pattinson, he admits that his personal jealousy about Taylor Lautner’s newly-ripped physique actually comes in handy for the role. “In Eclipse, Taylor and I have lots of scenes together where we have to be jealous and petty with each other,” he says. “So it helps that I actually do feel inadequate when I see his body, especially because he’s younger than me. He fulfills every criteria of what teenage girls want, physically, in a guy. I felt like a had to prove myself against him.”

Fact #4: There’s More Action

”Filming Eclipse actually changed my life,” says Nikki Reed of the arduous training regime the cast had to endure. ”I have never been so fit — this is the first time in my life I have actually had a bicep. It’s bizarre to compare how we look now to how we all looked in the first movie. The entire cast turned up on set for Eclipse looking super-buff.”

New cast member Bryce Dallas Howard tried to play a prank on the crew during one stunt, but she didn’t count on Pattinson’s awkwardness. ”We had a fight scene where Bryce had to grab my hair,” he laughs. ”So she took a clump of hair from my stunt double’s wig and was going to pretend she had pulled it from my head. She told me to scream and storm off set, but it was so embarrassing. She had this huge clump of hair in her hand, and I was like ‘oww,’ really unconvincingly.”

While the rest of the cast were having fun with stunts, spare a thought for poor Taylor Lautner. ”Eclipse is a lot more physical for my character,” he explains, ”but any time I have any kind of action, I’m a wolf, so it’s all done with CGI. It’s a bummer.”

Fact #5: The Ending Will Be Nicely Set Up For a Fourth – And Perhaps Fifth – Film

There are four books in The Twilight Saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. But Ashley Greene gave RT the strongest indication yet that there might be five films. ”We have finished filming Eclipse and one would assume that, if New Moon does as well as Twilight, then we’ll start filming Breaking Dawn next year,” she says.

”The only thing is, Breaking Dawn is a very large book so it would be a really long movie. We’re thinking they might decide to split it into two parts, like they did with Harry Potter. Either way, we need to get on with shooting them because, unlike Harry Potter, vampires don’t age. So we all need to look the same!”

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-10-29 | 17:31:06

Eclipse filmningen är över


WOW vad snabbt det har gått. Men nu är filmningen över och vi får hoppas på att det kommer lika många spännande klipp från Eclipse som från New Moon.

.. 2009-10-25 | 14:08:19

Ashley twittrar



Nej, jag kan inte heller fatta att det har gått så snabbt.

.. 2009-10-24 | 16:21:23

Eclipse loggan


Här är alltså Eclipse loggan. Som ni ser så skymtar det lite rött ljus. Betyder det att Eclipse kommer att vara mer rödaktig?

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-10-17 | 20:41:11

Kirsten Prout till Eclipse

According to BD Horror News, "Kyle XY" actress Kirsten Prout will play the part of vampire Lucy.

As you may recall, Lucy figures prominently into Jasper's (Jackson Rathbone) backstory, as she helped form a bloodsucker army along with the mood-manipulator's maker Maria and fellow vamp Nettie.

She was later killed by Jasper and Maria after turning on them. In the novel, she is described as tall, blond and pale, meaning the casting of Kirsten couldn't be more spot on.

Tycker ni att hon passar som Lucy? För mig hör hon hemma i Kyle XY som rollen Amanda, men visst passar hon ändå som vampyren Lucy i Eclipse.

Källa: TCA

.. 2009-10-12 | 15:51:49

Eclipse Twitter uppdatering


.. 2009-10-10 | 12:42:39

Bellas hus

De fixar till Bellas hus inför Eclipse filmningen.



.. 2009-10-09 | 21:21:36

Riley i Eclipse

Det här ska tydligen vara en scen för Eclipse då Riley springer iväg från Victoria, och sedan blir biten.

Källa: tca

.. 2009-10-03 | 10:39:43

Tinsel med sitt Emily smink

Såhär kommer alltså Emily att se ut.
Det ser bra ut tycker jag!


Källa: TTS

.. 2009-09-27 | 11:12:26

Eclipse Twitter uppdatering



Mycket twitter-uppdatering nu, men det är bra, ellerhur? För då får vi ju veta lite mer om vad de gör.

.. 2009-09-24 | 16:04:55

Edward och Bella i en volvo

Eclipse on set bilder på Edward och Bella som sitter i en volvo (som ser väldigt mörkgrå/svart ut, och jag tror nästan att den är det)

Källa: TCA

.. 2009-09-20 | 22:07:44

David twittrar: Vargscen

Källa: TF

.. 2009-09-20 | 15:10:43

Från Peters twitter


De spelar in fight-scenen. Härligt! Jag längtar redan.

Källa: TTS

.. 2009-09-18 | 21:50:00

Eclipse bilder

Eclipse: On set-bilder.





Från: TTS

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