.. 2009-10-17 | 20:41:11

Kirsten Prout till Eclipse

According to BD Horror News, "Kyle XY" actress Kirsten Prout will play the part of vampire Lucy.

As you may recall, Lucy figures prominently into Jasper's (Jackson Rathbone) backstory, as she helped form a bloodsucker army along with the mood-manipulator's maker Maria and fellow vamp Nettie.

She was later killed by Jasper and Maria after turning on them. In the novel, she is described as tall, blond and pale, meaning the casting of Kirsten couldn't be more spot on.

Tycker ni att hon passar som Lucy? För mig hör hon hemma i Kyle XY som rollen Amanda, men visst passar hon ändå som vampyren Lucy i Eclipse.

Källa: TCA


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