.. 2010-01-14 | 21:23:32

Ännu en Ashley intervju

Hittade den här korta snutten som mest handlar om kärlek, kan man väl säga? Här är det alltså Ashley (igen) som svarar på frågor via telefon.

Radar: Are we going to see you in some love scenes in Twilight?  We need to see you in an onscreen romance!
Ashley: Hmm, yeh.  There’s a bit of one. Actually I don’t know if I want to so that…You’ll see one, ahh yeh, you’ll see one coming up in my near future.
R: In Eclipse?
A: I’m not telling!  You have to go watch it!
R:Anything with Pattinson?
A: Ohh gross! I think all the Twilight fans would strangle me.
R: You are not really brother and sister.
A: We’re not, but we have that weird brother and sister…I think out of anyone the connection Alice and Edward have and because of their extra abilities, that would be weird.


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